Gov’t provides clarity on ownership of Marriott Hotel

Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr Roger Luncheon, on Wednesday sought to clarify some misconceptions regarding the future Marriott Hotel in Guyana. Addressing questions regarding the ownership and control of the hotel, Dr Luncheon stated that the Atlantic Hotel Incorporated (AHI) is the owner of all the assets “hotel, entertainment centre, the entirety; they are the owners.” The HPS further stated that “Guyana will manage it for a consideration. Both the hotel and the entertainment centre would be managed by brand name firms, who will bring to the shores of…

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The real Agricola e-mails

Satiricus was trying to fall asleep. He’d just finished reading a letter in the papers from the Naga Man. He was explaining why he and his buddies couldn’t be behind the Agricola Mayhem. A terrible thing that – the terror that had been inflicted on so many thousands of people. Why, even his friend Bungi’s children had been robbed and beaten! They were still crying about it. Anyhow, the Naga Man said he was printing all the e-mails he and his KFC pals were busy with the night of the…

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Community support needed to build a better Guyana

– Local gov’t minister tells residents of Berbice River Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Ganga Persaud, led a team on an outreach to several communities on the Berbice River, Region Ten over the last weekend as government ministers continue their meetings with residents in several regions. Minister Persaud and team visited the villages of Malali, Muritaro, Coomacka, 47 Miles and Great Falls villages to interact with residents on transcending development as it pertains to the communities, and the country as a whole, during which he underscored the impact…

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Opposition fiddling with Jagdeo’s pension vindictive – HPS

Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon said the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) using their one-seat majority in the House to decide what benefits former President Bharrat Jagdeo must have is purely vindictive. Speaking at his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing at the Office of the President, the Cabinet secretary said pensions and the right to pensions are moral issues and should not be threatened by the opposition. He noted that the right to pension is one that was inherited and there should be no…

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Guyana’s tourism industry

November has been designated “Tourism Awareness Month” in Guyana. The focus appears to be on those individuals and institutions behind the yeoman efforts to develop our tourism sector. In other words, according to our minister of tourism: “to highlight the accomplishments of the sector; to disseminate information; to educate; to reward and recognise individuals, communities and organisations for their sterling contribution towards the development of tourism in Guyana.” There is no question that in the traditional tourist trade that has sustained so many of our Caribbean neighbours, there is much…

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The Obama Victory

When it came down to the crunch, the race was not nearly as close as the polls and political pundits had indicated. Obama had won handily and Romney, who entered the evening boasting that he had prepared only a victory speech, was forced to issue a terse concession statement just after midnight, with the Florida race still up in the air. Without taking away anything from Obama, his victory has to be seen due as much to doubts about the bona fides of his opponent Romney, as to his performance…

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Gains made must be maintained – Duncan

Over the past 22 years, workers have enjoyed a series of benefits through negotiations and deliberations between the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and the government. The federation hopes to continue to see all workers enjoy these benefits, however, it is concerned with the present situation in the country, FITUG President Carvil Duncan said. He stated that their fourth Delegates’ Conference is being called at a time when the democracy in Guyana, which the working class once enjoyed, is now being threatened. Duncan explained that this is…

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Ramotar congratulates Obama on “well deserved” victory

– Gov’t says it is committed to strengthening relations with the U.S. Guyana’s President Donald Ramotar Guyanese leader, Donald Ramotar, on Wednesday expressed his congratulations to Barack Obama on his re-election as president of the United States. “I take this opportunity publicly to express my congratulations on a hard fought and well deserved victory,” Ramotar stated briefly at a trade union event on Wednesday morning. On Tuesday evening Prime Minister Samuel Hinds had attended a reception at the residence of the U.S. Ambassador, Brent Hardt, in Georgetown, where he had…

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Internal conflict brewing in AFC camp – senior member

– party’s “big three” seem concerned only with power and control Another leadership duel is taking place within the camp of Guyana’s third largest political party, the Alliance For Change (AFC), that is having a debilitating impact on its grassroots support, image and credibility. The party holds eight seats in Parliament. A senior member of the AFC, who spoke with Guyana Times International on Tuesday on condition of anonymity, claimed that the internal conflicts are so many that quite soon some leaders may be engaged in a “fist fight”, as…

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