Linden Town Week 2013 aims to be more community-oriented

Plans for Linden Town Week (LTW) 2013 are currently on stream with the selection of a new planning committee, comprising members of the Linden Mayor and Town Council (M&TC) Social Committee. The event showcases the talents of the mining town, and is usually held between April and May, every year. According to organising committee member Staydon Payne, persons can look forward to a better event next year since the focus has shifted to having a high quality event. “Next year, we’re not going for a large number of events, the…

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New land surveyors encouraged to see themselves as pioneers – four graduate

The work of the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GLSC) will be boosted as four new land surveyors took the oath, before Natural Resources and Environment Minister, Robert Persaud who encouraged them to see themselves as development pioneers for Guyana. The surveyors who endured a rigorous one-year training session came out successful out of the batch of 17 who took the examination from September 10-13, 2012. Speaking on the importance of the profession, they were reminded by the Natural Resources Minister to make a meaningful contribution, as the scope for…

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Calm before (next) storm

Oppose and depose It’s when a rat’s cornered, it’s most dangerous. It’ll strike at anything in its frustration. It’s the same with political parties. The recent ignominious humiliations inflicted on the opposition AFC hit them where it hurts most – loss of credibility with their constituents. Expect them to hit back soon – and viciously. Completely unconcerned about the damage to the society and relations between the people of this country. When hit by APNU’s re-capture of the votes they’d filched in 2006, they were quiet and bided their time.…

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Guyana has made significant strides on women’s issues

– Webster tells Inter-American Commission of Women Assembly The Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) has issued a resounding call for countries to allocate the necessary financial and human resources to curb violence against women. At the 36th Assembly of Delegates of the Inter-American Commission of Women, which was held in San José, Costa Rica, from October 29 to 30, Guyana was represented at that forum by Human Services and Social Security Minister Jennifer Webster. Human Services and Social Security Minister Jennifer Webster According to the San José Declaration on the…

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I support heavy penalties for reckless drivers

Dear Editor, In the very recent past, I have been most enthused, this is because serious measures are being taken regarding the terrible local traffic situation. This case in point is that two men appeared before the magistrate in Linden, and were granted bail (Gy$1 million each) for the indictable offense of causing death by dangerous driving. The two defendants, aged 19 and 37, are accused of causing the death of someone on June 23, after the motor vehicles they were in at the said time were involved in a…

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Investment in cage culture fish rearing welcome

Dear Editor, Aquaculture is on the rise in Guyana and is so far proving to be a successful venture for many who have invested in the sector. Research is being completed on cage culture fish rearing with the aim of offering farmers who live in remote locations a chance to embark on this venture. To date, investments by government have seen aquaculture farmers benefiting from the distribution of quality fingerlings for local consumption and exports, as was seen with over 86,000 fingerlings, produced last year at the Satyadeow Sawh Aquaculture…

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The government is highlighting the importance of knowing

Dear Editor, The National Assembly, with support from the United Nations Development Programme, has organised a course in legislative drafting for parliamentarians. It is a workshop that is expected to bring together about 20 members of Parliament, along with five staff members of the National Assembly. Areas of emphasis are the legislative function, oversight function, representative functions of Parliament, the secretariat and staff services, parliamentary strengthening instruments, international relations, gender equality, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) strengthening of Parliament. If the word is true, then I like what I…

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ANSA McAL’s success a testimony to Guyana’s economic stability

Dear Editor, It is surprising indeed that, all of a sudden, 20 years have gone by since ANSA McAL has been doing business in Guyana. Its success is no doubt attributable to continuous investment in research and development, employee dedication and commitment to customers. These were the words of the Group Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Anthony Sabga. I believe Guyana’s stable economic climate played a major role as well. Evidence is in abundance that Guyana is really on the move: better quality of life, improvements and expansion in the…

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Freddie’s flagrant contradiction

Dear Editor, I just cannot make sense of Freddie Kissoon’s many contradictory utterances. I get the feeling that he has an anti-People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) agenda and will pursue it even if his pieces are most untenable. Kissoon wrote that he travelled to Parika to listen to market vendors who were crying because scores of police swooped down on dozens of vendors. So then, should these vendors be allowed to flout regulations eternally? They were warned and provided for, but their stubbornness persisted. Alas, if the government should renege on…

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The Big Lie

Tell a lie long enough… It was Hitler who first talked about the potential of the “Big Lie”. Tell a stupendous whopper and people won’t dare think anyone would be so “barefaced” to lie on such a scale. Hitler’s propaganda minister, Goebbels was to later refine the technique: “tell a lie so often, eventually everyone ends up thinking it’s the truth”. Mark Archer, the ‘communications officer’ of APNU served under David Granger in the GDF – notice the military-style designation? Granger’ responsibility was indoctrinating GDF officers into swearing personal fealty…

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