Crocodile tears

Satiricus couldn’t hold back his tears. Wasn’t it wonderful how Ram Jhaat Tan and the Naga Man were praising old Speaker Ralfie? Oh, the brotherhood; the camaraderie and the solidarity these men were showing their old comrade. They probably just couldn’t wait to sit down in some rum shop on the East Coast with Ralfie and reminisce about the good old days. “Good old days?” Suresh snorted. “The only thing those fellas have in common is their hatred of Jagdeo.” “Yuh damn right,” agreed Cappo. “None a dem gat de…

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De U.S. is now part of de “third world!”

Some cricket fans seh de WICB don’t do anything, while others seh, over de years it actually did some really “strange” and “inexplicable” things. Dem sehin de board latest “endeavour” gat to be de one that “tek de cake”. It decide fuh host two matches on de current New Zealand tour in Florida. De first thing people can’t understand is how come de big USA officially turn part of de West Indies and de “third world”! Dem seh while de board need lessons in plenty things regarding cricket, it definitely…

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No secret deal in airport expansion project – CHEC

Even as the Guyana government announced that it will be reviewing the allegations levelled against the China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC), that company has said that the issues that are now surfacing in the local press are not new, and it is innocent. That company has however said that it was not officially informed that the government of Guyana is currently reviewing its contract with the company.  Regional Director CHEC Zhongdong Tang has said that “there was no secret deal” between the government of Guyana and the company in…

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Marriott will push local hotels to lift standard – Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar has assured that the opening of a Marriot Hotel in Guyana will not run current hoteliers out of business. According to him, the opening of such a world-class hotel would only give local hotels the opportunity to lift their standards, thereby raising the level of competition. “I want to assure all of you that the Marriot Hotel project is not going to put anyone out of business. The government is not into the business of pressuring any company into liquidation and I want to assure that those…

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Hinds applauds achievements of US/Guyana relationship

-as US 236th Independence anniversary observance Prime Minister Samuel Hinds performing the functions of President on Wednesday evening attended a reception hosted by the American Ambassador to Guyana, Brent Hardt at his residence to commemorate the United States of America’s 236th anniversary since the signing of the declaration of independence on July 04, 1776. The evening was celebrated under the theme, “American Tapestry.” The Prime Minister in his address said that the level of social and economic development which the US now enjoys, is a manifestation of the hard work…

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Amanda Chaliha

Amanda Chaliha, originally born in the Bronx, N.Y. is 18 years’ old and has recently graduated from the NYC Lab High School; she will be furthering her studies at Hofstra University with a major in Medicine. As a teenager, she has taken part in many Indo-Caribbean community events, such as, fundraisers for Guyana, Guyana Independence Day at City & Borough Hall, as well as events in the temple. Amanda is a well-known Indian dancer, model and TV Show host. Starting from 8 years old, her mother, Yvonne Chaliha trained her…

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Manickchand announces NGSA results

– Graham’s Hall, Mae’s tie for top spot By Vahnu Manikchand Photos by leroy smith A male student of Graham’s Hall Primary and another of Mae’s School have tied for the top position at this year’s National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) examination. Ramesh Ghir of Mae’s and Michael Bhopaul of Graham’s Hall Primary each scored 547 marks, Education Minister Priya Manickchand announced in the National Assembly on Wednesday. The rest of the top 10 performers scored marks ranging from to 541 to 546. The highest possible mark at the examinations…

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NEW GPC delivers value for money

Procurement of drugs highly transparent – Ramsammy Former Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy Former Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy has said the administration has consistently benefited from procuring medical supplies and pharmaceuticals from approved and prequalified suppliers, as compared to a process of tendering out which has resulted in unreliability, delays and other problems related to quality. Dr Ramsammy was at the time speaking during the Television Guyana’s (TVG- 28) “Current Issues and Analyses” talk show (The CIA), where he reiterated government’s “satisfaction” with the current systems in place for…

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Dr. Desrey Fox hailed as true Guyanese patriot

An inaugural lecture organised by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport to honour the life and work of the late Minister within the Ministry of Education Dr. Desrey Ceasar-Fox was held on Monday at the Umana Yana, Kingston. The event which attracted a number of prominent persons reflected on Dr. Fox’s many accomplishments and her passion for the development and preservation of Amerindian languages. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds in delivering brief remarks spoke of the work the late minister did and, much of which is part of the country’s…

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Haier Guyana opens US$2M assembly line

Haier Guyana is not concerned with the human capacity, but rather the high cost of electricity locally, a top official of the company said last week Friday as they opened a US$ 2 million assembly line at its Industrial Estate, Ruimveldt complex. Brian James, of Haier Guyana, stated that it is the cost of utilities that may interfere with the company’s ability to keep costs low. James noted that “the cost of electricity is one of the highest here”. He continued that Haier’s Chinese delegation was sufficiently pleased with the…

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