Diwali dream

Satiricus was “throwing back”. Literally. His legs were splayed upwards on the extensions of the Berbice Chair he’d inherited from his ‘old man’. He was home all day: an unusual circumstance normally but on Diwali, none of the old gang, whether Hindu or not, would imbibe any ‘sauce’. So Satiricus was doing his duty, tough as that was: tasting the cornucopia of sweetmeats that his better half (his Lakshmi, he thought fondly) was churning out. Satiricus did believe that the ladies of the neighbourhood had some sort of friendly competition…

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Ramsammy to meet with Surinamese counterpart to address piracy

Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy said the Coast Guard and police have to work in collaboration with all stakeholders to effectively combat the scourge of piracy. Speaking with Guyana Times International during a recent interview, Dr Ramsammy noted that the issue of piracy is a bothersome one, and disclosed that he will be meeting with his Surinamese counterpart, Hendrik Setrowidjojo later this month to discuss ways of addressing the problem, among other issues. According to Dr Ramsammy, fishermen also need to work more closely with the Agriculture Ministry. “There is…

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Ramotar urges tougher anti-corruption measures in extraction industry

President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday urged all stakeholders to support tougher anti-corruption measures as well as greater transparency in the management of the country’s natural resources industry. Ramotar was speaking at the opening of a seminar on sustainable development of the extractive industry organised by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Natural Resources Ministry. The president said that the revenue earned from the natural resources sector should be used to broaden the country’s economic base and diversify other areas. “In a way, we are fortunate to be developing…

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Urling calls for local government elections to improve state of city

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) President Clinton Urling and other executives met with City Mayor Hamilton Green and other City Council representatives on Monday. The aim of the meeting was to discuss issues affecting Georgetown and the possibility of charting a way forward. Urling outlined several concerns expressed by members of the business community, relating to the city and other municipalities around the country. The chamber president also stressed the need for local government reform, local government elections and lamented the unsanitary conditions of the city. Urling also…

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Festival of Lights

There are three members of CariCom that have substantial numbers of adherents of Hinduism: Guyana, Trinidad and Suriname. In each of them the festival of Divali is a National Holiday and is celebrated on such a grand scale, and for all intents and purposes, it is a national festival. This is as it should be if we are to be true to our stated official commitment to maintaining ‘multi-religious’ societies. However, while we have come a long way, there is still a residue of bias against the practices of Hinduism…

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Gov’t, Clinton Foundation sign MOU on renewable energy

Guyana will be benefitting from expert advice about all renewable energy possibilities through a pact with the Clinton Foundation’s Climate Initiative that was signed on Wednesday between Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Clinton Foundation’s Climate Initiative Clean Energy Director Jan Hartke. President Donald Ramotar and head of the Climate Change Unit of the Office of the President, Shyam Nokta witnessed the signing, which can be considered another milestone of Guyana’s low carbon trajectory quest. Clinton Foundation Programme Officer David Alcaly and Global Coordinator of Sids Dock Energy Al Binger were…

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Hindus in N.Y. remember victims of Hurricane Sandy at Diwali celebrations

By Vishnu Bisram Diwali was celebrated last Saturday with a religious ceremony and a cultural variety mela at the Cheddi Jagan Square in Richmond Hill, Queens. A planned parade was replaced with a Nagar to allow the police to spend their time attending to victims of Hurricane Sandy. At the mela, many donated money, as well as clothing, blankets, food and other supplies to the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  Half of the donations were given to The Maha Shiva Mandir of Long Beach to be distributed to Long Beach residents…

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Ramotar urges private sector to invest more in UG

University of Guyana Pro Chancellor Dr Prem Misir greets President Donald Ramotar on his arrival for UG’s 46th Convocation President Donald Ramotar on Saturday said the government remains committed to modernising the University of Guyana (UG), but emphasised the importance of the private sector’s involvement in the process. Addressing the university’s 46th convocation, Ramotar said at the inauguration of the university in 1963, the private sector played a crucial role in its development, alluding to the British Guiana Rice Marketing Board, an entity which pumped thousands of dollars into the…

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U.S.-based Guyanese caught with cocaine given four years sentence

Ranks of the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) on Friday morning intercepted a New York-bound Guyanese with 2.66 kilograms of cocaine at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri. Dave Gavin Welcome, 42, was an outgoing passenger on a Caribbean Airlines 524 flight destined for the John F Kennedy Airport when the illegal substance was unearthed in false walls of his suitcase. A few hours later, he confessed his guilt and was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment. The Lot 665 East Ruimveldt resident, according to CANU officials, has been under police…

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Women and children suffered terribly during recent protests – female MPs

A clarion call for peace was echoed by women government representatives who zeroed-in on events in the recent weeks and months that had a profound impact on women and children. At a panel discussion on the National Communication Network (NCN) on Sunday, the unfolding of events under the new dispensation after the November 28, 2011 general election, actions of the one-seat majority parliamentary opposition, “politically instigated” tensions in Linden and Agricola, and the startling revelations during the Linden Commission of Inquiry (CoI) hearings, came under sharp focus. Foreign Affairs Minister…

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