Project Failures!!! Why?

Efficiently delivering expected performance for projects remains a critical challenge for many project managers globally. Improving our understanding of how various factors influence project performance is therefore an important research objective. It is necessary to comprehend the processes and testing of temporal models to benchmark project performance (TMPP). Performance can be better understood by separating risk factors into earlier (a priori) risk factors and later (emergent) risk factors, and modeling the influence of the former on the latter. Project performance – the dependent variable – is measured by considering both…

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Jenny “shaking” and Clement “kicking!”

Recently, plenty people complaining. Khemraj complain that de budget too big. Lindeners complain that dem light bill gon get “heavy”. Public servants complain that Khemraj want cut dem jobs. He then complain that David ain’t support he. David complain that de GINA reporting too one-sided. Some of David people complain he “selling out” and de “mukracker” just complaining! And that is just lil bit. De AFC complaining that de government gat “fat cats”. Government denying it and seh dem ain’t employ nobody name “Garfield!” By meking complain, people seh de…

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Mother Earth

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” – Rachel Carson Today (Sunday) the world commemorates “Earth Day” under the theme ‘‘Mobilise the Earth’’. The organisers have announced that groups in more than 180 countries “will voice their appreciation for the planet and demand its protection.” To a person from my background I have always found it a bit strange that people have to be ‘organised’ to recognise the worth of the earth. Growing up in a Hindu…

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Favouritism causing mediocrity!

A recent letter in this paper “hit” a certain “nail” pun it “head”. It had to do with cricket and some West Indian players who doing “business” in de current Indian Premier League (IPL). De Bell Crier intention is not fuh prevent any player from earning but it gat to do with principle and loyalty of de player to dem home team! Tek fuh example, Pollard, Bravo and Samuels, who are all paying fuh different teams in de IPL. Before de fifth IPL began, de West Indies started a home…

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Wheelchair-bound persons can now access Public Buildings

The National Assembly last Friday commissioned a ramp, allowing persons with disabilities to access its first floor. Speaker of the House Raphael Trotman said the facility is the first in of a series of measures Parliament will be taking to lead the way in implementing the Persons with Disabilities Act of 2010. “Since I’ve become Speaker, I’ve been working with the clerk and others to ensure as a first act we would have a ramp. I know that the ramp may be a bit steep but I believe with some…

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Veteran “Guyanese” Congressman Ed Towns announces retirement

By North American Correspondent  U.S. Rep. Edolphus Towns (D-Brooklyn), whose district is in the heart of a large Afro and Indo-Guyanese community, announced over the weekend that he would retire from Congress by year end. His resignation leaves open the possibility of another Guyanese seeking to fill the vacant seat. Just last month, Congressman Towns was in the race for re-election of the eight district he has represented for almost 30 years. His district has been re-drawn this year, as required by law under the 2010 census, adding tens of…

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Beware the rejects

It is said that those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. The Greeks experienced a lot of madness in their time and saw entire peoples destroyed. It is not by coincidence that the Greeks pretty much invented tragedies. The AFC and its entire leadership corps have definitely gone bonkers and destruction cannot be very far away. If it were just a matter of the few demented leaders driven crazy by their hatred of the PPP, because they see the latter as standing in their way to…

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APNU tables motion to allow protest outside Parliament

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) parliamentarian Desmond Trotman has tabled a motion in Parliament for the House to declare that the right of citizens to assemble and demonstrate peacefully outside Parliament should not be hindered. The motion will come up on May 7. Protests have been discouraged outside Parliament over the years, with police throwing up barricades and frequently clashing with demonstrators. The Parliament office on Monday served notice that the motion was received on April 19. The motion noted that from the early beginnings of the National Assembly…

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Manganese firm to begin commercial operations next year – chairman

Reunion Manganese Incorporated is expected to install a pilot plant at its Matthews Ridge, North West District site for production and shipment of commercial manganese by April 13. The markets which the shipments will target will test and give feedback to the company. It is expected that the final feasibility study will be filed for approval, making way for actual construction of the plant. Reunion Manganese Incorporated Executive Chairman David Fennell, who met President Donald Ramotar at the Office of the President on Monday, told the Government Information Agency (GINA)…

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Guyana leading Caribbean in implementation of EPA – EU official

Guyana has lived up to expectations in the aspects of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) of which it was a signatory, and has taken the lead in the Caribbean region in the area of implementation. This was the view of Latin America and the Caribbean and European Commission Directorate of Development and Cooperation Jolita Butkeviciene, who is in Guyana on a mission to assess the country’s cooperation with the European Union (EU). Accompanied by head of the EU Delegation to Guyana, Ambassador Robert Kopecký and other officials, Butkeviciene met President…

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