Encouraging anarchy

Looting The lootings have begun in Linden, following the protests and the unfortunate shootings. The electronic goodies in the Digicel Store have all been pilfered. We will cease to pronounce on the shootings themselves until the commission of inquiry, about to be set up, are announced. But we all knew there are elements that were just waiting for the protests to ‘do their thing’ – and ‘their thing’ is never the thing of the public. It all has to do with exploiting the situation for their own narrow and selfish…

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Smelling blood

Hounding Rohee Clement Rohee has been a thorn in the side of the opposition from day one in the post-1992 PPP administration. As far back as Hoyte, they started to go after him-viciously and persistently. Hoyte chose the ad hominem route. In a series of cheap shots, he questioned the ‘educational’ qualifications of Rohee. For a man who served donkey years under Burnham, who was most proud of his ‘education’, Hoyte should have been the last man to go down this road. Rohee was educated in the street of hard…

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Digicel (Guyana) slashes rates for international calls

The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T) on Tuesday said it has appealed the decision of Justice Rishi Persaud in the case of James Samuels vs GT&T. The High Court had ruled that the monopoly held by GT&T to provide telecommunications service or to regulate voice and data transmission over the internet is unlawful and void. In the meantime, Digicel Guyana has slashed its international call rates up to 88 per cent in accordance with the ruling of the High Court from 18:00h on the said day. However, GT&T in…

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Zuma power

Satiricus was in high spirits. One of his favourite international characters, President Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma, would be visiting the West Indies. Jamaica was going to be celebrating its Golden Jubilee of Independence next week and Zuma was coming on a state visit. Satiricus wondered if Zuma would be bringing all four of his wives – especially the last one he married earlier this year at the age of seventy. After all, in South Africa, he regularly showed up with all his wives on his arms at official functions. ‘Hey!! Zuma…

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Preservation of Amerindian culture takes centre stage

Educator and flautist Johnny Kent, commonly called JJ Kent, a Native American from the United States of America who is currently in Guyana on a six-day visit on Monday paid a courtesy call on Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai. Kent, accompanied by United States Embassy Public Relations Officer Tabatha Fairclough, lauded the Amerindian Affairs Ministry for its stewardship in promoting and conserving Amerindian culture. He stated that while the visit presents him a unique opportunity for presentations on native culture, he will also be sharing some of his musical skills…

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Six-year-old boy crushed by fallen car

A six-year-old boy was killed almost instantly when his head was crushed by his father’s car. Suraj Ajai Beharry was with his father under the car PHH7487 at the family’s residence at Sixth Street, Islington, East Bank Berbice around Tuesday morning, when it fell, pinning him to the ground. The child was a pupil of the Overwinning Primary School. When this publication arrived on the scene, a crowd was gathering along the narrow street adjacent to the sea wall on the eastern bank of the Berbice River. Investigators were inside,…

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Greenidge says he’s against Granger’s “One Man Show” in PNCR/APNU

Executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform Carl Greenidge, who is also vying for the position of leader of the party said his rival David Granger should not grab all three key positions in the opposition. The positions are namely leader of the PNCR, Opposition Leader and Chairman of a partnership for National Unity and PNCR leader. Greenidge made the Comments at a press conference when asked by the media about the opposition leader seeking to contest the three positions. “Given where the PNCR is, it needs someone who…

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Linden protests hurting investments, businesses

Lindeners stand to lose the most as they continue to participate in the opposition-backed and organised protests in the mining town, burning public buildings, blocking roads and destroying private properties. This is the position of President Donald Ramotar, who said that it is time for the community to return to a state of normalcy as the resumption of talks on the way forward commences. Ramotar felt strongly that the protests in the mining town would have a significant impact on the investment climate there, and business as a whole. He…

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Deceased former TT minister assisted in Guyana’s anti-dictatorial struggle

Dear Editor, I write to pay tribute to the former Trinidad parliamentarian for 25 years and Minister of Government, Mr. Kelvin Ramnath, who died last Sunday in Trinidad. Kello, as we called him, assisted in the struggle against the Guyanese dictatorship. During the 1980s, I communicated with Kello, Basdeo Basdeo (leader of the ULF party), Trevor Sudama, and others urging them to raise the matter of Guyana human rights abuses with the TT government to pressure the Burnham dictatorship to yield to democratic rule. True to his commitment, Kello raised…

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Kudos for the local karatekas

Dear Editor, The karate talk will be so much more intense now. Already plans are afoot for a karate college, and now the evidence is more than overwhelming for a ‘karate drive’ in Guyana. This is because of Guyana’s karatekas have proven themselves outstanding at the International Karate Daigaku Shoto Camp and World Cup tournament (IKD). The various performances were excellent, even though Guyana did not cop first place. They were second best to Canada. The tally showed that Guyana ended with 45 medals, 23 of which were gold, 5…

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