Berbician sentenced to death by hanging

A Rose Hall Town man was on Wednesday sentenced to death by hanging by Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire after a mixed jury found him guilty of murder. Herman “Shark Oil” Ali was convicted of murdering Roydel Sandy, 41, on October 5, 2006, at Rose Hall Town. The trial was the first for the October session for the Berbice Assizes. During the trial, the state called 11 witnesses, who gave testimony which convinced the jury that Ali did commit the act. Earlier this year, before another judge, a jury failed to come…

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Citizens Bank opens branch at Charity

Citizens Bank on Monday opened a branch at Charity on the Essequibo Coast, providing much  needed services to the business community and residents there, the North West District and Pomeroon. Citizens Bank Chairman Clifford Reis said the bank is pleased to introduce its services at Charity as the community is home to primarily gold miners and agro-processors/farmers. He said the bank saw the struggles miners, farmers and residents endure to access the bank located at Anna Regina and felt compelled to respond to their need. “Citizens Bank is different, we…

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Ecuadorian-registered plane was fitted with extra fuel tanks, disguised as Venezuelan

The Ecuadorian-registered aircraft seized Monday in Guyana’s interior was fitted with extra fuel tanks and its registration number changed to a Venezuelan one, authorities said Wednesday. Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon said the extra tanks and pumps were an indication that the plane was about to go on a long-haul flight from the illegal airstrip at Pirara, North Rupununi. “What was discovered at the airstrip where the aircraft was found was a modification for extended flying and an effort to disguise its registration, a modification to permit…

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Braving the challenges of breast cancer: A survivor speaks

Participants at a breast cancer awareness walk Love, compassion, affection, feminine energy, motherhood, youthfulness, peace, spiritual healing, relieved tension, emotional healing and harmony are some words that are symbolic with the colour pink. On the health scene, the pink ribbon represents breast cancer awareness. The pink ribbon in general identifies the wearer with breast cancer awareness and indicates expressions of support for women with the illness. In 1991, the Susan G Koman Foundation handed out pink ribbons to participants in its New York City Race for breast cancer survivors. The…

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Bharrat Jagdeo: The journey of a World Champion

Former president of Guyana Bharrat Jagdeo Bharrat Jagdeo, former executive president of Guyana now holds a number of global leadership positions in the areas of sustainable development, green growth and climate change. The achievement of this goal began with his presidency; although he was sought after by the World Bank even before the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) came to power in 1992. He, however, chose to serve his country first. Born in Unity Village on the East Coast of Demerara in 1964, Jagdeo obtained a master’s degree in economics, from…

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Drama, Drama, Drama!

“I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being” – Oscar Wilde The Greeks, originator of the western tradition of theatre, used the public staging of plays to provoke discussion on and the transmission of, cultural values, as far back as 500BC. We can still benefit from the readings of say, Euripides, Sophocles and Aeschylus. A week ago, I attended one of the performances…

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Cabinet approves more than Gy$200M for purchasing of original text books

More than Gy$200M has been approved for the procurement of textbooks to be distributed to students in the public school system, but Government may have to appeal to the National Assembly for increased funding to maintain the level of coverage normally applied. This was revealed by Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon at his post-Cabinet press briefing on Wednesday. Dr. Luncheon conceded that since the cost of sourcing original texts not printed in Guyana would be more than acquiring them locally or acquiring photocopied versions, there would be…

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Back door power

Speaker Rafael Trotman had some seemingly placatory words for the three political parties that sit across the benches in the National Assembly. But when you look behind all the platitudes about “democracy” and “sacred trust”, what you butt up against is just another ploy to strip power from the elected PPP government of the day. Trotman declared he wants “the National Assembly… (to) be the central hub from which democracy radiates outwards.” For ‘democracy’ read ‘power’ and you’ll see where he’s coming from. Ever since the opposition got their one-seat…

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Blocking a public bridge cannot be regarded as peaceful protest

Dear Editor, I am really bothered by what one member of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) told the Linden Commission of Inquiry during his interrogation session. He emphatically explained that he did not consider the blocking of the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge, during the July 18 unrest in the community to be unlawful. He said this action was necessary so as to call attention to their hardship. Can someone, for any reason, do what he wants regardless of the consequences just to get the attention of someone? I think not. Currently,…

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Hinterland development depends on ‘taking in the services’

Dear Editor, I am no longer fearful of visiting the hinterland. This used to be the case all of my life. Access to high quality healthcare services is now on the increase in the interior. Delivery of all this took a lot out of government, but it was in keeping with local and international goals. Over the last five to 10 years, there have been many noticeable developments in Regions One, Seven, Eight and Nine, including health posts, centres and regional hospitals. Soon Baramita, in Region One, will benefit from…

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