More skilled teachers needed in Amerindian communities – Whittaker

Junior Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker and a team recently met with residents of Kimbia, Hururu, Wairuni, and Ibini and distributed solar panels to the communities’ schools and health centres. The team comprised Senior Regional Development Officer Pooran Persaud; acting Regional Executive Officer with responsibilities for Kwakwani and Ituni, Devon Bremner; and personal assistant Raphael Hazel. During the visit, the minister also engaged residents on social issues affecting their villages. Whittaker indicated that the team was well received as well as the panels. “All the communities, the health workers, heads…

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Govt wants court to quash no-confidence motion against Rohee

Government has moved to the High Court in another constitutional motion asking for the no-confidence motion passed by the opposition in Parliament against Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to be quashed. The motion filed by   named David Granger in his capacity of opposition leader and Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman as respondents. The motion said that Resolution Number 18 passed in the National assembly on Monday, July 30 is unlawful, violates the doctrine of separation of powers, null and void as well as unconstitutional. The document also stated that…

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Houselot fraud accused granted Gy$1.7M bail

Two persons, slapped with three joint counts of obtaining money by false pretence, were granted Gy$ 1.7 million bail by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry after they reportedly conned persons of Gy$ 80 million in a major houselot fraud. Danica Griffith, 19, of Lot 23 Seaford Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, and Balkarram Lillie, 23, of Lot 24 North East Grove, East Bank Demerara, made their second appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Friday. On September 6, the duo were arraigned on the three indictable charges, which alleged that between May…

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National Library celebrates 103 years of service to the nation

Sunday, September 9 marked 103 years since the National Library has been providing its services to the people of Guyana. The library, initially called the Carnegie Free Library, was established after entrepreneur, Andrew Carnegie, provided a grant of £ 7000 towards the construction of the institution in 1907. It was later renamed the Georgetown Public Free Library, then the Public Library. In September 1972, the Library Ordinance was amended. As a result, the name Public Library was changed to National Library with dual responsibility for national and public library services.…

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Satiricus has a soft spot for Tacama A-gonsay-so. The fella always says it like he sees it. The problem was that what he ‘saw’ was always so outlandish that poor Satiricus as always wondered whether they lived in the same planet, much less the same country. Take that time he defended the gunmen in Buxton who were gunning down people left, right and centre. “Freedom fighters” he called them! Now he claimed the ‘harassment’ of his old comrade David Hands couldn’t be ‘random’. It had to be a conspiracy. By…

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September angst!

“Patriotism is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime” -Adlai Stevenson As the few students doing history know, a good chunk of the curriculum concerns our Indigenous people. And well, that’s a good thing, because the theme for Amerindian Heritage Month, ‘Embracing Our Identity, Celebrating our Culture’ – is exactly what we should all be doing as Guyanese. Not too coincidentally, this month is also “Education Month”, which was probably chosen because September marks the beginning of the school year. Two weeks…

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Multimillion dollar contracts signed to improve water supply in Linden

Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI), the nation’s supplier of water and sanitation services on Friday, September 14, signed two contracts for civil works which will improve water service provided to customers in Linden. The first contract, which is valued in excess of Gy$ 156 million, is intended for the rehabilitation of mains and the upgrade of the distribution network on the West Bank; the second contract, valued in excess of Gy$ 319 million is meant for similar works on the East Bank. Both contracts were awarded to S Jagmohan Hardware Supplies…

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AFC “education crisis” comment unjustifiable

By Ron Cheong There they go again – the Alliance For Change (AFC) trashing Guyana. Even in the wake of their duplicity regarding the country’s development projects being exposed in the debates, they have tripped right along to promulgating another one of their contrived “crises”. Their objective of the current adventure to maligning Guyanese education – asserting that Guyana’s education system is in crisis. But this time their smear campaign has been interrupted and discredited quite abruptly. And that has been done by the actions of no less a figure…

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Guyana looks to pursue investment opportunities with Mexico

President Donald Ramotar, Cabinet members and diplomats were among those who turned out in their numbers Saturday evening at the Pegasus Hotel to celebrate the 202nd independence anniversary of Mexico. The head of state said as another milestone for Mexico is being celebrated, one should be reminded that their independence began with a dream of having a free independent and united Mexico. “Mexico is a liberated country, constantly growing and a leader in the international community in several respects… Mexico has a lot to be proud of… we (Guyana) share…

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New drug master plan being drafted – Rohee

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee on Monday announced that his ministry is currently working to draft a new Drug Strategy Master Plan that would be used to guide the country’s current and future anti-narcotics activities. Rohee was at the time addressing the opening of a U.S.-sponsored workshop for local drug enforcement agents. Guyana last unveiled a drug master plan in 2005. That plan expired since 2009. The Gy$ 650 million plan had comprised extensive measures to eliminate the scourge of narco-trafficking and its spin-off effects. Since December 2010, Rohee has…

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