Pressure mounts on Trotman to quit as AFC leader

Newly elected Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman is under pressure to give up the leadership of the Alliance For Change (AFC) as it seems to be a conflict of interest for him to hold both positions. There has been no indication from Trotman about this. He edged out former Speaker, Ralph Ramkarran by one vote when the opposition-controlled National Assembly convened on Thursday to elect a Speaker, his deputy and swore in the 65 parliamentarians. Contacted on the issue on Friday, Trotman said he was pressed with various…

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‘Incumbency fatigue’ possible cause of losing majority – Ramkarran

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPPC) says it has repositioned itself to examine all possible factors that have contributed to it not to securing a majority win in the recent general and regional elections. Speaking at a media briefing on Tuesday, Central Executive member and former Speaker of the National Assembly, Ralph Ramkarran said that the party has assessed “the current situation which resulted from the November 28, 2011 General and Regional Elections”. He said that it was observed that while the PPP/ C secured the largest number of votes…

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Guyana/China relations to be further strengthened in 2012 – Chinese Ambassador

The roll-on/roll-off ferries that arrived in Guyana recently were officially transferred to Guyana on Friday by Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Yu Wenzhe in the presence of representatives of the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The certificates of delivery and transferral for the Sabanto and Kanawan vessels which arrived in the country less than a month ago were presented to Public Works Minister, Robeson Benn in his office at Wight’s Lane, Kingston, Georgetown. The ambassador said he was happy to hand over the vessels on behalf of the government and the people of…

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Unlocking Norway funds a priority – Ramotar

President Donald Ramotar has said that the forest carbon payments Guyana earned from the government of Norway that is locked away in an international financial institution has not gone unnoticed. Speaking to members of the media during his first press briefing for the year, President Ramotar said, “Norway has paid their money into the World Bank… and we will be working to ensure that our country and our people benefit from that money”. The Norwegian government has lived up to its obligation of depositing US$ 70 million in forest carbon…

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Jamaican parliamentarians pledge co-operation

Leaders of government and Opposition Business in both Houses of the Jamaican Parliament on Tuesday buried the hatchet, presenting a unified front to the media for the co-operation they said would be the hallmark of the new Parliament. The historic press conference, held after the opening ceremony for the new session of Parliament and the swearing in of members, was addressed by new leader of government business in the House of Representatives Phillip Paulwell. Paulwell, in acknowledging that debates in times past have been known to get downright rowdy with…

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Violence and inequality restrict democracy, cause poverty, underdevelopment – ECLAC

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Executive Secretary, Alicia Bárcena, and the United States Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy and Human Rights, María Otero, stated that violence and inequality are a cause and consequence of poverty, insecurity and underdevelopment. They also contended that these ills restrict democracy, freedom and lower the quality of life for the population in Latin America and the Caribbean. Otero, visited the headquarters of the regional commission of the United Nations in Santiago, Chile, where she gave a magisterial conference entitled “Promoting…

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Sustained efforts needed to reduce high level of domestic violence – Pandit Sugrim

Although it may not always be easy and straight forward, sustained efforts must be made to reduce the prevalence of domestic violence, abuse, rape and suicide. This is the view of Pandit Suresh Sugrim of the New Jersey/Guyana Central Arya Samaj Humanitarian Mission. His concerns were expressed even as local efforts are being made to raise awareness about the social problem. And this, he said, will only become a reality if individuals would seek to look out for each other on a continual basis. “If you know your co-worker, friend,…

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Several gun licences issued to Guyanese miners in last three years – Rohee

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, said that over the past three years, a number of gun licences were issued to miners, as they seek to beef up their own security in light of spiraling crime in the interior. The minister made the statement in response to an article by this newspaper which quoted Gold and Diamond Miners Association head, Patrick Harding as saying that several requests made to the Home Affairs Ministry for miners to train their own security officials have not been responded to, and also that the issuance…

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World Bank sets Guyana’s GDP at 5.1 per cent this year

Guyana’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for this year is projected to be 5.1 per cent, the World Bank said in a report titled Global Economic Prospects . Guyana’s projection is the third highest in Latin America and the Caribbean. The bank said Haiti will see the highest growth of 8.1 per cent, followed by Peru with 6.1 per cent. Haiti’s growth however is based on aid inflows from developing countries. The report said the Caribbean economy will grow by about 3.6 per cent this year. Meanwhile, the report stated that…

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AFC is an independent party – Ramjattan

The Alliance for Change (AFC) Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan said his party will in no way serve as an appendage to any other political parties. Ramjattan made this comment during a press conference held on Wednesday, pointing out that the AFC is an independent party. The AFC executive said while A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) executive David Granger continues to publicly announce that both the APNU and the AFC obtained 175,000 votes collectively, during the 2011 elections, the AFC is a separate party. Ramjattan explained that if the People’s Progressive…

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