NEW GPC presents bursary awards to NGSA students

The NEW GPC Inc. on Friday awarded bursaries to four students who were successful at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment examination. The recipients of the bursaries were: Joann Singh, Tanika Sam, Simanthra Scott, and Jamaal Wray. At a ceremony held at the company’s Farm, East Bank Demerara headquarters, NEW GPC Inc Chief Financial Officer Ravi Ramcharitar stated that education in today’s high tech environment is critical. “You would find that the manual jobs are becoming fewer. Technology is being employed, and you need educated people to operate systems and…

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Police investigating discovery of cocaine near CJIA fence

By Bhisham Mohamed Three weeks after the discovery of more than 25 kilograms of cocaine at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), officials acting on a tip-off again discovered close to two kilograms of the illicit substance within the aerodrome on Tuesday. The two packets of cocaine were discovered between the Texaco fuel terminal and the New Timehri Handling Service building after airport authorities received a telephone call informing them that someone had thrown a bag over the perimeter fence. Despite a quick response by the police and other drug…

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Cabinet clears US$ 18M contract for specialty hospital

Government has approved a US$ 18.1 million contract for the construction of the much- touted Specialty Hospital to be built at Turkeyen, East Coast Demerara, head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon announced on Wednesday. Guyana Times International was told that the contract was granted to Surendra Engineering. Dr Luncheon said the contract is for the procurement of a contractor for the design, building and equipping the hospital. This announcement comes days after the government and the joint parliamentary opposition approved Supplementary Financial Paper Number Two of 2012, releasing…

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Tragedy and farce

Buxton spite Speaking about Napoleon and to his nephew Louis who succeeded him, Marx noted that history repeats itself, “the first as tragedy, then as farce.” We’re seeing the truism playing out right before our eyes in the pathetic caricature of Rodney in the form of David Hinds calling for the present democratically elected government to be removed ‘by any means necessary’ by Christmas. Rodney in 1979 had been battling the PNC and used the phrase to spark an uprising against a PNC regime that had rigged elections to stay…

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Gy$21.7M market tarmac commissioned at Charity

Minister within the Local Government and Regional Development Ministry Norman Whittaker last Thursday commissioned a Gy$ 21.7 million market tarmac at Charity, Essequibo, as he encouraged vendors to abandon roadside vending. Speaking at the handing over ceremony, Whittaker said the commissioning and the official handing over of the all-weather tarmac is one way government is trying to remove vendors from the roadside. He said the tarmac is very spacious and provides a comfortable selling environment for all vendors. Whittaker called on vendors on the Charity roadside to utilise the new…

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New plans gon ensure medals in Brazil!

Now that de Olympics done, some star athletes from some countries getting multi- million dollar endorsements while others from other countries not even getting their winning sentiments endorsed! While some appearing pun cereal boxes and getting big starring roles in Hollywood, others just boxed into a corner and end up “holding wood!” De focus now is pun doing even better in Rio come 2016. Everybody gon want a different showing there especially de Chinese who come second in de medal count behind de Americans. De Chinese sehin dem can’t compete…

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Gov’t justifies building Gy$35M mining school in Linden

By Reuben Stoby The initial budget for the soon-to-be established Guyana Mining School and Training Centre Inc has been estimated at Gy$ 35 million, which will come from government coffers, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud has said. He also defended his administration’s decision to build the school in Linden which some miners said would be off the beaten track and may just be a token to the restive mining community. The school, which will be located at the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) Minerals Processing Unit (Research…

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A big boost for local businesses

Dear Editor, ‘If I had a million dollars’ is a theme/ title of two very popular songs, and this theme expresses a reality. Many people just cannot move ahead because ‘cash’ is short. Personally, if I had some dough I would have expanded my fishing business. Right now, I sell the catch far too cheaply. This is because I do not have an ‘ice truck.’ Anyway, I am glad for a lot of people, and with some good reasons. The news is buzzing that “… the Caribbean Local Economic Development…

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Trust fund for protected areas will help in ongoing efforts towards sustainable development

Dear Editor, I wish to applaud the governments of Guyana and Germany and Conservation International (CI) for launching a multimillion dollar trust fund, the first of its kind for Guyana, which would see the whole notion of protecting and preserving our environment and wildlife become a reality. The Conservation Trust Fund (CTF), valued at US$ 8.5 million will provide long-term financing for the management of Guyana’s protected areas system (PAS) and will support efforts by the government, along with local communities, to manage such areas. Protected areas are seen as…

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Recycling is too long overdue in Guyana

Dear Editor, I just like this move. The culture here is so bad that people laugh when environmental issues are being addressed. I saw a woman dump the feathers and scraps from her chicken right into the trench. To her, this is a non-issue. My back neighbour raises chicken, and the smell comes my way. He does not give a ‘heck’ about me. He has to earn a living, ‘no matter what’. So, when I hear ‘recycling plant’, I am very upbeat. I am following the news and it is…

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