PM Hinds attends African Diaspora Summit in South Africa

Prime Minister Samuel Hinds represented President Donald Ramotar at the African Diaspora Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, held over the past two days under the theme: “Towards the Realisation of a United and Integrated Africa and its Diaspora”. The event, hosted by the African Union, attracted African leaders and members of the African diaspora from the Caribbean, the Americas, and elsewhere. Early this year, the union’s leaders agreed to launch the summit in South Africa, and had asked the African Union and South Africa to team up to arrange the…

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Judiciary doing all it can to reduce backlog cases – AG

The alarming number of backlog cases in the magistrates’, Supreme Courts and the Court of Appeal has become a great concern for the judicial system, Attorney General Anil Nandlall said. For quite some time, counsels and their clients, more so, inmates have been complaining about the lengthy period they are forced to wait for their cases to be heard and even when they are being heard, the process encounters various hiccups. For the past 15 years, the number of cases that have been appearing in the courts have created a…

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Guyanese Gandhi

Satiricus accepts that he’s an incorrigible optimist. Some say the cup is half-empty; well, Satiricus only sees it half-full. And, well… yes; he is talking about the PPP’s cup. But seriously folks, when Satiricus saw how Ram Jhaat Tan had not shown up for the NICIL TV debate, he knew that here was a man who just wanted to avoid conflict. The man was head of an organisation named after Gandhi; he was also engaged in politics. Could it be? Were we seeing the birth of the Guyanese Gandhi? “Gandhi??!!”…

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EU plugs Gy$ 6.5B into sugar industry – pact for hydropower in Kato also signed

  By Ariana Gordon Government and the European Union (EU) last Friday signed two financing agreements to the tune of Gy$ 7.1 billion (27.4 million euros) for a micro-hydropower system in Kato, Region Eight, and budget support for the ailing sugar industry. The agreements were signed by Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and EU Ambassador Robert Kopecky in the presence of EU representatives and other officials of the Finance Ministry. The EU had approved a project for the development of a micro-hydropower system on the Chiung River, Kato, Region Eight.…

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Some dependent even though dem “independent!”

Saturday de country was 46 years old as it celebrate it Independence from de Union Jack. Now, yuh getting “jack” fuh union when yuh look at de disunion in the Unions. That aside, even though de country independent, is gat some who are not independent, despite claiming to be! It gat some who is actually 46 years old but still living with dem “ma” and “pa!” Some in this set don’t even wuk and dem who do, does mek others believe that dem not dependent on anybody! People does call…

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Muzzling the Mouth

  Bitter spite   Martin Carter wrote that “the mouth is muzzled by the hand that feeds it”. He knew of what he wrote. Burnham had hired him as Information Minister and certainly kept him on a tight leash. He finally quit in disgust. The opposition is obviously following faithfully in Burnham’s footsteps now that they have gotten control of the public purse. They slashed Gy$ 20 billion from the budget – but what was most vindictive and spiteful were the chops to the budget of the OP to the…

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Government updates UWI academics on domestic, other issues

A government team led by President Donald Ramotar, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh and Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr Roger Luncheon accommodated international relations academics from the University of the West Indies (UWI) to a meaningful discussion session on current issues in the international, regional and domestic arenas. The batch of 14 post graduate scholars of the St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago, were on a scheduled tour of Guyana, and part of it included meetings with decision-makers and stakeholders. Dr Mark Kirton from the UWI Institute of International…

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“Time for consensus building and dialogue” – Foreign Minister

  By Michael younge Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett has strongly condemned what is taking place in the National Assembly under “the new dispensation”. She warned opposition parliamentarians that “this is not the time” for them to play a game of “petty politics” at the expense of the country’s improving international image. Rodrigues-Birkett was speaking during an interview on Monday afternoon with this publication. She said that the recent budget cuts will definitely take a toll on Guyana’s international portfolio, explaining that it is time for idle chatter and the…

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Visit Moruca

Moruca is home to a number of Guyana’s fascinating ecotourism wonders: numerous bird species, endangered turtles, glimpses of other wildlife species native to the collection of communities that constitute the Moruca sub-region, and meandering waterways that harbour little marvels of their own. The village of Moruca, Region One, is a centre of scintillating beauty and community cohesion. It has a police station, hospital, post office and a cluster of shops, and speed boat services. Breathtaking boat rides in and around Moruca would help you connect with the people and nature.…

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