Mazaruni prison escapees recaptured

The two men who escaped from the Mazaruni Prison on Sunday have been recaptured, police have confirmed. According to a police release, around 11:30h Wednesday, Seon Hopkinson was recaptured by Joint Services ranks in a swampy area at Sherima on the Essequibo River; while Carlton Sampson was later recaptured in the same area at about 15:15h. Both Hopkinson and Sampson had escaped from the Mazaruni Prison on Sunday where they were serving sentences for robbery under arms and other offences. The prisoners are currently secured at the Mazaruni Prison and…

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Police to investigate City Hall’s ‘big three’

Anyone found culpable should be charged – Whittaker It appears that City Hall has gotten more than it had bargained for after seeking the approval of Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud to send home three senior officers at the centre of massive irregularities at the municipality. Minister within the Local Government Ministry Norman Whittaker, during a press briefing on Monday, said  his ministry would not be responding to the letter sent by City Hall, instead Cabinet has made a decision to call in the police to investigate the alleged fraud.…

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De barber now getting rush fuh delivery

While everybody does get headache, de reason does be different. In these normal cases, more than likely a painkiller like “Whizz”, can knock it out. Some seh it gat different types of headache and seh certain things is “headache”, like children, like dem job, spouse, car, phone and so on. That kind of “headache” could be more expensive fuh “knock” out since it gon tek plenty money fuh fix de car, buy a new phone and fuh satisfy de spouse. People sehin that yuh gat fuh be “innovative” when dealing…

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Model Search/Designers’ Portfolio stuns huge audience

– Andy Cummings named best designer After months of training and preparation, the finals of the Model Search/Designers’ Portfolio culminated at Isika, Parika, East Bank Essequibo last Sunday evening. Despite several glitches, with the main one being a change in venue, the models as well as the designers delivered to perfection, pleasing the capacity audience. Flaunting their bodies, 21 models, both male and female, competed for the title of Guyana’s top model. More than three hours of intense competition among the designers, who showcased taste and glamour, saw Andy Cummings…

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Women activists hail Common-Law Bill

By Tiffany Bowen Government’s recent tabling of a bill that will give common-law partners rights to inheritance is welcome news for some women activists who said that the legislation would not only help women who suffer most in these relationships, but also children who are born of such unions. The bill stipulates that in the union of a single individual, man/woman, who dies within five years of the relationship, the remaining member will inherit benefits similar to those that would have occurred in a formal union. Human Services Minister Jenifer…

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Regma Primary shines brightest for Region 10 at NGSA

By Svetlana Marshall The Regma Primary School has outshone the other schools in Region 10 at this year’s National Grade Six Assessments (NGSA) gaining the top six positions. The school had produced the nation’s top student in 2011; Terron Allen, but fell short this year. Nevertheless, it has stood its ground in the district producing the cream of the crop. Modesty Hosannah and Ashmar Angel each scored 532 marks, capturing the top position in the region and will be attending Queen’s College. In the second position is Timall Phillips, who…

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The fire next time

Satiricus is all for people speaking up for their rights. Why! Wasn’t he always arguing with his wife that it was his right to have roti every morning? So what if she sometimes raised her belna at him? A guy had to do what a guy had to do, and Satiricus would do a lot to have his daily roti. But he must say that he became a bit skittish after he heard Audrey Nortin giving his charge to the citizens of Linden. “De man seh nothin guh pass to…

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Forked-tongued suitors

Rushing Ralph It was not unexpected. The AFC are in hot pursuit of Ramkarran now that he’s resigned from the PPP. But we’re still taken aback by the hypocrisy of their pleadings. Take Moses “shut-yuh-so-and-so-mouth” Nagamootoo. This is a fella who was bested by Ramkarran at every step of the way in the PPP – but burned with jealousy and dedicated his entire PPP life to ensure that if he didn’t get the Presidency, neither would Ramkarran. This attitude was so ingrained that it was pathological. Nagamootoo talks about “legacy”.…

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De boys “switch”; some big men did too!

Congratulations to de hundreds of children that did really well at this year Grade Six Assessment exams. Dem did so well that de top ten had far more than ten; thirty-two to be precise! That mean fuh every one spot in de top ten it gat a ratio of 1:3.2! Fuh some, it might sound funny to say, “thirty-two in de top ten”. But that is a good thing and maybe next year fifty could be in de top ten! What even more comforting fuh de males, is fuh see…

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“Bird brain” might create new “challenges” fuh security

Some people does do some crazy things with de ultimate intention of getting away with them. Imagine a man carrying a set of living birds in he shirt sleeve and expect fuh pass unnoticed at a international airport! It was a classic case of Guyanese “ingenuity” gone wrong and of somebody actually gat something up dem sleeve! De man had nine birds up there! People who does keep birds like “Fire-red”, “Twa-twa”, “Moustache”, “Mountain” and so on fuh whistling purposes, know that generally, one bird does be in cage. Dem…

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