Based on evidence so far Rohee not implicated – Linden CoI Chairman

With controversy swirling around, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, and his alleged connection with the deaths of Allen Lewis, Ron Somerset, and Shemroy Bouyea on July 18, one of the commissioners of inquiry indicated that no evidence have been provided to implicate the minister in the shooting. This statement was made by former Jamaican Chief Justice and commission chairman, Lensley Wolfe on Wednesday after he was asked by Attorney Nigel Hughes whether the minister had been summoned to appear in court. However, the commissioner stated that the matter has not…

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Bullets that killed Linden trio not used by police – UK ballistics expert confirms

By Lakhram Bhagirat The ammunition recovered from the July 18 shooting at Linden is different from the regular ones issued by the police, English ballistics expert, Dr Mark Nicholas Robinson told the commission of inquiry probing the shooting incident. This revelation has led many to believe that the shots which killed the three people during the protests in Linden were fired by someone else, thereby vindicating the police from any wrongdoing as far as the deaths are concerned. This new explosive evidence would be a slap in the face of…

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Missing in Action

Satiricus was a bit puzzled. This was not an unusual situation for Satiricus. He did admit that he wasn’t the brightest bulb around. But he wondered what had happened to Ram Jhaat Tan? With all the missiles and bottles and fires flying from Linden to Agricola, he’d expected to have the Jhaat, as Satiricus called him fondly, in the thick of things, stirring the cauldron. But here it was only NoGel and Naga Man were taking all the limelight. “Ram Jhaat Tan is yesterday news,” smiled Hari. “Like you forget,…

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Shot pensioner details what occurred on the day of Linden shooting – Protestors were blocking road

Linden inquiry hears Sixty-one-year-old seamstress Janice Burgan, who was shot during the Linden mayhem, testified on Wednesday that she was helping to place debris on the roadways when she was injured. She gave her testimony as the Commission of Inquiry into the July 18 Linden shooting continued at the Law Library of the High Court. She said that, on July 18, around 09: 30h, she left her home to go to the Mackenzie/ Wismar Bridge to join the protest and, when she arrived there about 30 minutes later, there were…

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“We cannot allow persons to cause mayhem and confusion in the society”

– police issue stern warning to protestors The Guyana Police Force on Tuesday issued a stern warning to lawless protesters at Agricola to desist or face the consequence in the wake of Monday night’s attempt to block the public road again. In a statement, police said it respects the rights of all citizens to protest peacefully on issues of concern to them and the force has no objection to persons conducting peaceful protests. “However when protests degenerate into a series of unlawful acts infringing on the rights of other citizens…

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“We need to engage our young people more” – Rev Gilbert

By Samuel Sukhnandan The social development officer attached to Office of the President, Dr Kwame Gilbert is urging government and civil society to work towards redirecting the energies of youth involved in gangs, with the aim of enabling the development of positive behavioural patterns and social change in society. Dr Gilbert told Guyana Times International last Thursday that while society may seek to reduce the creation of gangs, it must find ways also of engaging existing gangs, with the intention of helping them to bring positive changes for themselves. Some…

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Fall Guy?

The news that real estate broker, Ed Ahmad , pleaded “guilty” to “bank and wire fraud that included conspiracy” to defraud various lending institutions by doing false appraisals of the values of properties, created quite a stir in his native Guyana and in their large expatriate community centred in Richmond Hill Queens, New York. But behind the sad denouement in this Horatio Alger, Guyanese-American success story, lie a larger tale of a dysfunctional financial system that facilitated the fall but one which the authorities refuse to fix. Ed Ahmad’s rise…

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NEW GPC CEO slams Stabroek News’ report on bids for anti-malarial drugs – says report is malicious

NEW GPC INC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop on Wednesday slammed a Stabroek News report captioned “NEW GPC mum on quotation for malaria drugs supply”, noting that the media entity is seeking to malign his company through the “malicious” article. In a statement, Dr Ramroop said he was contacted by a reporter attached to Stabroek News at approximately 18: 22h on Tuesday. The reporter, he said, incredibly demanded information on why the company’s bid was higher than IPA’s. According to Dr Ramroop, he informed the reporter that at…

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Political Opposition putting Guyana under siege – Ramsammy

By Michael Younge Senior government minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy is warning Guyanese to take note of the slowly unfolding plot of the opposition political parties to make Guyana ungovernable under the ruling party, while simultaneously seeking to “grab power to become government through the backdoor”. Dr Ramsammy was at the time speaking during an exclusive interview with Guyana Times International Monday evening as he expressed grave concern over the continued spate of terror at Agricola, Greater Georgetown. Ramsammy said that the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for…

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Japan exploring oil, gas investments in Guyana

A 12-man team from Japan’s Information Center for Petroleum Exploration and Production (ICEP) is on a two-day research mission to explore oil and gas investment opportunities in Guyana. The purpose of the mission is to provide the information gathered to the 29 ICEP member companies seeking viable opportunities for funding investments in the sector. The team met with Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud on Monday, who gave his commitment to work with the mission. “They will be having a technical workshop with our technical staff going through the…

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