GuySuCo set to surpass production target

– more focus to be placed on packaged sugar Another milestone will be achieved in the local sugar industry, as the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) expects that by the end of this week, sugar production for this crop will reach 100,000 tonnes. Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy, in an exclusive interview Monday, told Guyana Times International that when this feat is achieved, the country would have produced 172,000 tonnes of sugar thus far for this year. This will exceed the projected production of 160,000 tonnes of sugar for this crop,…

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“I see nothing wrong with blocking the bridge”

– APNU MP tells Linden inquiry By Vahnu Manikchand A Partnership for National Unity Member of Parliament Desmond Trotman told the Linden Commission of Inquiry on Monday that he did not consider the blocking of the Wismar-Mackenzie bridge during the July 18 unrest in the community to be unlawful. He said the action by residents was necessary to call attention to their hardship. Trotman, giving his testimony before the commission, said on July 18 about 07: 45h he, along with others, left the APNU office in a minibus and headed…

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Linden farmer talks about his love for the fields

“If you pay me a million dollars tomorrow, per month, to go and do any other job, you wouldn’t find me doing it, but as long as its farming, I’m there.” By Utamu Belle Farmer Yogeshwar Rambharrat seems like the average man next door, with his down-to-earth manner, but there is nothing average about what this typical son of the soil does for a living. For over 40 years, he has been a farmer, a job title which means much more to him than throwing or sticking seeds down into…

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Laziness or licks?

Satiricus’s jaw had dropped. What the heck was this? He liked Obama as much as any person-of-colour in Guyana, but ADJOURN PARLIAMENT FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS TO LOOK AT THE LAST OBAMA-ROMNEY DEBATE?!!!??? What had Guyana come to? The opposition had insisted on a two-and-a-half month holiday (with full pay!) and this was their first day back. Yet they deferred several bills, including the one they’d made so much noise about – the President Benefits and Other facilities Bill – to traipse home? “Ha!” snorted Cappo, “But notice dem eat de Gy$…

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Why all the big fuss over Chris Brown performing in Guyana

Dear Editor, I write this letter to urge all young people, young music lovers and fans of R&B artiste Chris Brown to condemn this nasty, dishonest and deceptive campaign being waged by a few individuals and organisations in Guyana. Playing out before our eyes, is what is in my view an attempt to use Brown’s well publicised indiscretion against his former partner to deny the promoters much needed government support, which is necessary if top tier entertainers of this nature are to ever perform in Guyana. It is laughable that…

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Guyana scoring in nursery education

Dear Editor, The recent pronouncement from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) programme officer is a good one for Guyana in terms of the delivery of nursery education. Globally, 1.7 million children of preschool age are not in preschool. However, Guyana has almost 80 per cent attendance at nursery education. UNICEF is in tandem with the Ministry of Education. Its current theme of “Finishing School, a Right for Children’s Development” is really a fitting corollary to Guyana’s “Transforming the Nation through Inclusive Education.” This explains why hard work continues to…

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Obama won final debate but presidential race remains close

Dear Editor, In my analysis, President Obama won the third and final debate on foreign affairs as was expected.  Guyanese and other Caribbean people I spoke with and my students also feel Obama won handily.  Before the debate, we all thought Obama had the advantage because of his experience. Foreign Affairs is Obama’s strong point with his four years experience as Commander-in-Chief and everyone expected him to show off his skills and he did so quite competently.  He belittled Romney several times especially over horses and bayonets and submarines. But…

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Non-adherence to safety regulations caused Aranka deaths

– Minister urges self regulation Non-adherence to safety regulations caused the deaths of three persons and the injuries of two others in the Aranka area on October 3, 2012. This was revealed on Wednesday when the report on the investigation was handed over to Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment Robert Persaud. The investigation was conducted by  Kampta Persaud, Deputy Commissioner (Technical) of Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC); Colin Sparman of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA); Charles Ogle, Chief Labour Officer, Ministry of Labour and…

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Close contest expected in Queens’ congressional race

By North American Correspondent A close contest is expected in the battle for the 6th Congressional District seat in Queens where many Guyanese Americans reside.  A poll released last week shows that the Democrats are way ahead of the Republicans for the November 6 election. However, another poll shows Republican Councilmember Dan Halloran is almost neck and neck with his Democratic opponent Grace Meng.  Meng is the first Chinese American to seek a Congressional seat in New York state and from the Northeast U.S. Halloran’s poll, conducted by McLaughlin &…

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The bidding to fight malaria

Sometimes the forest is not seen because of the trees. Often times it may be due to a deliberate refusal to step back and see that larger picture. This appears to be the case in the insistence of some in the local media houses, especially the Kaieteur News and the Stabroek News, not to examine the government’s procurement practice as it relates to pharmaceuticals, in a dispassionate and objective fashion. And of course, most opportunistically, the opposition politicians jump in. Concerns about government procurement worldwide are undoubtedly valid. The experience…

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