APNU calls for local gov’t polls by year-end

Reiterating its call for the administration to fulfill its promise to hold local government elections by year-end thereby ensuring that local government reform take place, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) said it is shameful that there is no evidence of steps being taken to prepare for elections. APNU parliamentarian Ronald Bulkan said the government was urged to decentralise and not re-centralise, to stop seeking to control and dominate local democratic organs, allow communities to elect their own councillors, and respect local leaders. The state was also urged to practise…

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Caribbean Containers, UG in initiative to recycle waste

The Natural Resources and Environment Ministry recently launched “Pick It up Guyana Campaign” is gaining momentum, as Caribbean Containers Inc. and the University of Guyana are collaborating in an exercise to recycle disposable waste. Subject minister, Robert Persaud, who described the initiative as a bold one, pointed out that the move to have a recycling industry developed in Guyana is an important method of dealing effectively with waste management. The campaign, that has not been restricted to the capital city, has already been taken to several parts of the country,…

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New CCJ president calls on Ramotar

Newly elected president of the Caribbean Court of Justice Sir Dennis Byron met with President Donald Ramotar last Thursday for the first time since he took up his new appointment September last. The meeting, held at the Office of the President, saw the two officials discuss the administration of justice in Guyana and the accession of other contracting countries to the court. Possibilities of the court’s itinerant proceedings moving to Guyana at some point in the future were also brainstormed according to Sir Byron, who spoke briefly with the Government…

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Getting Serious

It was reported that the government will be placing the issues of the abolition of the death penalty; ditto for corporal punishment and the decriminalisation of adult same sex activities to the National Assembly before our parliamentarians take off on their two-month holiday-August 10 to October 10. And you thought only schoolchildren go off on “summer” recess. Anyhow that’s some heavy stuff that’s being laid before them: those issues raise some intense emotions in our people. But we don’t expect a much calmer consideration of the issues by our opposition…

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An Unnecessary Tragedy

Linden Provocateurs The reports of four deaths in Linden resulting from the Police trying to restore order in the illegal blocking of the McKenzie bridge, are deeply regretted. Human life is sacred and should not be wasted. And this is what the Opposition organisers of the protest have done: wasted these lives. It is a tragedy that could have been avoided. We’ve been warning of the callous exploitation of the planned equalisation of the Linden electricity tariff from the beginning. And that beginning was when the AFC under the leadership…

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Gov’t scoffs at no-confidence motion against Region 8 REO

– says Regional Chairman misled council Local Government Minister Ganga Persaud said Region Eight Chairman Mark Crawford has misled the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) into passing a no-confidence motion against the Regional Executive Officer Ronald Harsaywack. The no-confidence motion was passed by eight of 15 councillors on Tuesday, July 10 during the RDC’s statutory meeting after being moved by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) councillor Oswald Junior and seconded by an Alliance For Change (AFC) representative. The councillors had cited 11 reasons for supporting the no-confidence motion, including the…

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Look out fuh de, “Rumble in Sophia Jungle”

Since David open he mouth and seh de nation ain’t gat a father, plenty tek he on fuh let he know how wrong he is. Even de BC did. Now, Aubrey, who is from de Coconut Tree party, which is about ninety-six per cent of de “Hands Up” party, decide fuh tek on David too. People seh dem don’t need any percentage stats to know that de “Hands Up” party is de same as de Coconut Tree party. So it means that Aubrey is one of David “own” who now…

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Businessman warns politicians against ‘confrontational politics’

Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) President Clinton Urling has criticised Guyana’s opposition politicians for their confrontational logic, which he said, can hamper the growth of the economy and prevent local and international investment crucial to the country’s development. Urling said Guyana is a country on the move with a strong economy which has recorded six years of consecutive growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The chamber’s own internal survey released about two weeks ago indicated that the country is performing very well. He stressed that government and private…

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An appeal to include greater Richmond Hill areas into one electoral district

Dear Editor, During the mandated consultation process earlier this year to redraw state and federal election boundary lines for seats to the State Assembly and U.S. Congress from New York City, a group of Guyanese activists, myself included, lobbied officials to prevent the gerrymandering of the greater Richmond Hill neighbourhood.  Gerrymandering is a norm in American electoral politics. We appealed to Governor Cuomo and pressured officials who did the redrawing to allow Richmond Hill to be in one district to increase the likelihood that a Guyanese American can get elected…

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Golfing in Guyana must be expanded

Dear Editor, I know that golfing is not the most popular of sports in Guyana. Very few, the elites really, play this game. However, the cadre of golfers in Guyana are all up to it – they can really play. Also, for a country with just a single golf course, the game is still faring well. So I urge supporters to ‘keep at it.’ In this regard, newly elected president of the Lusignan Golf Club (LGC), Jerome Khan, has made good on a promise when he was elected to the…

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