Quaking in their boots

Snap elections panic   After overplaying their hand in Parliament with their indiscriminate axing of the budget, the opposition APNU/ AFC are petrified that President Ramotar will call snap elections. They couldn’t have missed the revulsion of the hinterland communities to the inane chops to the LCDS, which at last would have placed Amerindians in the drivers’ seat on national development. They’ve seen the anger in youths when the OLPF and fibre-optic cable programmes – designed to bring them into the twentieth century – were slashed into oblivion. We are…

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550 families in Region 2 to benefit from new house lots in 2012

Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud has announced that residents of the Essequibo Coast will soon benefit from new house lots aback of Onderneeming and Queenstown. Speaking to residents at Lima Village on May 4, Persaud said the Housing Ministry is growing and over the years has transformed the lives of many Guyanese. Persaud said from the 2012 budget, Gy$ 3.6 billion has been allocated to the Housing Ministry of which a portion will be channeled to Region Two for the establishment of new housing schemes. The new regional chairman said…

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Mosquitoes might flush out a fugitive

Apparently is not only de workers that might lose dem jobs from de budget cuts that is affected. It look like Hammie doing he own “cuts” fuh cut out barber shops and “cool- down” cart business from some of de City Streets. Is years now people complaining about de inconvenience dem things does cause. De congestion with that and other things around, does provide “cover” fuh some criminal elements who does infiltrate and tek advantage of that and people. Of course de “business” people affected they seh dem not budging…

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Essequibo Coast residents lament budget cuts

Residents of Affiance and Columbia on the Essequibo Coast have lashed out against the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) for cutting the 2012 budget, a move that will stymie the development of the country and put hundreds of workers on the breadline. Speaking at a public meeting at Affiance on Thursday, several residents said the leaders of the two opposition parties have no vision for development and the cut of more than Gy$ 21 billion from the budget will slow the pace of…

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Budget cuts put e-governance project in limbo

The fibre-optic cable from Brazil, through the border town of Lethem and which is on its way to the coast is now in limbo with the combined opposition, the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), cutting budgetary allocation to the project to a mere Gy$ 1. The e-governance programme is part of government’s overall Information Communications Technology (ICT) thrust to provide Internet access to indigenous communities to facilitate the hinterland aspect of the One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) programme. Two projects were embarked on…

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Nursery Rhyme

Satiricus readily accepts he’s a political ignoramus. But it appears that his trade union credentials are not anything to write home about, either. He’d just finished listening to that stalwart of trade unionism – only a footstep behind Critchlow, the father of the whole kit and caboodle – Linkan D’Loud. And Satiricus was confused. Linkan had first of all praised the opposition for cutting Gy$ 21 billion from the budget. Okay, Satiricus knew that Lewis was opposition, so no problem there. But then Linkan waded into the government for daring…

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Richmond Hill Councilman to challenge Senate incumbent

  By North American Correspondent   New York City Councilman Eric Ulrich (Republican) of the greater Richmond Hill area announced earlier this week he will run against N.Y. State Senator Joe Addabbo Jr. (Democrat) to represent the 15th Senate District that encompasses Richmond Hill. It is a crucial District that both parties need in order to control the Senate. There are 62 Senate Districts in the N.Y. with the Republicans controlling 32 and the Democrats 30. Addabbo once represented the area in the City Council until he gave it up…

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N.Y. City votes to restructure two schools in Richmond Hill

  By North American Correspondent The New York City Policy Education Committee, appointed by Mayor Bloomberg, voted 8-7 last week to restructure Richmond Hill and John Adams High Schools in the heart of the Guyanese American community in Richmond Hill, Queens. Hundreds of Guyanese are enrolled as students and dozens more are employed as teachers in these schools. Restructuring of the school will see half of the Guyanese teachers losing their jobs and many students from the community having to find replacement schools. Before the vote, students, teachers and parents…

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Arrival, Music and Sonu

  “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.”–Victor Hugo Having carried on about Sonu Nigam last week, I thought it best to weave the theme of music into Indian Arrival Day, which we celebrated last Saturday. In any case the Dharmic Sabha brought the artiste both to raise funds for the shelter for abused children and also to kick off its Arrival Day celebratory activities. And what a celebration it was! There’s no question that Sonu Nigam is a very talented…

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