From the brink of destruction to an abundance of freedom

– Attorney General Anil Nandlall speaks of the struggles of the PPP/ C to liberate Guyana Celebrations in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) in office continued last week at Fort Wellington, Region Five, where hundreds of school children, regional officials and residents gathered to recall the struggles for freedom and reflect on the progress that has been achieved over the past two decades. Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall, who participated in the activities, spoke on the history of the…

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Agricola mayhem a threat to national security

–govt says it holds AFC particularly responsible Government on Monday accused the opposition political parties, in particular the Alliance For Change (AFC), for provoking mayhem in Agricola, East Bank Demerara on October 11. “The government views these events to be directly attributable to instigations, urgings, and actions of the Alliance For Change and the APNU (A Partnership for National Unity). We hold the AFC, in particular, responsible and accountable for the disturbances,” Prime Minister Samuel Hinds said in a statement in the House. “… this cannot be viewed as anything…

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Parenting workshops target truancy, school dropouts in Guyana

The Labour, Human Services and Social Security Ministry is empowering parents to better support their children by ensuring that they complete secondary school. The latest initiative, the government’s School Retention and Child Labour Prevention Programme includes a series of workshops targeting parents in the Kuru Kuru, Soesdyke area in an effort to develop their parenting skills. The objective of the project – being executed by the ministry with support from the ILO/ IPEC Tackling Child Labour Through Education (Tackle) Project–is to empower parents to prevent children becoming victims of child…

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Peek-a-boo, Naga

Satiricus was puzzled. He knew when little kids covered their eyes they really believe you can’t see them. That’s why they like to play ‘peek-a-boo’… I see you! Some politicians must have the mental development of those kids when they try to cover their lies with some words and think people can’t see what they’re up to. Were they then “innocents”or  “retards”, Satiricus wondered, as he listened to the Naga Man cussing out Ram Sammy and Man Zoor. “It’s a shame,” Naga Man screamed, “Members of the party (PPP) should…

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Damage control

Passing the buck Chandradass Persaud is part of the AFC Berbice leadership. Like Nagamootoo, he’s a latecomer to the bar. Big men sitting with kids in “Lil ABC”. He’s the fella who sued some lady for slapping him at a cultural event. No gentleman this! Typical hick behaviour. Anyhow, Chandradass has joined the frenetic attempts of one faction of the AFC to distance themselves from the Agricola violence, which rained down on thousands of poor and helpless schoolchildren during their “protests”. Which faction? Not the one headed by Nigel Hughes,…

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Essequibians to get state-of-the-art agriculture school

By IndrawattIe Natram Minister within the Agriculture Ministry Ali Baksh on Saturday announced that a state-of-the-art agriculture school with a dormitory will be constructed on the Essequibo Coast. Baksh, who was at the time addressing scores of students of the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) Essequibo branch, said the government will be investing over Gy$ 100 million in the project. The school will target students from the Essequibo Coast, Wakenaam, Leguan and Region One, who are pursuing a diploma in agriculture science or forestry. The minister said the government has…

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People sehin that Khemraj frighten Moses!

People talking about plenty things right now. Dem talking how de Big Market paper and it colleague in de business trying fuh “tag-team” a certain prestigious company. People sehin that is sheer jealousy because whenever somebody or something doing good, people does try fuh pull dem down. Dem seh is easy fuh understand when yuh look at how crab does try fuh climb up de side of a barrel! Dem also talking about what Moses talking about. Apparently, somebody bust open he bag when he was given de task of…

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Adolescent health

By Jainarine Deonauth On October 11, the world marked the first ever International Day of the Girl Child under the theme, “Ending Child Marriages”. While child marriages are not a major problem in Guyana, it is still very necessary that mechanisms be put in place whereby persons can access accurate and up-to-date information about sexual and reproductive health in general. This is important as it would empower persons, especially young people, to make informed choices about their own well-being. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been at the forefront in…

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On death row… 27 years and counting

 – victim’s family forgives killers By Danielle Campbell-Lowe It is a story of the brutal murder of a young, promising 19-year-old girl and the unimaginable forgiveness extended to her condemned killers. Tariq Kassim was just 18-years-old when his sister, Roshana Kassim was raped and killed at Sheet Anchor, East Canje, Berbice, but he was old enough to experience the pain and anguish associated with her tragic death. He was overwhelmed by the agonising ache of his parents’ broken hearts and felt the cold, emptiness which enveloped the home after she…

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Gy$5.4M being spent to rehabilitate aquaculture farm at Anna Regina

The Agriculture Ministry is presently spending some Gy$ 5.4 million to rehabilitate seven fishing ponds, as well as re-fencing and renovating the administrative building at the aquaculture farm in Anna Regina on the Essequibo Coast. The investment by the ministry will see a significant boost in the fishing sector on the Essequibo Coast and will offer aquaculture farmers a new variety of tilapia fish. Minister within the Agriculture Ministry, Ali Baksh on Saturday visited the aquaculture compound and inspected ongoing works. According to him, the contract has been awarded jointly…

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