Born again unionist

  Lost and found?   Amid all the clamour and noise of the budget cuts by the parliamentary dictatorship of APNU/ AFC, we’d wondered what happened to Patrick Yarde. With the opposition wielding its budget axe like berserk Vikings, and the government protesting that public servants would have to be let go it was not unreasonable to expect to hear the measured, drawling cadences of Patrick, was it? Hey! The fella gets a fat salary and plenty of perks from the union dues of public servants to live high off…

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Gy$5B not enough – GPL

–mulls load shedding to cushion impact of subsidy cut   By Michael Younge The Gy$ 5 billion approved by the National Assembly as part of an assistance package for the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) will certainly not be sufficient to help the company this year mitigate the effects of rising fuel prices on its service. In fact, even the initial Gy$ 6 billion that was budgeted as part of 2012 budget may have not been enough, as fuel prices on the world market have moved from US$ 114…

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Guyana pledges solidarity with indigenous peoples at UN forum

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai accompanied by a team comprising National Toshaos Council (NTC), and, Indigenous Peoples Commission (IPC) chairpersons Yvonne Pearson and Doreen Jacobis has pledged Guyana’s solidarity with indigenous peoples in other countries, in continuing the struggle for recognition, rights to land and resources and, right to redress. Sukhai made the commitment at a United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples Issues (UNFPII) meeting held in New York. “From our country’s experience, we believe it is possible for governments to support and promote the enabling environment for the…

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Great Cricket Admin

Satiricus has already confessed that he’s a cricket fanatic. The English call people like him ‘cricket tragics’. Satiricus supposed the “tragic” was meant for people like him: he doted on a team that hadn’t won anything significant in 20 years. He wasn’t sure whether the fatal flaw that defined the tragedy was in him or the WI team. What he knew was it couldn’t be with the WICB – those worthies that included stalwarts like Hunte and Hillaire, cricketing giants all, were without blemish. “Is what kinda doltishness with dis…

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Ramotar says Guyana’s economy must be broad-based

President Donald Ramotar on Monday warned that if oil is discovered in Guyana it should not become the main economic base of the country, saying that there needs to be a balancing of sectors and resources if the country is to prosper. The president made these remarks while addressing participants of the first oil and gas training session held at Regency Suites, Hadfield Street on Monday. Minexco Petroleum is sponsoring the event. In a release, the company said that the training is designed to assist the Natural Resources and Environment…

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De “popers” now playing “solitaire!”

It gat some people who love to be noticed. Yuh ever notice how some does try fuh “pope” people photograph by “invading” de space and standing behind? Even some TV programmes does show “popers” in de background. It gat others who does “pope” from de front and stay there even though de thing ain’t concern dem. Everybody remember when some people from de “key” party do just that and tek over de sugar workers protest in de recent past just fuh get notice. De party claim that dem was in…

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Brute force and ignorance

Vitriol We return to the utter ignorance redolent in the utterances of Lincoln the Loud on the president’s comments during the Arrival Day commemorations. One might be tempted to dismiss the extremism of Lewis as the antics of a buffoon – one given to ‘brute force and ignorance. But in Guyana there are grave dangers in turning a blind eye to such provocative vitriol on race relations in Guyana. We can do worse than ask if Lewis – as the putative head of the ‘umbrella’ body of trade unions –…

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Opposition set on impure motives and unreasonable politics

  Dear Editor, Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall had recently repudiated the notion that a political party can engender transfer of budgetary allocation from the state media to another entity, and regards it as “a blow to democracy and a violation of the constitution of rights of the citizens, to receive government information”. This was Mr Nandlall’s attempt to stymie the move by Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), as they were colluding to withdraw support for the budgetary allocations, to the…

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Congratulations to the ‘Tiger’ for making Guyana proud yet again

  Dear Editor, Every Guyanese should be proud of the achievements of Shivnarine Chanderpaul. Indeed this top-class cricketer’s accomplishments are a direct result of hard work, determination, and stamina. Once gain he has put Guyana on the map, as every time he is referred to in the international media, he would be identified as a GUYANA and West Indies cricketer. Editor, these are the positive things Guyanese like to see about their country. Sections of the local media have been engaging in a campaign of negativity, and persons abroad are…

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Guyanese in New York are concerned about the impact of the budget cuts on national development

  Dear Editor, The discussions about the budget cuts have dominated the various media outlets and all around the Guyanese community in New York, persons are talking about the kind of impact such action by the opposition would have on the country’s future. I agree with some persons that these cuts suggest that it was a deliberate ploy to ensure that the people of Guyana fall prey of a political game. Why would the opposition want to take such an action that would see ordinary people on the breadline? I…

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