Russia congratulates Guyana on republic anniversary

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has extended a congratulatory message to Guyana on the occasion of its 42nd Republic Day anniversary and the country’s ambassador to Guyana, Nikolay Smirnov passed on the message to President Donald Ramotar on Tuesday, February 21. The ambassador, accompanied by head of the consular section of the Embassy of the Russian Federation Denis Kopyl met the head of state at the Office of the President to deliver the message and discuss the two countries’ bilateral relations and plans that will further strengthen ties. Guyana became a…

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Strangers to the truth

Roadrunner Politics Faith Harding seemed to have hit a raw nerve when she accused David Granger – who his wide-eyed acolytes Harripaul and Archer swear walks on water – of being ‘a stranger to truth’! She was referring; of course, to the stunts Granger and his godfather ROH Corbin pulled during the stage-managed selection election for the PNC’s presidential candidate. Harding was merely questioning the process: to say it was ‘outcomedeterminative’ would be like saying the ocean has water. From what Harding revealed, the process would not have been unfamiliar…

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Guyana’s sustainable forestry use gains international recognition

A technical team from Ghana visiting Guyana and met with Natural Resources and the Environment Minister, Robert Persaud to learn more about its chainsaw milling project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Forestry Training Centre Inc, with oversight by the Guyana’s Forestry Commission (GFC) and Iwokrama. They will also learn from Guyana’s system and ascertain what can be implemented in Ghana. Minister Persaud said whilst this project has been ongoing Guyana made provision for small loggers to have access to forest resources via state forest permissions as…

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Return of the Riggers

Satiricus is aghast. President Ramotar had accused the APANU/ KFC of rigging the last elections! Satiricus is not shocked by the accusation. He is shocked the president appeared shocked that the APANU/ KFC had rigged. ‘Satiricus’ point being that as an old hand in the politics business, the president should know that rigging was an integral part of the heritage of the PNCEE. Did he think that just because it changed its name to the APANU and now joined with the KFC, it would abandon its birthright? The nerve! “Listen…

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Children Foundation working to save lives

– Trinidadian baby latest to receive assistance By North American Correspondent A Guyanese-led donor children foundation in Toronto has donated CN$25K towards the surgery of a Trinidadian infant to save the baby’s life. The donation is the latest by the Toronto Caribbean Children Foundation(TCCF) founded by Guyanese Jay Brijpaul to save medically challenged kids regardless of their nationality or ethnicity. Brijpaul and the TCCF are well known in Canada for their mercy missions which have been helping children in need of life saving surgeries over the years. The organisation has…

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Queens-based Guyanese observe Shivaratri

By Vishnu Bisram The large Guyanese Hindu community and other Hindus in New York observed the annual auspicious festival of Shivaratri, or the worshipping Lord Shiva, last Sunday evening and Monday morning. Shivaratri is one of the most important festivals of Hinduism glorifying Lord Shiva, who is known as the Destroyer in the Hindu Trinity of Brahma (the Creator), Vishnu (the Protector and Preserver), and Shiva. For Hindus, Shiva is the Lord of all things in the universe, including its originator. People streamed by the hundreds into temples during the…

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Man attacked by pit bulls slowly recovering

Momarak Ali, 63, of Lot 46 Austin Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, was mauled by two pit bulls early on Monday morning, resulting in severe injury to both arms. Both of Ali’s arms were severely mangled due to the viciousness of the attack. Ali is said to be recovering well at the Georgetown Public Hospital. Ali was on his way to the Kitty mosque to perform the first prayer of the day when he was attacked. Ali’s wife, Khairoon, told Guyana Times International that her husband is still “in a state of…

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Commission of inquiry established to investigate Blairmont workers’ grievances

A commission of inquiry has been established to investigate the allegations made by Blairmont sugar workers over the past weeks resulting in them downing tools. The commission comprises of Dr Dale Bisnauth, who will sit as chairman, former Chief Labour Officer Mohamed Akeel and GuySuco’s Industrial Relations Officer, Deodat Sukhu, who will serve as secretary to the committee. In a letter dated February 21 and addressed to Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) General Secretary, Seepaul Narine, Labour Minister Dr Nanda Kishore Gopaul notified the union of the commission,…

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Little Ramdhani is an inspiration to many other young persons

Dear Editor, I was very impressed with your coverage of this year’s national sport awards, in particular the story on the 10-year-old badminton champion, Priyanna Ramdhani. Truly, this youngster is an inspiration to many children and even adults, as this shows that irrespective of age, one can assume great heights with hard work and dedication. I am sure that not many Guyanese would have heard about her prior to your news report. This is a true champion and surely she deserves the publicity afforded to her. I should mention that…

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A very timely warning by the president

Dear Editor, In what could be regarded as a very forceful and on target address to the National Assembly, President Donald Ramotar recently warned that his administration will not be held at ransom by any “intractable posture by the opposition” while stressing the importance of the House working together in the best interest of all citizens. “As willing however as my government is to exercise patience, forbearance, and reasonableness in the interest of all of our people, my administration will not be held ransom to intractable postures,” the president was…

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