Our generation

Most days, we just live our lives, following the same routine, meeting the same people, holding the same beliefs and worldviews. But then every once in a while, something happens that shakes things up. It could be a good event that restores your faith in humanity. Or it could be something so horrendous that it makes you clutch and claw at your face and wish that you didn’t live on this planet. And unfortunately, there has been a lot of the latter types of events occurring, with the recent shoot-out…

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‘We’re taking no political order in Linden’-police

Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brummel on Friday said the force got no directive from any political personality or minister of government regarding its policing of the volatile Linden community, which has been on tenterhook since last week when lawmen shot and killed three protesters during a power hike demonstration. In a statement clearing the air on the issue, police said: “Cognisant of rumours circulating among concerned members of the public, the Guyana Police Force wishes to categorically state that at no time was any directive or instruction given to the…

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“We are getting minimum wage under stressful conditions”

N.Y.-based Guyanese join other minorities to rally for better pay and working conditions Several New York –based Guyanese joined other workers to protest the working conditions at their job sites in Queens last Friday, and again on Tuesday. They complained of working for minimum wages under very stressful conditions, and are demanding wage increases as well as better working conditions. Speaking to reporters, Samul McCalman, a Guyanese, said he only gets a four or five minute break during his shift that normally runs from 07:30h to 15:00h. He said that…

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TT pathologist: Live rounds were used

The three men shot dead during a protest last week in Linden against the hike in electricity rates were shot with live rounds and not rubber pellets, autopsies conducted by pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh and overlooked by a Trinidadian specialist have confirmed. The autopsies also revealed that the men were shot through their hearts, and in one case, the victim was shot in his back. Police in a release said post-mortem examinations were performed on the bodies of Ron Somerset, Allan Lewis and Shemroy Bouyea, of Wismar, Linden, by Dr…

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Gov’t put Linden tariff hike on hold

Government has offered to put on hold the hike in electricity tariff in Linden which took effect on July 1, and in consultation with officials from Region 10 and the political opposition, has moved to establish a technical team to brainstorm options to the electricity tariff system. The decision was prompted by the protest actions and unrest sparked in the bauxite town according to head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon, who addressed the public in the first of a series of daily Office of the President media updates…

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Moses and Khemraj “vocal mechanism” in recess!

July 18 gone was a significant day. Not only was it Mandela birthday and de day de incident in Linden happen, but it was also de day when de Chief Judge rule on de case regarding de cuts de “Hands up” and “key” parties mek to de budget. Somehow de significant ruling get overshadow by other events. A always confident pontificating Anil spearhead de government case to bring relief to de hundreds of people that was affected by, to use his term, “de unconscionable cuts”. At de time when dem…

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Guyana, Ecuador to collaborate on tourism drive

Ecuadorian Tourism Minister Freddy Ehlers said he was captivated by Guyana, its architecture and sustainable development plan during a recent visit to the country, the Guyana Tourism Authority reported. The visiting diplomat paid a courtesy call on acting Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali last Thursday at the Housing Ministry in Georgetown, to discuss the integration of the two countries’ tourism product among other issues. Ehlers, who is also a television producer and journalist, will be making a video documentary during his stay. “This is my first trip to…

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U.S. pledges more aid for HIV/AIDS fight

The 19th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) opened on Sunday evening at the Walter E Washington Convention Centre in the United States, with Washington pledging to continue its support for poor countries in the fight against the pandemic. The conference is being attended by some 25,000 delegates from more than 195 countries. It is focused primarily on bringing the greatest minds in the field of science and social sciences together, in order to come up with a strategy to eradicate the deadly virus and break the culture of stymieing development…

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Blue economy just as important as green — TT Minister

Foreign and local, and public and private sectors’ investments in the diversification of the local economy must factor in the concepts of “green” and “blue” economies in their plans and strategies. “We need to be aware of what is known as the blue economy,” Planning Minister Dr Bhoe Tewarie said at the closing session on Friday of the Conference on Developing a National Diversification Strategy at the Hyatt Regency, Port-of-Spain. Tewarie defined the “blue economy” in island countries such as TT “as an economy based on the sustainable management of…

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Demerara Harbour Bridge reopens to light traffic

Light traffic has begun to flow on the Demerara Harbour Bridge, two days after a section of the structure collapsed. A team of dedicated workers and engineers attached to the Demerera Harbour Bridge has worked tirelessly for the past 48 hours, making it possible for light traffic to access the facility on Wednesday, just after 13: 00h. The bridge, which is 95 per cent complete, was opened to facilitate cars and other small vehicles, but it will take another few days to accommodate heavy traffic. General Manager of the bridge…

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