Guyana signs US$1.6M contract for modern forensic lab

A US$1.688 million contract was on Friday signed by the Home Affairs Ministry and Western Scientific Company for the supply of scientific equipment for the state-of-the-art Police Forensic Laboratory, located at the University of Guyana campus. Witnessing the signing ceremony at the Home Affairs Ministry, Brickdam, were Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, Junior Finance  Minister Juan Edghill, the contracting company’s officials,  acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell and senior police officers. “Thieves should think twice about crimes they want to commit because the police force will soon be equipped with the…

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Gold production in Guyana on “upward trend”

By Samuel Sukhnandan Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud, GGDMA President Patrick Harding (third left) and stakeholders addressing the media on Friday Guyana has recorded another historic first in the gold mining sector after 403, 000 ounces of gold were declared up to December 14th. This figure surpasses last year’s declared production of 350,000 ounces and is likely to increase by the end of the year. The announcement was made on Friday by Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud who credited the achievement to the collaboration between the…

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The Muckraker’s Diaries

Satiricus was elated. He knew it…he always knew it. The Muckraker Glennie was part and parcel of the official opposition. Satiricus always figured from the old backtracker’s actions, he was with the opposition. But now he had the smoking gun that Glennie was as opposition as Ram Jhaat Tan. His wife’s niece Lilawatee (five times removed, but the girl still called him “Poopah”) was in the official opposition’s maid service (Oh…the perks the opposition now had!) and she’d been sent to clean Glennie’s house. Satiricus had the (temporarily) filched diary…

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Political (Im)maturity

Youths astray They say that our future lies in the hands of our youths. If the Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCY) is anything to go by, our future is blighted for sure. Last we heard from these youths (they’re rather loose with the phrase – James Bond’s a youth?? Pleeeease!) they were arguing whether or not they were an arm of APNU. Well, we always said actions speak louder than words. YCT’s the outfit that picketed GECOM bosses’ homes during the poll count – when APNU claimed “skulduggery” was afoot.…

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Gov’t to step up action against illegal miners

By Samuel Sukhnandan As the local gold mining sector continues to blossom, plans are already in place to improve on the current production average and declaration. This is according to the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) President, Patrick Harding. Harding said that this will be possible, as the association with the help of government and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) plans to tighten up on its enforcement strategy in 2013. This will help to reduce the number of illegal miners, especially non-nationals, particularly Brazilians; operating in…

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Christmas Grinches

Civil disobedience Hamilton Green’s a man who can deliver a deeply held anti-government diatribe on any topic faster than the speed of thought. Whatever the subject, we can count on the erstwhile mayor to weigh in – even though his capacity for carelessness with the facts almost amounts to genius. Let’s take the latest tempest in a teacup raised by the owner of the Muckraker, as he pursues his envy-suffused vendetta against Radio 89.5. (He doesn’t seem to realise that he’s giving great publicity to the new station!! Or he’s…

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EZjet refunds are only for tickets purchased in Guyana – Minister Benn

Failed low-cost airline EZjet allegedly owes the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) and the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) more than Gy$5.7 million, according to Transport Minister Robeson Benn, who also asserted that refunds will only be paid to passengers who bought their tickets in Guyana. “Based on the time in which invoices are repaid and dealt with, there are amounts owed to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport of Gy$2.6 million and Guyana Civil Aviation Authority of Gy$3,185, 742,” Benn said. Benn’s revelation came after he was grilled by A…

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187 graduate from BIT project in New Amsterdam

The Board of Industrial Training (BIT) last Friday, held a graduation ceremony at the New Amsterdam Town Hall, Berbice, for 187 persons who successfully completed training in more than 21 occupational areas under the National Training Project for Youth Empowerment (NTPYE). BIT offers six months of free training for persons aged 16-20 years in various courses and for heavy-duty equipment operators in the 18 to 35 years age range. The training was done at 28 locations in Berbice, and catered for school dropouts and unemployed persons.  Some of the courses…

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Courts or streets?

No lawyer Mark Archer, APNU’s communications officer, says he’s lost count of the number of times the AG has resorted to the courts because of the actions of the opposition in the National Assembly. Is Archer missing some fingers? The opposition’s apologist is deliberately playing the fool. The question really is “Why is the opposition so determined to violate the constitution and run roughshod over the executive?” Just because they have a one-seat majority in the Assembly, does the opposition now believe they are greater than the Constitution?” Let Archer…

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AFC calls for urgent appointment of substantive Chancellor, Chief Justice

The Alliance For Change (AFC), has called for the urgent appointment of a substantive Chancellor of the Judiciary and a Chief Justice. It also warned that the Attorney General’s frequent court actions against decisions made by the Parliament is placing undue burden on the already stretched judiciary. In a statement on Monday, the party said Article 122 of the Constitution states: “All courts and all persons presiding over the courts shall exercise their functions independently of the control and direction of any person or authority; and shall be free and…

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