Berbice man electrocuted while picking cherries

The police are investigating the death of Lalchan Deonarine called “Burnham” of Seawell Village, East Canje Berbice, who was reportedly electrocuted early Friday morning. At the home of the deceased, relatives and friends gathered Friday playing cards, and lending a hand to tidying up the premises as more relative arrived after hearing the news. Deonarine’s pregnant 14-year- old daughter recalled the final moments of her father just before he tragically died. She explained that her father was lying in the hammock under their house while she and others were in…

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De bell sounding like it crack!

While some calm has returned to de mining town, de tension remains high. Understandably so, given that some people lost their lives in de events that follow de protest there. Since then, Uncle Donald and de opposition met and he also met with other stakeholders to ensure that de situation is carefully managed. People seh such meetings is good and that it give confidence. Some changes have also been made with regards to de police command in de town and a inquiry into de incidents was decided. De BC would…

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Top US scientist says antiretroviral drugs can help eradicate HIV/AIDS

The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr Anthony Fauci said Monday that the robust arsenal of antiretroviral drugs and scientifically proven interventions now available to treat and prevent HIV infection offers unprecedented opportunities to make major gains in the fight against the HIV-AIDS disease. Addressing the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington on “Ending the HIV/AIDS Pandemic-From Scientific Advances to Public Health Implementation”, Dr Fauci said the treatment now offers a hope for an end to the pandemic that has infected more than 34…

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The global Islamic community, including those in the Caribbean, have begun their annual month-long period of fasting called ‘Ramadan’. This event reminds us of the multi-religious nature of our region, which is an integral feature of our strength that is not often acknowledged. Formed as states in the wake of the European conquest of the ‘new world’, Christianity was inculcated into both the Indigenous Peoples and those that were brought in as slaves and indentured labourers. In fact, the practice of other religious traditions by the peoples outside of Europe…

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National Assembly commences debate on ‘no-confidence motion’ against Rohee

Government parliamentarians on Wednesday strongly defended the integrity and tenure of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee in the face of a no-confidence motion brought against him by Opposition Leader David Granger. The motion calls on the National Assembly to declare “no- confidence” in Rohee following the Linden unrests and deaths. The motion tabled on Wednesday called on the minister to resign his post while accepting “ministerial responsibility” for the death of three Lindeners and the injuries inflicted on scores of others in the mining town. The debate was spirited and…

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Gov’t gives Gy$7M to cultural groups for emancipation celebrations

As different cultural groups spearhead their usual activities to mark the occasion of another anniversary of African emancipation on August 1, the Government on Wednesday injected financial support to the tune of Gy$7M. The groups met President Donald Ramotar and Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sport, Alfred King, at the Office of the President where the cheques were handed over. The funding varied in proportions to the agenda of planned activities by the different groups. A total of Gy$5M was allocated to the African Cultural and…

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A level playing field Guyanese say everyone should pay the same rate for electricity

Following the recent move by the government to increase the electricity tariff for Lindeners, who have for many years been enjoying subsidised rates and who use about three times more than other consumers on the national grid, protest actions evolved over the issue. Lindeners were paying Gy$5 and Gy$15 dollars a kilowatt hour, compared to the Gy$65 which most Guyanese are paying. However, many citizens from other parts of Guyana are not in favour of Linden continuing to enjoy reduced rates while they are being billed at Gy$65 per kilowatt…

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Indian soap stars thrill fans in Guyana

The curtains of the “Music of the World 2 Super Concert” were pulled just about 04: 00h on Sunday with mixed reactions from the audience, despite some spectacular performances from the two stars of the Indian soap opera, “Yahan Mein Ghar Ghar Kheli” and Chutney King of the World, KI. Kudos to the team from Fire Fest Productions for a well-planned and well-executed event with respect to artistes’ performances, but it somewhat failed to provide a clear view to patrons who were in the general admission section. Disappointed and furious…

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Guyana has potential to dominate Caribbean’s tourism sector – Ali

– EZjet makes inaugural Guyana -Toronto flight By: Melinda Bishundyal EZjet Air Services Incorporated inaugural flight to Toronto, Canada, took off Tuesday afternoon from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) with some 98 passengers. The flight was launched after a formal ceremony in the airport’s executive lounge. The Boeing 767-200 series aircraft has 218 seats.  A return ticket to Canada costs US$650, while a one way ticket costs US$375. EZjet started its service to New York on December 16 last year. Since then, it has flown 300 flights in 3600…

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Third edition of Business Guyana Magazine launched

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) last week launched the third edition of the Business Guyana Magazine at a ceremony held at the Pegasus Hotel. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was in attendance at the event where it was highlighted that Business Guyana Magazine 2012, is an investor’s guide to doing business in Guyana, and is an annual publication by the GCCI, with the target audience being potential domestic or international investors. It contains information that would guide them towards establishing a business in Guyana. According to a Government…

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