Gov’t has a strong case – lawyer

Senior Counsel Seenath Jairam said that the government has a strong case in its budget cuts motion in the High Court, arguing that the opposition does not have a right to reduce the budget under the Constitution. His comments came on Tuesday at the conclusion of a hearing into the matter being held before acting Chief Justice Ian Chang. Jairam has been retained by the Attorney General in the high-profile case. He told media operatives that the Donald Ramotar administration’s position that the opposition cannot slash the budget is correct.…

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Gov’t continues to invest heavily in hinterland education programme – Sukhai

Drawn from several hinterland regions of Guyana, 62 students who would have completed their secondary, technical and tertiary education under the Hinterland Scholarship Programme graduated last Wednesday. Several of them will return to their respective communities to serve their people. Officials from the ministry including Minister Pauline Sukhai and Permanent Secretary Nigel Dharamlall joined parents and guardians at the ceremony at the Amerindian Village at the Sophia Exhibition Complex. The graduates were given certificates as well awards for consistent academic performances, best all rounder, most improved and best behaved students.…

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The Linden crisis must be dealt with before it gets worse

Dear Editor, I am really saddened by what is prevailing in Linden. The situation is worsening, and it is an opportune moment for the game of cheap politics. What is pathetic is how emotionally charged stakeholders are. It seems as if the room for rationale and common sense is totally closed down. In fact, even spirituality is just about gone as well. I do believe that there is a place for protests – marches, addresses, writings etc. However, I also believe and advocate for any form of protest to be…

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Unprecedented intervention in women’s welfare

Dear Editor, The “women’s wagon” is on the move, and quite rightly so. I have my own take on all of the issues regarding the universal plight of women, but my views will come later. Right now, I am happy that one of the best things (for women) is about to happen. The great news is that “government is moving to change the law, to give persons (who have been) in common-law unions for five years, the same privileges, as a widow or widower, where their partner has died without…

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The school uniform assistance will help to ease the burden off parents

Dear Editor, As a single parent, I am very happy that the Ministry of Education in Guyana has undertaken to distribute school uniform vouchers to ease the burden off parents. I know that not every parent can afford to purchase items needed for school and such support by the government helps. I should point out that this voucher is not meant to take care of all the expenses of the student, it is meant to assist and parents should be smart enough to utilise it wisely. Some of us have…

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Would such a decision have a negative impact on immigrant communities in the U.S.?

Dear Editor, As is customary, Guyanese at home follow news and other updates on matters relating to immigration and so on in the U.S. This is so because almost everyone here has a relative or a close family in the U.S.; so whenever there is “breaking news” about a court ruling or a change in immigration policy etc, we follow closely in order to find out how it will impact persons we know. For example; a few days ago, a leading human rights group came out and warned that the…

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No Local Government Elections can be held until certain bills are passed – Collymore

THIS view was expressed by Mr. Clinton Collymore, Ministerial Adviser to Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, whilst delivering the feature address at a training workshop for Neighbourhood Democratic Councillors in Region 4 at the Guyana International Convention Centre, Lilendaal on Wednesday. The Fiscal Transfer Bill, the Local Government Commission Act, and the Electoral Act are on lockdown (held in abeyance) by the Opposition in the Select Committee; and unless they are released, there will be no local government elections. This situation was explained by Mr. Clinton Collymore, who…

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Caribbean Integration Sputters

Not many West Indians remember that CariCom was launched on July 4 (1973). Maybe in Guyana and St Vincent, which commemorate the event as a “CariCom Day” public holiday, the citizens are grateful for another day off. But in their minds there is little connection with CariCom: for the very good reason that for most Caribbean citizens – in including those in the diaspora, CariCom has been a failure. While not stated in such stark terms, this was the conclusion of the report by an international consulting firm (Landell Mills)…

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Region should become more self sufficient – Ramotor urges Caricom heads

President Donald Ramotar told the opening of the Caricom Summit that amid volatile food prices, it was time the region gives more impetus to the “Jagdeo Initiative”. Proposed several years ago by former President Bharrat Jagdeo, the “Jagdeo Initiative”, identifies and defines the key constraints facing agricultural development in the Caribbean region. It aims to make the sector about more than the production of food by exploring the numerous opportunities that exist for agro-businesses which will create more employment, and increase export earnings and the income of all stakeholders, especially…

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Trotman on a mission to “bring parliament to life for young people”

The “Bring Parliament to Life for Young People” initiative touched down in Region Six last Friday after an eventful day in Region Five on Thursday. The first stop in East Berbice was at the St Therese’s Primary School in New Amsterdam where hundreds of students gathered to hear from the Speaker of the National Assembly Raphael Trotman, Public Relations Officer of the Parliament Onieka Alphonso-Walton, and also viewed a 15-minute feature on the history of Guyana’s Parliament. The contingent comprised of Regional Education Officer Shifran Bhajan and other education officials.…

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