Chutney Night sets stage for Jamzone Summer Break 2012

Dogged by a number of setbacks, this year’s Jamzone Summer Break got off to good start with the hosting of Chutney Night at the Guyana National Stadium on Saturday evening. The more than 20 artistes who performed at the show delivered stirring acts to the admiration of fans, some dripping wet by the close of the event. From chutney vibes to soca, KI’s “Single Forever” was the song of the night. While some bands performed as expected, some seem more recharged like never before. One such band was the Shakti…

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“To Sir with love” author for Inter-Guiana Festival

As the countdown to the Inter-Guiana Cultural Festival continues, organisers have confirmed that the legendary Earl R Braithwaite is expected to be in Guyana to grace the literary art segment of the festival, which is in its second year. Braithwaite, who gained international acclaim for his novel, “To Sir With Love”, later made into film for the big screen, is a patron of the event and is expected to be on hand to meet and greet fans at several of the events surrounding the literary arts. Arts Coordinator Alim Hussain…

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Miss Jamaica crowned Miss Jamzone International 2012

Miss Jamaica Keri Baylis has outshone eight other beauties to be crowned this year’s Miss Jamzone International Queen amidst a packed National Culture Centre audience in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Baylis also copped four other prizes, including body beautiful, best evening gown, best country presentation and best country dress. Taking the first runner up spot was Miss St Lucia Louise Liza Victor, while the second runner was Miss St Kitts and Nevis Trevicia Adams. Miss Guyana Ayana Harris was given the third runner-up spot and Miss Trinidad and…

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Lindeners start reconstruction of burnt school

The reconstruction of the One Mile Primary School in Linden, which was set ablaze by arsonists last week, began on Sunday when hundreds converged at the burnt out site to dedicate their time and resources toward the initiative. This mega community effort comes one week after the school was torched. Since the blaze which left many in tears, Lindeners have pledged to rebuild the school. With the use of a front-end-loader donated by Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Incorporated (BMGGI), the burnt out site began to clear of all unwanted debris…

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Private Sector calls for more electronic transactions

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) and Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) continue to encourage the use of electronic cash transactions even as armed robberies persist unabated not only against businesses but also civilians. GCCI President and PSC Vice Chairman Clinton Urling remarked that while Guyana is a cash-based society, there is no reason for local business to remain in this stupor. He pointed to initiatives taken through the efforts of the PSC to institute and encourage more frequent use of plastics by businesses and consumers. “At the chamber…

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Religious community against legalising same-sex unions in Guyana

The religious bodies including the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha and the Hindu community at large have strongly condemned legalising same-sex relations, in light of Parliament sending a motion on that subject to a Special Select Committee for deliberations. In an exclusive interview with Guyana Times International, president of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud pointed out that Hindus will steadfastly oppose homosexuality, but at the same time they will not impede on persons’ personal beliefs and democratic rights. “While we stalwartly stand by our religious beliefs, it…

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Opposition slackers

Sponging The opposition captured a one-seat majority in Parliament and declared the beginning of a “new dispensation”. So what differences have they introduced – apart from hogging control of the Speakership and all the committees? I mean there’s nothing new about that old Burnhamite grab for total control, is there? With two admirers of the Kabaka – Trotman as Speaker and Granger as opposition leader, who expected different? Not to mention those two unreconstructed Stalinists Ramjattan and Nagamootoo bringing up the rear. They didn’t change anything about duty-free vehicles, did…

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Gov’t wants all Guyanese to tap into mining wealth

By Reuben Stoby Government is seeking ways in which the success of the gold and diamond mining industry could be shared by all Guyanese, and according to Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud, it would be engaging various stakeholders with the view of making land for mining easily accessible to small miners. “We have recognised that we need to ensure that there is some level of equity in the development of the mining sector. Equity in terms of access to our mineral properties… When I go throughout the country…

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Guyana has experienced an increase in visitor arrivals – GTA

Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh said the country has experienced an increase in visitors’ arrival, and credited this to the success of marketing campaigns and investors’ confidence in the country. He made this pronouncement as he provided an update on the latest arrival figures. “We have recorded a 16.3 per cent increase this year to date in arrivals than last year. For the month of July, there has been an 11.5 per cent increase over last year. And when the final figures are calculated, I am optimistic that…

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Linden pact paves way for more TV stations in community

The nomination of University of Guyana civil engineering lecturer Sherwood Lowe as a member of the National Broadcasting Authority by the People’s National Congress Reform leader, David Granger was prompted by the Linden crisis. “The nomination was prompted by the urgency of the Linden crisis… to ensure one of the fundamental constitutional rights of the Lindeners, the right to receive information,” Granger said. Lowe’s nomination would pave the way for the full constitution of the authority as well as the granting of licences for private radio and television stations, particularly…

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