
So…you’re cooking with gas…I mean LPG So after being handed the responsibility of detaching and installing cooking gas cylinders by my mother, (she has this irrational fright that if she touches the gas cylinder of fittings, it will either spontaneously combust or explode in her hands), I took the time to show and explain to her how to take off the regulator, put it on and check the hose and fittings to make sure we have no leaks and that it’s in good shape. Now I figure, it’s a good…

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Mystic Fury – collection to debut at Theatre Guild

Designer Nelsion Nurse Nelsion Nurse, named “Most Promising Designer” for Guyana Fashion Weekend 2010, would be presenting his first major collection called “Mystic Fury” at the designers’ showcase “Reflections” on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at the Theatre Guild. Supporting designers on the line-up are Designer Portfolio 2012 winners Andy Cummings, Shemeza Subrattie and Mwanza Glen. Other guest designers are Wynetta Jones and Natasha David, who presented memorable collections at Guyana Fashion Weekend 2010. Jones’ specialty of textile art on fabric, and David’s work with organic substances, will be on display.…

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Miss India Worldwide 2012 enjoying sights in India

Miss India Worldwide, Guyanese Alana Seebarran had the privilege of visiting India which was made possible through the Miss India Worldwide Committee after winning the coveted title in Suriname earlier in the year. During her visit to the magnificent land, Seebarran got a taste of the bustling Bollywood film industry which she described as “an opportunity of a lifetime”. Guyana’s beauty ambassador was treated to some of the most expensive dinners and shopping sprees but was more excited to hit the theatre where she viewed the latest Indian movie “Student…

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“Let the light of progress continue” – Ramotar

President Ramotar with one of the winning groups from the float competition The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha on Monday evening pulled off one of the biggest Diwali motorcade ever since its existence some 40 years ago, at the La Bonne Intention Community Ground.  Over 25 floats participated in the small; large and commercial categories. The floats were magnificently lit and decorated as usual, but a touch of class and immense creativity were added to excite the thousands who flocked the seawalls, and along the route to the LBI ground, in…

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Guyanese are becoming intolerant of Opposition’s behaviour in Parliament – AG

… “our aims are being accomplished through the Parliament” – APNU’s chief whip By Michael Younge The government and opposition parliamentary parties are squaring-off again about whether the “new dispensation” that exists in the National Assembly is functioning and resulting in significant benefits for all Guyanese following the November 28 elections. Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall speaking with Guyana Times International during an interview on Wednesday evening was severely critical of this “‘new dispensation” in the 10th Parliament, which he said “was failing miserably in addressing the…

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Clipped wings

Satiricus was fuming. Here he’d booked his and his family’s flight to New York via the new airline on the block. The kids, who were not the easiest teenagers to please, has eased off their surly retorts. They were looking forwards to frolicking in the snow. Satiricus didn’t have the heart to tell them that the slush in Ney York City was usually half mud. And now he’s told CzJet had folded!! Why did these things have to happen to him? He scampered over to the back street dive as…

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…bitten by fleas

Lie with dogs… Seems that Carl “Barry” Greenidge is finding out the truth of the proverb: “If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.” This is against the background in which the opposition has found its firmest allies in the Muckraker and the Stabber News. They’ve made common cause, of course, because they share common interests: hatred of the PPP government. Seems the Muckraker-in-chief, Kissoon, hit Carl where it hurts most – no, not there: somewhere worse. His ego. Kissoon wrote about a Public Accounts Committee…

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The dangers of Rum and chutney culture

Guyana Times International interview with Swami Aksharananda Part 1 Over in TT, Divali Nagar (Divali Town) is an annual event that attracts hundreds of thousands every year. At the opening of Divali Nagar 2012 TT’s Local Government Minister Dr Suruj Rambachan made a bold statement: “I am worried about the chutney culture and the rum culture which has seeped into the psyche of our peoples, to a point where I feel that it will be irreversible in the future.” Rambachan is an outspoken Hindu leader, but it was a dramatic…

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Teen killed on wedding anniversary night

Ajai Cecil Sukhu, 18, was last Saturday evening beaten and stabbed to death by three men in the vicinity of the Rose Hall Community Centre Ground in Berbice. The details of the incident is a bit sketchy, but Guyana Times International understands that  Sukhu of 10 Bajan Street, Rose Hall Town, Corentyne, Berbice, reportedly left home around 18:30hrs on Saturday to go to a fair at the centre ground, which is not far away from where he lived. His father, Chandrabose Sukhu said about 15 minutes after Ajai left, he…

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World Wars I and II heroes remembered

Commander-in-chief of the disciplined services, President Donald Ramotar; Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; Opposition Leader David Granger; and other senior public officials laid wreaths at the Georgetown Cenotaph in observance of Remembrance Day. The Georgetown Cenotaph, a war memorial located at the junction of Main and Church streets, was unveiled on August 14, 1923, by then Governor Graeme Thomson, and the first Armistice Day observance took place at the Church Street monument on November 11, 1923. On the four faces of the base of the cenotaph, the words – Devotion, Humanity,…

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