Ramotar, IDB head discuss Amaila Falls project

President Donald Ramotar on Monday met President of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Luis Alberto Moreno at the office of the Guyana Mission to the United Nations in New York to discuss several key developmental plans including the Amaila Falls Hydropower project. Following the meeting, the Guyanese head of state explained that the discussions were very fruitful. “We had a very good discussion, we spoke about Amaila and the stage where it’s at…, you know the president of the IDB himself went to China and he has been very helpful…

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Guyanese, Venezuelans accused of ‘cleaning out’ Suriname’s fishing grounds

Suriname’s fishing grounds are being stripped on a large scale by dozens of Venezuelan and Guyanese boats and Suriname’s Navy can hardly stop them. It is unimaginable what these boats are carrying away, Suriname navy commander Marino Acton said. He said that the patrol fleet needs to be strengthened and expanded, because the foreigners sometimes use illegal methods and equipment. The navy can barely patrol the extensive area under question, with just two seaworthy vessels. In addition, only some of the perpetrators are caught. In the past two months, the…

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BCGI signs U.S. multimillion-dollar licence expansion pact

The Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) under the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry on last Tuesday signed a U. S. multimillion-dollar investment with the Bauxite Company of Guyana Inc, a subsidiary of RUSAL, Russia’s aluminium giant, for a 20-year mining licence for Block 38 deposit. The expansion will lead to more jobs, which is a realisation of a promise made by President Donald Ramotar, the ministry said in a release. Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud, Permanent Secretary Joslyn McKenzie, GGMC Board Chairman Eton Chester, acting GGMC Commissioner…

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Ali tells diaspora local tourism industry on the upswing

Tourism, Industry, and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali assured members of the diaspora that the tourism industry is on the upswing in Guyana. The minister was on a whirlwind visit to North America where he met and addressed several groups of persons about the state of Guyana’s tourism and industrial sectors. The minister, who focused his discussions on tourism in particular, stressed how Guyana was on the verge of opening the sector through the many events currently organised and implemented. He brought his audiences up to date on the success of…

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Changing goalposts

Forked tongue Justice Cecil Kennard has just been sworn in as the last member of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the Linden shootings. So you’d think we’re moving towards closure on this issue, wouldn’t you? But perish the thought. In one of the most egregious examples of reneging on their word, APNU announced they’re not satisfied with the terms of reference (ToR) of the CoI!! You heard that right! This is the same APNU that negotiated with the government for interminable weeks, making one demand after another. All to…

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U.S. embassy donates generator to Domestic Violence Counselling Centre

The U.S. embassy’s Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) donated a 32-watt generator to the Domestic Violence Counselling Centre (DVCC) in Region Six on August 20. This is the latest in a series of activities undertaken by the U.S. embassy to support efforts to combat domestic violence in Guyana, the embassy said in a release. HAP Team Director, Marcus Reeder addressed guests during the donation ceremony and emphasised U.S. support for community organisations that seek to improve the lives of Guyanese citizens in the face of domestic violence. DVCC Director, Dr Vishalya…

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President ‘surprised’ at APNU’s reservation of Linden ToR

President Donald Ramotar has expressed surprised that the opposition coalition party the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) has now found fault with the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the independent commission of inquiry into the death of the three protestors in Linden. The APNU had been involved in the process all the way and had approved the document. The coalition members criticised the ToR at a press conference last week Thursday, and speaking to the media on the issue minutes after swearing-in Justice Cecil Kennard as the final member…

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Some people tongue suddenly get tie!

Old people does seh that it gat some who does only see what dem want fuh see just like some boss does only see one person coming late but not de others. Is de same way some people only seeing one side of things even though other things happening right in front dem eyes! People sehin that is “convenience” and “self-interest” and also sehin that de “mukracker” is a good example since conveniently it only carrying negative stories about de country because it gat self-interest in serving de opposition! Despite…

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Caricom candidate elected as new PAHO director

Caribbean Community (Caricom) Chairman and St Lucia Prime Minister Dr Kenny Anthony and Caricom Secretary General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque have expressed their delight at the election of the Caricom candidate Dr Carissa Etienne as the new director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO). According to a Caricom Secretariat release, Dr Etienne, a national of Dominica, was elected from a slate of three candidates who vied for the position on Wednesday, 19 September 2012, by PAHO member states during the 28th Pan American Sanitary Conference, in Washington. She will begin…

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UGBC student population doubles – Samad

An increase in the student population at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus (UGBC), at Tain, has put infrastructural expansion high on the agenda after the commencement of the first semester, the campus director, Professor Diazal Samad said. In a recent interview with Guyana Times International Samad stated that the current student population is close to 1000. “When the people say that UGBC has about 500 students, I don’t read malice in any of that at all; I think it’s just people working with old figures… when I took over,…

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