A different adventure

Experienced guide and ‘old’ Lindener, Kenneth W. Simmons, is waiting to show you around the mining town of Linden. You would not only visit Linden’s historic symbol, the water wheel, but many other historical corners of Linden. Take a closer look at typical miners’ houses, new housing schemes, the museum, mined-out areas with scope for re-vegetation (very interesting from an ecological point of view) such as the ‘Blue Lake’, and the Linden City Centre, just to mention a few. Simmons offers a short (2 to 3 hours) and a longer…

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153 youths graduate from skills training programme in Berbice

The Roadside Baptist Skills Training Centre, Region Six has been playing a significant role in changing the lives of Berbicians by providing them with opportunities to be trained to ensure they elevate themselves. The centre’s efforts were last Saturday afternoon lauded by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, performing duties on behalf of the president. The centre was established with the aim of creating opportunities through the provisions of adult education, skills training and social services for young people, to improve their quality of life. Last Saturday, it held its 19th graduation…

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Throwing a brick

Professional shakedown   It is a perverted practice of delinquents to just ‘throw a brick’ in the dark just to see who will be hit. They cackle at the outraged screams of unwary victims. It’s the same mindless viciousness that typifies the opposition AFC’s attacks on NICIL. But it’s not just the cheap thrill of the cackles they seek – it’s to turn Guyanese against Guyanese by claiming that the government is ‘hiding’ billions of dollars in NICIL while the country is in need. Leading the pack have been Ramjattan…

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Guyana hails bilateral ties with European Union

President Donald Ramotar last week hailed the four-decade old relationship between Guyana and the European Union (EU) as the latter celebrated the 62nd anniversary of Europe Day. The occasion was marked by a toast between President Donald Ramotar and Head of Delegation to the European Commission (EC) Robert Kopecky at his residence on May 9 in the presence of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; Foreign Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and members of the diplomatic corps. Guyana’s relations with the EU began with the signing of the historic Georgetown Agreement which paved the…

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U.S. boosts Guyana’s anti-money laundering fight with US$ 500,000

United States Ambassador to Guyana, D Brent Hardt and Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett last Friday signed a Letter of Agreement (LOA) amending the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI) that was signed in April 2011. The signing took place at the ministry’s office. According to a U. S. embassy statement, the LOA will make an additional US$ 500,000 available for Guyana’s CBSI programme, increasing the original allocation. These funds will continue to support efforts in law enforcement capacity building and anti-money laundering. In addition, it will strengthen counter-narcotics control capabilities…

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Phillip woulda “envy” de GHRA “craftsmanship!”

Condolences to de family and friends of outstanding Guyanese artist/ sculptor, Phillip, who is no more. He leff many intricate pieces including, what gon now be he “legacy”, de 1763 monument. People was hoping that before Phillip was given he “final call”, he woulda explain what relevance de monument gat to de National hero, Cuffy, and what was de “Kabaka” thinking at de time fuh such a representation! People gat dem own interpretation which can give “goosebumps!” Dem who know how Cuffy “look” in photographs, know that de monument ain’t…

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“People are at the centre of govt’s development agenda”- Minister Ali

By Jainarine Deonauth Minister of Housing and Water, Irfaan Ali told residents gathered at the Region 3 PPP Member of Parliament Office, West Coast of Demerara, last Saturday, that government is committed to working with all vulnerable groups in the society so that everyone will be able to benefit from the development plans and programmes of the administration. The Minister was at the time speaking at the handing over of a wheelchair to a single parent mother who had made a request for help on behalf of her disabled son.…

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Guyana’s Saviour

Satiricus is nothing if not profoundly grateful for Dike MaKormack devoting his whole life to saving us benighted Guyanese. There are so many Guyanese who foolishly pine for the British to return. Satiricus figured with the British MaKormack taking care of so many things for us, it’s like they never left. Ah… the comfort of being taken care of by big brother – or is the old ‘mother…’? “Dis GHRO. Ah who and who deh in, man?” Cappo demanded. “All me hear about ah dis MaKormack man. Who ah de…

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Another plus for Sachin Tendulkar, a great human being

  Dear Editor, Another piece of good news for followers of Sachin Tendulkar – the international media have reported that the top class cricketer has been put forward by the prime minister for a seat in India’s upper house of Parliament. The letter of recommendation has been sent by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to President Pratibha Patel who can nominate 12 people to the Rajya Sabha. Of 250 Rajya Sabha members, 12 are nominated by the president for “special knowledge or practical experience in respect of such matters as literature,…

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Guyanese in New York are eager to meet with President Ramotar

Dear Editor, I have been informed via your online newspaper that President Donald Ramotar will be visiting the U. S. to meet with officials from the United States administration and multilateral agencies. These are all very important meetings and I wish the president much success in his engagements, but I also hope that Guyanese living here would also get the opportunity to meaningfully engage him and other government officials as we believe this is long overdue. Like other Guyanese residing here, I have some very important issues I wish to…

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