When duty calls: U.S.-based Guyanese soldier remembers life changing moments on the battlefront

By Danielle Campbell-Lowe When 17-year-old Zhivonnie Edwards enlisted in the United States Army in 1999, nothing prepared her for the life-changing moments behind the frontlines of Afghanistan, where she witnessed the harrowing experiences of colleagues losing their lives and limbs. Edwards, now 30, left Guyana for the U. S. at the age of 14, with the aim of providing a better life for her family. She had attended the Stella Maris Primary School before gaining a place at the Christ Church Secondary School and transitioned easily to the educational system…

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Explore the mysteries of the jungle canopy

The Iwokrama Canopy Walkway lies deep within Guyana’s rarest and most remote rainforest and offers unbeatable nature scenes from over 100 feet above the rainforest floor. The walkway was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). This state-of-the-art canopy walkway cost US$180,000 and its unique construction allows trees to grow normally by using adjustable cables and braces throughout the support structure. It is constructed of aluminium and is suspended by steel cables and built to Canadian outdoor specifications and standards by Greenheart Construction Company of Canada. It is the…

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Notable artists on exhibition at Castellani House

The exhibition, ‘Donald Locke and the Artists of the Independence Era’, is currently on show at the National Gallery, Castellani House. Works from a gifted second generation of Guyanese artists, which now form a significant part of the National Collection, are presented in the main, first floor gallery of Castellani House. These include, in particular, paintings from an influential group that included Donald Locke, Stanley Greaves, Ronald Savory, Michael Leila, all born in the 1930s, and others older, such as Philip Moore and Cletus Henriques, and younger, such as Dudley…

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Booker Bros & Co.

In 1815 when the Congress of Vienna granted Great Britain, France and Netherland divisions of the north-eastern coast of South America, three of the seven Booker brothers: Englishmen Josias, George and Richard were among the first British entrepreneurs to take advantage of the region’s resources. Josias first arrived to begin working as a cotton plantation manager in what was then the British colony of Demerara the very year the Vienna Congress made its ruling. Within two decades, he saw the potential for profits from the flourishing sugar and rum trade,…

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Star Of The Week: Briony Tiwarie (Business Executive)

Born in Bartica and raised in Georgetown, Briony Tiwarie is the eldest of four children. Her parents moved to Georgetown when she was just a few weeks old, and she has lived there ever since – with the exception of time spent abroad pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies. Briony earned her Master’s Degree with Honors in International Business at Nova Southeastern University in Florida, which was provoked by a strong interest in different cultures and business on a global perspective. She believes in thinking locally but acting globally since business…

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Reigning Miss Universe for Guyana visit

Reigning Miss Universe Leila Lopes of Angola will pay a five-day visit to Guyana during next month, to be involved in several aspects of this year’s Miss Guyana Universe pageant, a release from the organiser said. Lopes will arrive in Guyana on September 12 as a guest of McNeal Enterprise and the Tourism Ministry and will depart on September 16, one day after the pageant is held. While there, Lopes is scheduled to meet with President Donald Ramotar and other government officials. She will also visit the Kaieteur Falls, the…

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Gold target surpassed by 21 per cent – Livan

By Lakhram Bhagirat Amid challenges, the mining sector continues to shine with a record-breaking production of 251,000 ounces of gold from January to July of 2012, acting commissioner of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Karen Livan revealed.   “This is 21 per cent above the budget… and the main accomplishment for 2011/ 2012 is the record-breaking gold production of 363,000 ounces by small- and medium-scale producers for the seventh consecutive year from 2005…,” Livan said. She explained that in 2005, the production from small- and medium-scale miners was…

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Some now learning that water don’t stay pun duck!

Following Laurie funeral de other day, some QC girls decide fuh tek on de “mukracker” and put it to it place fuh reporting de wrong thing. Everybody know that such wrong reporting is nothing new fuh de paper. As a matter of fact, it is a staple just like how rice is a staple in food here. Apparently, de paper report and seh how only men from Laurie old school attended he funeral. Well, de girls didn’t tek too kindly to de misrepresentation of de fact that is wasn’t men…

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GuyExpo 2012 expected to be the largest ever – GTA director

Expressions of interest for participation in Guyana’s leading trade fair and exhibition are consistently growing with over 200 exhibitors having already registered for the event slated for September 27 to 30 at the Sophia Exhibition Complex. The event will be held under the theme “Strengthening the Traditional, Embracing the New”. Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) Director Indranauth Haralsingh at a press briefing pointed out that infrastructural work on the exhibition centre has already commenced and includes improvement to the drainage system and enhancement of the compound. Booths expected at the event…

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Linden wants economic stability – Solomon

Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon has told residents that if changes are not made to improve their situation, they must not be afraid to take to the streets a second time. He issued the call while addressing scores of Lindeners at a meeting held at the Palm Tree Cinema Square, Wismar, Linden, on Friday evening. The meeting sought to update the residents of the situation which sparked violent protests over government’s imposed electricity tariff hike, which has since been put on hold, and is being reviewed by a technical team.…

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