Level of corruption is being exaggerated

– President urges opposition to use debates to raise allegations President Donald Ramotar on Friday lashed out at opposition political parties for misleading the country and the international community as it relates to the level of corruption in Guyana. The president stated that the “level of corruption” is being exaggerated and taken out of context. Ramotar said corruption practices are nowhere close to the level these political parties say they are. He urged the parties to desist from painting such an image of the country and officials working under his…

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Paper chase

Satiricus wondered how the govt could have been so insensitive to the plight of scribblers. Didn’t they bleed? Didn’t they have feelings? Didn’t they have to wake up in the morning and have roti or saltfish and bake? How were they to be kept off the breadlines unless they got paid for their work. Ah… he knew that most people didn’t think scribbling words was work. Didn’t even his own wife sneer that he was sitting around all day and not bringing home much bacon? How could the govt encourage…

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AFC provides financial support to Region Nine student

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has provided a one-year sponsorship to Patricia Peters of Kumu, Region Nine, to attend the Guyana School of Agriculture. The sponsorship takes care of all financial obligations of the student while at the institution, the party said in a release. Peters, who hails from Kumu in Region Nine, gained entry to the school to pursue a certificate in agriculture. AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo in handing over the cheque to the student said it is a privilege for the party to make the contribution so…

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‘Birds of Essequibo’ – a checklist for bird lovers launched

Guyana is home to many eco and nature tourism attractions which have been getting tourists to the country’s shores and, over the recent past, there has been focus on promoting the country’s birding potential. On Monday, a Checklist of Birds of Essequibo was officially launched, by Director of the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA), Indranauth Haralsingh at the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Commerce. The booklet highlights the many bird species and their locations. The birding checklist was researched and produced by Vice President and Founder of the Guyana Amazon Tropical…

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Who knew?

Two Wednesdays ago, my parents took my brother and me to the Indian Science and Technology Fair and I was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t at all what I expected it to be. I mean, whoever expects to spend an afternoon gushing over science and exclaiming over their physics textbook coming alive!? Not me. I usually moan about being ‘sick and tired’ of hearing how great Newton was. The fellow was like ‘pot salt’ – he poked his nose in every branch of physics! But, the exhibition was really cool. No…

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Behind prison walls

…a murder convict tells of 19 years on death row By Danielle Campbell In 1993, Ganga Deolall was a 33-year-old seaman, living his dreams and enjoying an average life in the countryside. He lived at Lot 11 Unity Street, La Grange, West Bank Demerara with his wife and three young children; ages 10, 11, and 13. However, the events on the night of October 16, 1993 drastically changed Deolall’s life, forever. The body of 29-year-old Yvette Lall washed up at the La Grange koker with a slab of concrete in…

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Gender Equality Commission looking into women’s plight

The Women and Gender Equality Commission is slated to host another round of regional consultations in its quest to highlight the issues stymieing the development of women across Guyana. This disclosure was made on Wednesday by the commission’s chairperson Indranie Chandarpal during a press conference in the boardroom of the unit’s Queenstown office. The countrywide discourse will recommence on October 10, when the commission will meet with regional representatives, stakeholders, government officials and residents of Region Six at the University of Guyana’s Tain Campus in Berbice, to discuss the issue…

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Hope Canal Project 75 per cent complete – Dr Ramsammy

Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy on Friday in the company of National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lionel Wordsworth inspected the progress of work ongoing on the Gy$ 3.6 billion Hope Canal Project geared to reduce flooding on the East Coast of Demerara. The visit was also to advance to the contractors the idea of extending their work hours to guarantee the four components of the project to meet the stipulated June 2013 deadline. In light of the good weather now being experienced, he urged that…

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Guyana will soon up the campaign against chronic non-communicable diseases – Dr Ramsaran

The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), the United States embassy, and the private sector were on Sunday lauded by Health Minister Dr Bheri Ramsaran for the overwhelming support given to the activities being held in observance of the “Caribbean Wellness Month”. At the time, Dr Ramsaran was speaking at the Guyana National Services Ground, Carifesta Avenue where a health fair was in full swing, part of the “Caribbean Wellness Month” initiative held under the theme “Love that Body: Love Life, Stay Healthy, Live Long”. The U. S. embassy and PAHO…

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Irate parent trashes teacher in classroom

– Union launches investigation A Grade Two teacher from the Craig Primary School, East Bank Demerara, was dragged by her hair and thrown on a desk and given a sound thrashing from an irate parent last Thursday. The parent allegedly abused the teacher in front of her students. According to reports, sometime around 12:25h, the irate parent stormed into the classroom looking for another child who had earlier hit her son. After she found the child, she ordered her son to “punch” the other child and that was when the…

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