“They will not make a difference, and we will never join their coalition” – AFC

The Alliance For Change launched a massive attack on the value and worth of the recently formed and announced “A Partnership For National Unity” (APNU) coalition, stating that it will not make a difference in the political climate here, nor will it manage to attract more electoral support at the upcoming general and regional elections. Speaking during an interview with Guyana Times International, Alliance For Change presidential candidate Khemraj Ramjattan stated that the coalition is “weak and a disguise to fool Guyanese into believing that the PNCR has changed and…

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School uniform distribution begins in hinterland

– “There should be no excuse for children to stay at home” – Minister Sukhai That started out as a programme to benefit mainly rural areas, the government’s School Uniform Assistance Programme, is now benefiting thousands of children in Amerindian and hinterland communities, as the administration continues to work in closing the education gap between the coastland and the hinterland. Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai and a team from the ministry visited several Amerindian communities in Region Nine from June 22 to 24, to oversee the distribution of school uniform…

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Prime Minister Hinds lauds Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha for its multi- purpose centre

– to be a place for all Guyanese Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, performing the duties of president, along with Culture, Youth and Sport Minister Dr Frank Anthony and Presidential Advisor and party candidate Donald Ramotar, all commended the Dharma Maha Sabha for realising the Kalyan Centre and Shopping Plaza on Lamaha Street, Georgetown. The centre, a multi – dimensional complex, was opened on the evening of June 26. It is anticipated to be a place for all Guyanese, regardless of religion, race, age and class, and it will be a…

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New York celebrates caribbean youth

Brooklyn, New York – The celebration of Caribbean American Heritage Month continued here on June 26 with a Youth Celebration Day, which included the awarding of four scholarships and two grants to deserving college-bound students by the Laparkan/Una Clarke Scholarship Fund. The event, which took the form of a worship service at St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, was attended by hundreds of Caribbean/Americans and featured a youth choir, dance troupe, and addresses by two youth leaders. Also, a number of elected officials and Caribbean consular corps representatives participated in the event.…

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GWI’s coastal program to benefit some 40,000 residents

Some 40,000 residents along Guyana’s coast will benefit from improved water supply provided under the Guyana Water Incorporated’s Gy$850 million “Coastal 2011 Programme.” This benefit is expected to happen before the year ends. The programme is being facilitated under two components: the implementation of five new wells, costing Gy$476 million; and the transmission and distribution phase, which will cost some Gy$375 million. Speaking with Guyana Times International, GWI’S Executive Director of Capital Investment and Planning, Ramchand Jailal, stated that the “Coastal 2011 Programme” will boost the water supply tremendously in…

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EPG calls for Commonwealth to play greater role in elections

The group formed to examine the reform of the Commonwealth has recommended that the bloc play a more meaningful role in the electoral processes of its member countries. Sir Ronald Sanders, a member of the group, revealed that they are advising the Commonwealth to establish a body for democracy and electoral practices to deal specifically with this issue. The Eminent Persons Group (EPG) was established by Commonwealth heads of government at their summit in November 2009 in Trinidad and Tobago. The group’s role is to undertake an order to bring…

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Incoming Caricom chairman hails achievements in health sector

Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, the incoming Chairman of the Caribbean Community (Caricom), Dr Denzil Douglas, said Caricom could celebrate 10 years of solid achievements in the region’s health sector development since the Nassau Declaration. Prime Minister Douglas, who has lead responsibility for Human Resource Development, Health and HIV/AIDS in the quasi-Cabinet of the Caricom conference of heads of government, was addressing regional media representatives at a media clinic held on June 24 on the margins of the 32nd annual meeting of the Caricom conference of heads of…

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Minister Ali attending OIC meeting in Kazakhstan

Guyana’s Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali arrived in the Kazakh capital of Astana on Monday to participate in the 38th Organisation of Islamic Conference ( OIC) foreign ministers meeting. Ali was a member of President Jagdeo’s delegation to Kuwait, Iran and the UAE in 2010. The OIC, of which Guyana and Suriname are members, is expected to adopt the new OIC Charter, which Ali will sign on behalf of Guyana. The meeting will also adopt the recommendation of the senior officials who recently met in Jeddah to finalize the…

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High-level forum discusses strategies to tackle youth unemployment in Caribbean

The Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter- American Development Bank, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States Department of State, and the International Youth Foundation (IYF) hosted a two-day high level discussion on how to most effectively address the issues of unemployment and social exclusion facing youth at risk in Latin America and the Caribbean in the years ahead. Participants at the Youth Partnerships Employability Conference, held in Washington, DC on June 21/22, shared proven practices and innovative solutions for tapping into the full potential…

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UWI deputy principal to receive Caricom women’s award

University of the West Indies deputy principal and gender professor Dr Violet Eudine Barriteau will receive the Caricom Triennial Award for Women for her remarkable contribution to the field of gender and development and her role as “a powerful exemplar of self-respect, self- discipline, vision and leadership”. The Triennial Award for Women was introduced in 1983 to recognise and honour Caribbean women who have made significant contributions to socio- economic development at the national and regional levels. Acting Caricom Secretary General Lolita Applewhaite, who made the announcement at last Friday’s…

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