British national sentenced to four years’ imprisonment for cocaine trafficking

A British national was charged for possession of narcotics when he appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry on Monday. Sinclair Akoto, 25, of London, England, made an appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts to the answer to the charge of possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. He pleaded guilty to the charge which stated on June 22 at Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri he was in possession of 484 grams of cocaine, all of which he had ingested. Special CANU Prosecutor Oswald Messiah stated that on May 27…

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GuySuCo getting “better prices” for sugar

– Bhim says production shortfalls being addressed By Michael Younge The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) said it has taken aggressive measures to improve its profitability while at the same time creating a more efficient management structure that would result in improved production. The entity has been the centre of public criticisms for its inability to get its act together and address competently its shortfalls while at the same time meeting its set goals and objectives. The corporation’s Chief Executive Officer Paul Bhim speaking in a recent interview with Guyana Times…

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National discourse on domestic violence to begin next month

The Labour, Human Services and Social Security Ministry on Monday announced that it will be launching a National Conversation on Domestic Violence on June 27, with the aim of forming a strategic plan of action to address the scourge. Human Services and Social Security Minister Jenifer Webster in announcing this to the media said the discourse is a partnership between government, the private sector, non-governmental organisations, and faith-based organisations locally. It is our intention to roll out in all 10 administrative regions from July to November, 2012,” Webster said. Among…

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Despite setbacks Guyana’s development moving apace – Ramotar tells Guyanese forum in Canada

President Donald Ramotar told a Guyanese forum in Canada that the country’s development agenda was moving apace despite some setbacks. He also thanked the diaspora there for their contributions towards the human development of Guyana. Ramotar and Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett flew to Canada after the Rio+ 20 conference to open Guyana’s 46th Independence Festival in Toronto, and to meet and exchange ideas with a wide-cross section of diaspora groups at a conference at Sheraton Parkway, Toronto, North Hotel on Sunday. The forum provided an opportunity for the president…

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Guyana signs petroleum pact with U.S. firm

The government of Guyana has signed an agreement with Anadarko Guyana Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (Anadarko), a United States of America-based company to undertake exploration in the deep waters of Guyana’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Given Guyana’s abundance of natural resources, the company had sought to engage the government of Guyana to conduct exploration activities in 2011, and had submitted technical proposals and held a series of discussions with senior government officials, including President Donald Ramotar. The discussions resulted in an agreement to commence studying available data…

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Lindeners continue tariff hike protest

Scores of Lindeners picketed while Parliament was in session on Wednesday with the aim of having the National Assembly reverse government’s decision to increase electricity rates. During the protest, the irate protestors used placards to communicate their frustration with the government, and moreso Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, who hails from the mining town. Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon joined in the protest to lend solidarity to his fellow Lindeners and reiterated the need for economic development in the mining community before any increase in electricity tariff. He argued that Parliament…

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The pendulum

Lincoln the Lout One thing you can say about Lincoln the Lout: he can sure get his helpmate to churn out those mind-numbing letters to the press. We heard that said helpmate is MA Bacchus, who ever so often, wades in, in her own right. Now that’s service above and beyond the call of duty! But the duo seems to have lost the plot in their interminable ramblings. In matters constitutional they are oblivious to the reality that what the Constitution says and what it possibly ought to say, are…

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Why wait for the youths to go astray?

Dear Editor, On the surface, it is good to read about programmes of amelioration for any aspect of society. The news unfolding is that the Local Government Ministry and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) office in Guyana signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), in order to commence a two-year capacity building programme for some of the youths in Guyana. The US$ 150,000 programme is expected to provide training to select youths in Regions Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and 10, and will have the support of the Ministry of…

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Nothing vindictive about electricity reform in Linden

Dear Editor, I would also like to assure Mr Lincoln Lewis and all who might have read his letter in SN and KN of June 22 captioned “Linden highlights the PPP’s vindictive and discriminatory nature” that there is nothing vindictive in electricity reform in Linden. Our PPP/ C government has always sought to have Linden and indeed all of Region 10 share equitably in the fortunes, whether good and bad, of our country. As I have said at an earlier occasion, I wish we had on record a Google street…

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Boa Vista to host inagural tourism meeting of Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela

The Boa Vista, Roraima Convention and Visitors Bureau, in collaboration with the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana (THAG) and in partnership with the government of Guyana and the state of Roraima, will host the first tourism meeting of the three nations – Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela later this week. The conference will be held on June 28, from 08: 00h at the Teatro SESC Mecejana in Boa Vista, Brazil. The meeting is the result of an initiative taken by THAG President Paul Stephenson, THAG Director Colin Edwards and Magno…

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