“Expect a people’s budget” – finance minister

By Michael Younge Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said the 2012 National Budget, which will be presented on Friday, March 30, will be a ‘people’s budget’ containing measures and projects all aimed at meeting the needs of citizens and advancing the country’s economic development. Speaking with Guyana Times International during an interview, Dr Singh explained that he is optimistic ahead of his sixth budget presentation that there is much Guyanese and the opposition can celebrate about this “special” budget. Dr Singh stated that the budget will represent some of the…

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Milk and Honey

Satiricus is furious. With himself, that is. Why’d he have to be toiling away in the newspaper trenches, placing his life on the line every day, while others were so much better off? If you think he’s exaggerating, try badgering sources for news while wining and dining them in fancy restaurants seven days a week. It’s hell on the liver, not to mention the waistline. Anyhow, back to the matter at hand. If only he’d been a worker in the Public Service, he would’ve been on easy street. He would…

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Gy$ 40M used for prepping housing lands at Mahdia

By Michael Younge Government has injected Gy$ 40 million for the preparation and parcelling off of lands at Mahdia that would see hundreds of Guyanese becoming homeowners over the next few months. Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali disclosed that some 120 house lots are being created in the New Mahdia Housing Scheme. Ali told the media that the housing scheme is being designed and set up to address the increasing demand for housing, which is resultant from the booming Region Eight economy. He said his ministry was proud to…

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Legislative changes may be needed to accommodate ethanol production – Agriculture Minister

Guyana may need to make several changes to its existing laws so as to accommodate the possibility of producing and utilising ethanol and bio-fuels locally. This disclosure was made by Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy who said the ministry was being proactive by commencing an assessment to determine what changes may be necessary before any ethanol production gets underway. Dr Ramsammy said while ethanol continues to be one of the commodities in high demand on the international market, the government of Guyana has every intention of ensuring that some of…

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Another Guyanese icon

Dear Editor, It is always a great joy, reading about the achievements, recognition etc. of Guyanese, who have left the country a long time back. The most recent example of this is the case of the Guyanese-Canadian, Dr Budhendranauth Doobay, who was among 60 Canadians honoured by the governor general of Canada, for their contributions to improving community life. The number ‘60’ is significant – it is now 60 years since Queen Elizabeth ascended to the British throne, and so the Canadian government decided to honour 60 outstanding Canadians, for…

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Could we request similar help from the U.S. as Jamaica has done?

Dear Editor, I learnt that Jamaica is set to get assistance in dealing with organised crime from prosecutors in the United States, and I am wondering if Guyana cannot make a similar request from that country to help us in crime fighting. It is expected that the U.S will send prosecutors to Jamaica to assist the relevant ministries in prosecuting and bringing those who commit crimes to justice. That assistance falls within the partnership between the United States and the Caribbean through the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative designed to combat…

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Investments in bauxite industry will see more opportunities in the mining town of Linden

Dear Editor, Residents of Linden, in fact the entire country, received some positive news last week regarding the expansion plans of a major bauxite company. The fact that the bauxite industry will receive a much-needed boost when Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Incorporated (BMGGI) begins an approximately US$ 100 million expansion will help to further transform the mining town. This is certainly good news for Guyana. It was announced by the authorities that BMGGI will soon be undergoing a massive expansion, which will result in hundreds of persons being employed at…

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Abolition of corporal punishment in schools debate commences

As government prepares to launch a series of consultations on the abolition of corporal punishment in the school system, Education  Minister Priya Manickchand hosted a panel discussion on the issue last Saturday evening on the National Communications Network (NCN). The panel discussion, which also saw input from Dominique Gaskin, executive member of the Alliance For Change (AFC); Karen De Souza, head of Red Thread and Jennifer Cumberbatch, headteacher of Winfer Gardens Secondary, debated whether corporal punishments should be eliminated, the Government Information Agency (GINA) reported. According to the education minister,…

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Salaries in the public sector

There were two, not necessarily unrelated, news items published late last week in the Guyana Times daily: the call for a 25 per cent wage increase for public servants (among a host of other benefits) and the report of another policeman caught in a crime. The foregoing, placed within a general perception of widespread corruption at all levels of the various governmental services, brings to the fore the question as to whether raising the salaries of governmental workers will raise their performance while simultaneously, reducing corruption. It is generally assumed…

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“Opposition squandering opportunity of working together” – President

President Donald Ramotar has maintained that the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) are squandering the opportunity to work with the government and, that the government’s move to the High Court is to protect the sanctity of parliamentary democracy. Addressing members of the media during a press conference last Friday at Office of the President, the head of state said that his continued monitoring of the situation in Parliament clearly shows that the “APNU and the AFC are squandering the opportunity of working together…

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