Opposition using parliamentary majority to stymie development – Anil Nandlall

By Michael Younge Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall said the cuts to the 2012 National Budget by the combined opposition, the Alliance For Change (AFC) and the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) were designed to roll-back innovative programmes started by former President Bharrat Jagdeo. “If you analyse the cuts made to the 2012 budget, they’re all, or most of them relate to the programmes which were started by former President Bharrat Jagdeo… they have this vendetta against him, and they wanted to destroy his work.” Speaking…

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An unforgettable trip to Moco Moco

The trip from Lethem to Moco Moco is under 30 minutes, and along the way, visitors can enjoy spectacular views of the Kanuku Mountains. A stop to wonder among the masses of termite mounds can be captivating as you imagine the thousands of tiny workers whose unceasing labours have produced these imposing natural structures. Growing as much as 6 inches in a year, the mounds easily reach the height of a full-grown man. Keep your eyes peeled and you might just spot the Moco Moco plant from which the community…

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Guyanese community leaders honoured in Toronto

By North American Correspondent Guyanese-Canadian community leaders were honoured at an awards reception last month in Toronto at the Shingar Banquet Hall.  Some 700 attendees showed up at the banquet to pay tribute to outstanding Guyanese leaders and others who contributed so much to uplift the lives of their communities. The event was organized by the Indo Caribbean Golden Age Association in observance of its 20th anniversary. The association’s president, Leila Daljeet, a Guyanese, said proceeds from the event would be donated to charity to benefit two important organizations that…

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Consultation commences on Top Cop’s appointment

By Anter Narine Government has every intention of ensuring that the leadership of the Guyana Police Force is held by persons who have not been tainted, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee told a Berbice gathering last Saturday. He was at the time formally announcing that acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brummel and Crime Chief Seelall Persaud have been promoted to deputy commissioner. The two officers previously held the rank of assistant commissioner. Rohee, who presided over most of the tenure of disgraced former police chief Henry Greene, said the appointment of…

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Beating sense into children?

Beating sense into children? “Spanking is simply another form of terrorism. It teaches the victims that might makes right, and that problems can be solved through the use of violence by the strong against the weak.” – Anonymous I thought that Inter-national Children’s Day was commemorated in Guyana on June 1, but somehow it seemed to have slipped under the radar. Or maybe because I am boning up for my last two CAPEs later this week, I didn’t notice? I did notice, however that Minister of Education Priya Manickchand (an…

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Food insecurity poses scary problems for humanity – Rodrigues-Birkett tells OAS forum

Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett has warned an Organisation of American States (OAS) forum that food insecurity poses scary problems for humanity, and could unfold more quickly than expected. Rodrigues-Birkett made the remarks as member countries of the OAS meet in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where they underscored the need for action to improve food security in the Americas, including current and future proposals to provide their citizens with access to abundant, safe, and nutritious food. The Guyanese minister said part of the problem is the gap between food production and demand…

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Gov’t injects Gy$250M into Eccles Industrial Complex

The Housing and Water Ministry has allocated some Gy$250 million for the establishment of an industrial complex in Eccles under the East Bank Development Project. Housing and Water Ministry Finance Director Taslim Baksh speaking to media operatives during a tour of various aspects of the project over the weekend, said Guyanese stand to benefit significantly from job creation, services and other developmental initiatives that will be undertaken by business entities that form part of the complex. “So far we have allotted between 15 and 20 plots of land to businesses…

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Caribbean faces massive economic damages from global warming – report warns

Latin America and the Caribbean face annual damages in the order of US$ 100 billion by 2050 from diminishing agricultural yields, disappearing glaciers, flooding, droughts and other events triggered by a warming planet, according to the findings of a new report to be released at the Rio+20 summit. On the positive side, the cost of investments in adaptation to address these impacts is much smaller, in the order of one 10th the physical damages, according to the study jointly produced by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); the Economic Commission of…

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Canadian schools offering Guyana oil, gas and mining assistance

Reputable tertiary institutions in Canada are willing to supplement the oil and gas industry Guyana is pursuing by sharing the wealth of knowledge and expertise. The two institutions – College of the North Atlantic and The Marine Institute of Memorial University – made the pitch to the Guyana government at the invitation of Canadian High Commissioner David Devine. College of the North Atlantic President Ann Marie Vaughan and other officials from the other institution met the Guyanese head of state President Donald Ramotar on Tuesday in the company of High…

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Lack of “I-technology” would mek plenty “I-rate!”

Everybody know how things change. Long ago school children had to use slate and pencil fuh learn fuh write and do dem school wuk. Now, dem using Ipad. Then, dem use to have a piece of twine with tin cups attached at de two ends fuh “communicate” like “cell phone”. Now, dem using I-phone and it ain’t gat anything fuh do with de Rastafarian movement! People seh de today “I-technology” is because of development as de country get modern. Everything now modern here and de country now even gat road-rage!…

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