Arrogance and shame

Losing it Nigel Hughes fooled himself he was big and bad. In the courtroom, he would browbeat poor witnesses who obviously didn’t have his knowledge of the arcane legal matters he would raise. Well on Thursday, he met his match – and then some. In a repeat performance in the Linden CoI, he tried to ‘rumble’ against Senior Superintendent Hicken – a fellow second only to Rohee on Hughes’ “hate list”. By now it’s become obvious that “truth” as to what led to the death of the Linden Three is…

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Several Amerindian villages receive sport gear

The Amerindian Affairs Ministry as part of its goal of encouraging sport development and promoting community activities and youth development within the hinterland, recently presented a quantity of sporting equipment inclusive of cricket balls, bats, pads, footballs, and nets to several Amerindian villages in Region Eight. Kato, Kurukubaru, Kamana, Kopinang and Waipa were on the receiving end of this contribution. The items were handed over when Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai and team visited the communities, from October 24 to 26. Government has been focusing on encouraging the development of…

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AFC, APNU clutching at straws

– AG condemns plan aimed to discredit work of the CoI Attorney General Anil Nandlall The government has placed the nation on notice that the combined opposition political parties are up to mischief again, saying it has begun a rather sinister campaign aimed at discrediting the work of the Linden Commission of Inquiry (CoI), even before any final recommendations are made after it wrapped up its work on Friday. Attorney General (AG) and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall has since strongly condemned attempts by opposition news personalities utilising blogs and…

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GDF suspends two officers amid controversy

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) on Monday confirmed that due to the controversial issue surrounding two female ranks at one of its locations, a decision was made to have them suspended. A representative of the GDF public relations department could not say how long is the suspension handed down to the two officials, but stated based on the complaint received, recommendations were made for them to be counselled. The official refuted claims that the two ranks were dismissed, and revealed the possibility exists that they might have to appear before…

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Georgetown hospital launches probe into infant’s death

The Georgetown Public Hospital has launched an investigation into the death of a seven-month-old baby who mysteriously died on Monday while receiving medical attention at the Accident and Emergency Unit. In a press release, the hospital indicated that the investigation would seek to unearth the circumstances that led to the death of Jaheim Niles of 4643 Rasville, Roxanne Burnham Drive, Georgetown. The hospital also used the opportunity to express condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased, noting that no death is acceptable. Distraught family members on the other…

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Lindeners see prosperity in agriculture

– but proposed project needs funding The Linden Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Development said it will soon release a five-year strategic plan and an agriculture pilot project aimed at transforming the town’s economic landscape, but these ambitious  visions lack one important component; a definite source of funding, creating a sense of uncertainty. Linden Chamber Vice Chairman Noland Walton made this announcement in the presence of the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer Gerald Whittington and Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Clinton Urling, during a recent visit to the city. Speaking with…

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The sacred passion to serve humanity

Nuns talk about what it’s like to be living a life of celibacy By Danielle Campbell From left: Sisters Judith, Admirabilis and Mary Kenneth There are not very many people who can go a week without money or sex. In fact, few persons would dedicate their lives solely to be of service to others and volunteer to grow old with a group of women. Just imagine being an only child and being pressured into bringing forth offspring or being required to pool all your earnings and spending only on advice…

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Public information coordinator appointed

Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon on Wednesday announced the appointment of former Minister of Local Government and former Ambassador to Brazil, Mr. Kellawan Lall as the Coordinator of Public Information in the Office of the President. Mr. Lall’s Terms of Reference includes “specific terms as well as those other responsibilities entrusted by the President and Cabinet”. Dr. Luncheon said the focus of Mr. Lall’s engagement would be “the information needs of the Administration, both from supporting the improvement policy where that is concerned”. He will also address…

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More emphasis will be placed on ensuring safer workplaces – Labour Minister

Safety in the workplace is of extreme importance and the Labour Ministry has placed occupational health and safety high on its agenda of promoting decent work in all sectors. This is according to Labour Minister, Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul, who was at the time delivering remarks at the beginning of a week-long Occupational Safety and Health (OS&H) workshop for safety inspectors in the forestry and fisheries sectors. The minister indicated that with the recent ratification of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention Number 155, greater emphasis will be placed on…

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The Festival of Chariots

Simply by chanting the Hare Krishna maha-mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom This year, was the first time I’ve ever attended a Ratha Yathra. I had seen the parade a couple of times, but I’d never been directly a part of it. So this year, I only had a general idea of what to expect. And after it was over, I was still in awe from it all because it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I’ve been to Mandir,…

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