PPP has always been multi-ethnic in its composition

Dear Editor, It would seem that with elections in the air, many will attempt to latch on to anything that will serve to dent the PPP/C’s chances of winning again. M Maxwell is no different: he has trumpeted a tune that has been played and replayed to no avail. He is playing the race card. Maxwell would do well to go down memory lane to the formation of the PPP in 1950, when its multi-ethnic composition was first manifested. It was this same feature which was solidified in the party’s…

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The record is there for everyone to see

Dear Editor, In any society, basic necessities of life always take centre stage, as they subscribe to the fundamentals of the wellbeing of the people, regardless of their economic or social status. In Guyana, one of these necessities is the life-long dream of the Guyanese man or woman to own his or her own home. To make their dream a reality, some of them would stop at nothing, but continue to traverse the hard road to success until this cherished goal is achieved. In this endeavour, the Housing and Water…

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Minister Persaud urges GuySuCo graduates to become agents of change

BY MICHAEL ITWARU The GuySuCo Training Centre at Port Mourant, Corentyne turned out another batch of apprentices at its 50th graduation exercise on Monday, July 18. Forty-five craftsmen received certification after successfully completing two years of in-house and in-plant training respectively, while 12 adult sugar boilers’ apprentices also received their certification. The best graduating apprentice was Subashchand Mahabir, an instrument repairs mechanic from Wales Estate, who gained four distinctions. Vickram Persaud from the LBI Estate was awarded the final Watson Award and adjudged the valedictorian of the batch. The 2011…

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Lindeners now accessing learning channel

Residents of Linden are now benefitting from one of government’s most recent educational initiatives, the Guyana Learning Channel. On Wednesday last, a satellite dish was planted at the Linden branch of National Communications Network for the installation of the educational channel, which now complements two existing channels in the region-channels 8 and 11. The channel was switched on for the first time in the mining town at around 21: 30h on July 13, but came off periodically the next day to facilitate adjustments to ensure effective broadcast. Finance Minister Dr…

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Political cavilling

To “cavil”, the dictionary informs us, is to find fault unnecessarily; to “nit- pick” and to “quibble”. In the normal course of events, cavilling may be brushed off as being merely an annoying idiosyncrasy. But in a situation of heightened emotions, it has the potential of leading to unnecessary questioning of motives and intentions, which can trigger undesirable actions. The recent opposition, by the opposition APNU/ AFC, to the proposal by GECOM to extend the claims and objections period to facilitate the inclusion on the voters list of individuals who…

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Foreign investments in Linden on the rise – finance minister

Foreign investments in Linden have significantly improved over the last few years, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh said. He made the remarks during his recent visit to the bauxite mining town where he toured the operations of Baishanlin International Forest Development Incorporated and Toucan Connections International Call Centre, both foreign companies based there. Baishanlin International Forest Development Incorporated is located in Coomacka. The company is looking to expand its operations, with the construction of a new factory. The new factory will be constructed at Conception on the Linden Highway. Baishanlin…

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NACTA poll gives Ramotar decisive advantage

An opinion survey conducted by NACTA in early July has shown the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) taking an early lead in popular support over the opposition parties in the upcoming general elections. According to NACTA, the PPP/C enjoys 46 per cent of popular support, ahead of the newly- formed A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) with 25 per cent, the Alliance For Change (AFC) with five per cent, the Justice For All Party (JFAP) with one per cent, and the other minor parties with one per cent. Undecided voters…

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Delta Airlines to fly US- Guyana route daily during summer

Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Manniram Prashad, on Monday, July 18, announced that Delta Airlines has increased its flights and will be flying daily from New York to Guyana. Minister Prashad said that the regular Delta 758 flight accommodates about 190 passengers, but in the peak season the airline will be using a bigger aircraft, the 767 that can accommodate about 240 persons. He stated that he is very pleased with Delta Airlines, which provides an excellent service to Guyanese and will cater for the influx of visitors that will…

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Minister Nadir rubbishes U.S. report on unemployment

BY SAMUEL SUKHNANDAN Labour Minister Manzoor Nadir has dismissed a report by the U. S. authorities that unemployment in Guyana is on the increase. He said that a better analysis of the Guyana labour situation needs to be done. Nadir told Guyana Times International in a recent interview that he disapproves of statements by the U. S. embassy in Georgetown in regard to the employment situation in the country. He contends that the government has done all in its power to create more job opportunities for all Guyanese. He said…

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Caribbean to benefit from new EU-IDB agreement

The European Commission (EC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed a Framework Agreement to expand cooperation between the two institutions on economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean. This is the first ever Framework Agreement to be signed by the commission and a regional development bank. President of the IDB, Luis Alberto Moreno, and the Director- General of Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid, Fokion Fotiadis, signed the document which will help to strengthen collaboration in areas such as climate change, energy efficiency, education and housing. This…

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