The Digital Divide and Internet Governance

– The Challenges     The Government of Guyana’s long term vision for ICTs in Guyana has continuously maintained the grounds for promoting technology as a solution that will enhance development. It is true that technology can be used for active participation at the micro levels or at the macro-levels of governance, but with new developments in technology this will give birth on a recurring baseline to new challenges and issues as digital economies emerge. The digital divide is one such issue that former President Jagdeo advocated and the current administration…

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U.S.-based Guyanese Arya Samajists observe Foundation Day at open mass

By North American Correspondent  Hundreds of Guyanese American Arya Samajists, under the banner United Arya Samajs Foundation Inc., turned out at the Arya Spiritual ground on 133rd Street in Richmond Hill last Sunday for the annual observance of the founding of the Arya Samaj movement. At the open air mass, devotees from several Arya Samaj organizations, performed religious services and gave speeches to mark the auspicious occasion. The Havan and special mantras marking the occasion of the 137th Anniversary was presided over by Dr Satish Prakash and Pandit Ramlall. The…

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Salman Khan

“Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves” – Ernest Dimnet When my dad suggested that I look at a Salman Khan video on the web last year, I thought he was certainly setting me up for one of his famous pranks. I mean, I liked some of Salman’s movies and all that but it wasn’t as if he’s on the top of my hit parade. It was actually a prank but one that literally became a life changing experience. The video on…

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N.Y.- based international recording artiste thrills Guyanese audience

International Recording artiste, Guyanese born, Geeta Bisram, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’s contestant and member of the famed Suresh Wadkar Ajvasan Academy of Music, Purnash Durgaprashad, along with Leader of the Angels Caribbean Entertainment Group out of New York, USA, Vinod Bisram, and other members of the Group thrilled the audience in a historic single concert “Shyaam-e-Mehfil (An Evening of Ghazals)” on the lawns of the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex on April 7 last. The Program was part of the activities for Guyana’s hosting of the 10th International Qaseeda Competition…

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Religious organisations, fans condemn U.S. treatment of Shah Rukh Khan

Several Guyanese, including two notable promoters of the Indian culture, have expressed concern over a move by U.S. authorities to allegedly detain individuals for prolonged periods. Their concerns mounted after Bollywood superstar and actor, Shah Rukh Khan was detained for a 90-minute period by U.S. airport officials, allegedly because of his last name. Dr Vindhya Persaud, head of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha said while the U.S. has a right to enforce its laws, protect its citizens and its borders, its action in regards to Khan must be condemned. She…

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As an ex-British colony, it is interesting to note the variations in slang in other ex- colonies to denote the same phenomenon. Take the British term ‘wanker’ to refer a bit more acidly to someone who is a real idiot, and which is very common in Australia and New Zealand. The Americans use the substitute “jerk” – like “Romney is a real jerk”, which of course is an abbreviation of literal equivalent “jerk- off”. As Wiki observes dryly, “one connotation, implying egotistical and self-indulgent behaviour (and more analogous to American…

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Ow, Khemraj, meh belly busting with laff!

People does end up in “stitches” when laffing while looking at “Bud Abbot and Lou Castillo”, de “Three Stooges”, “Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin”, “Laurel and Hardy” and even “Tom and Jerry”. Just look at Bud and Lou, “Who’s on First”. Plenty around de world try fuh match dem guys, but with no success. People not giving up and de failures might soon come to an end as some Guyanese enter de comedy business. Dem specialising in “Stand-up Comedy” and it probably more humorous than de legends mentioned. Over de…

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PPP/C working class friendly – Dr Gopaul

Labour Minister Dr Nanda Gopaul said the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) was more worker-friendly, as he defended the administration’s social sector spending and increases to public servants over the years. In his budget debate presentation, Dr Gopaul focused on the history of the working class from 1984 to the current period. Dr Gopaul responded to the issue raised by opposition members of Parliament that pensions and workers’ salaries should have seen more increases. He observed that when demands are made for increased benefits and salaries, the issue must be…

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Prince JP

Joel Pharous, popularly known by his stage name ‘Prince Jp’, is a 23-year-old singing sensation and a talented songwriter. Born December 30, Joel grew up in West Ruimveldt but later moved to Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara. His singing career started when he joined the West Ruimveldt School choir at the age of 10. He received much inspiration from the choir leader, Wilfred Success, who pushed him in developing his singing talent. At the age of 18, Joel began singing with a band but was not very serious…

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Backer urges regularisation of Corriverton backtrack route

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) shadow foreign minister, Deborah Backer said government must, as a matter of high priority, deal decisively with the backtrack operations between Guyana and Suriname. She said that the difficulty in the task would be great, but “do it we must, because by turning a Nelson’s Eye towards these operations is to erase a part of our eastern border”. The backtrack crossing at Corriverton has been a source of much distress to security officials in Guyana, but government two years ago refused Suriname’s invitation to…

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