Political Axe Murderers

Quislings Over the years, axe murderers have gained considerable notoriety because of the absolute gruesomeness of their bloody goings-on. It’s spawned a whole genre of horror films. The mindlessness of the perpetrators – evident in the wild lopping off of heads and eviscerations of guts – just leave the horrified spectator agape. That’s the identical reaction of many to the wild chops the combined opposition have now proposed to the budget. They make axe murderers look like choir boys. Where is the rhyme and reason for some of these chops…

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People are the heart of sustainable development

-Caricom environment ministers The region’s sustainable development rests heavily on its human capital. This is the consensus of Caribbean Community (Caricom) ministers and other officials at the 39th special meeting of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) on the environment and sustainable development. The meeting which opened in Georgetown, last Friday, was mandated by Caricom heads of government to prepare a Caricom position for negotiations at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+ 20) slated for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in June of this year. In addressing…

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Provocation of confrontation

In this very delicate period of our nation’s history, as the parties in the National Assembly manoeuvre through the ‘new dispensation’, there are forces determined to provoke only confrontation. They have defined the present alignment in starkly Manichean terms: the forces of good (the opposition) arrayed against the force (in this case, singular) of evil (the PPP executive). Under such a narrative, of course, there can only be one salutary, and indeed moral, outcome – the complete defeat and rout, if not extermination, of the ‘evil’ PPP executive government. The…

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Opposition trims over Gy$2B from budget – Opposition hands GINA, NCN Gy$1 each

–scores could lose jobs, GINA faces shutdown By Michael Young The government of Guyana is now contemplating its next move after the combined opposition voted against close to Gy$ 300 million in budgetary allocations for the state- run, National Communications Network and the Government Information Agency (GINA) and instead handed them Gy$ 1 each in an historic session in the National Assembly on Wednesday. Scores of workers from both agencies are facing the prospect of being out of a job and the administration condemned the move as reckless. The Alliance…

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GPL loses Gy$ 1B, GECOM Gy$ 527M, as opposition trims budget

By Pushpa Balgobin The opposition on Wednesday banded together to reduce budgetary allocations for the Guyana Power and Light Company (GPL) by Gy$ 1 billion and also cut the Gy$ 2 billion allocated for the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) by Gy$ 527 million when the House continued consideration of this year’s budget. Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan had proposed amendments which called for cuts in excess of Gy$ 527 million from GECOM’s allocation – Gy$ 27 million for meals and refreshments and Gy$ 500 million for a line…

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Gy$ 800M chopped from OP budget

By Michael Younge The opposition using its one-seat majority in the National Assembly voted down more than Gy$ 800 million in expenditure for the Office of the President (OP) when the Committee of Supply of the Parliament met to consider the estimates of the 2012 budget. This will result in several projects being affected and some persons losing their jobs. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge proposed four of the amendments to the estimates for the President’s Office, while Alliance For Change (AFC) Chairman and…

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Govt ups old age pension to Gy$10,000

– to examine how increase will be funded By Michael Younge   Government on Wedneday agreed to increase the Old Age Pension from Gy$ 8100 per month to Gy$ 10, 000 with effect from May 1 following talks on the 2012 National Budget with Opposition Leader David Granger. The meeting was held at the Office of the President on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive after a request was made by the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament Volda Lawrence for government to consider meeting with the main opposition party…

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Obama commits US$130M to help Caricom fight drugs, small arms

Caricom states are to benefit from US$ 130 million in financial assistance from the United States to deal with crime and security in the region. This was revealed by Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar last Sunday in an interview with the Trinidad Guardian, following the conclusion of the Sixth Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia. PM Persad-Bissessar, who has lead responsibility for security within Caricom’s quasi- Cabinet, and other Caribbean leaders met with U.S. President Barack Obama for one hour on Saturday evening. She said she was…

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Man in triangular love affair shot dead

As investigations continue into the murder of Balram Jadoonauth, 25, of Lot 25 Dennis Street and Delph Avenue, Campbellville, Georgetown, there are a number of factors that the police will have to consider before charges are instituted. These were the sentiments of A Division Commander George Vyphius when contacted on Monday. He stated that the mitigating facts will have to be investigated thoroughly, since the case is a complicated one. Nevertheless, the police are still conducting their investigations, he stated. Balram, who was attached to the GR Taxi Service, was…

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‘Coolie Bully’ to appear on April Pro-Am card

By Avenash Ramzan Reigning Caribbean Boxing Federation (C A B O F E ) Bantamweight champion, Elton ‘Coolie Bully’ Dharry, will continue his preparation ahead of the World Boxing Council’s (WBC) Cup of Champions later this year when he takes on Guyanese Charlton Skeete on the 22nd edition of Friday Night Fights ProAm boxing card on April 27 at the Cliff Anderson Sports Hall. The Guyana Boxing Board of Control (GBBC) yesterday released the full card, which will comprise of five professional bouts and four amateur contests, with action set…

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