Holiday Spirits

Satiricus was tickled. If his pigmentation had allowed it, he would have been tickled pink. He’d received his Christmas bonus, and his eyes had bulged at the number on the cheque. Not trusting luck or fate, he’d slipped out of the pre-Christmas festivities and cashed the cheque before the boss man could change his mind – or realise his mistake? Laden with cash, as he ambled over to his car, a disheveled and dirty-looking bum approached him. The panhandler asked Satiricus for a “freck”. Satiricus asked him, “You going to…

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Hydro power will result in many benefits for our country

Dear Editor, I am very encouraged by the fact that Guyana’s new president, Donald Ramotar is very firm on getting the hydro project on stream. I am firmly of the view that this is certainly the way to go and it is only a matter of time before our people begin to see the wisdom in the administration making such a huge investment in this particular area. Fluctuating oil prices, political instability and social unrest in some of the major oil producing countries in the world are some of the…

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Finally Kaieteur News is being exposed for what it really is

Dear Editor, I have been following your coverage as it relates to the negative impact Kaieteur News is having on our country. I thought that the attempt to get feedback from persons living in New York was an excellent idea, as this is one sure way of getting a clearer picture of the impact sensational reporting is having on the country. No matter what others say, ordinary persons on the streets are also regarded as a credible news source. It is the views of persons (respondents) that provide researchers a…

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Setting up of a national think-tank for the agriculture sector is a worthwhile move

Dear Editor, The plan to set up a national think-tank for the agri sector is indeed a worthwhile one and I share the view with the Agriculture Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy that this is necessary step to help push the programmes of the sector. It is hoped that such an initiative will bring together the most qualified and competent individuals to share their thoughts and offer advice on various issues in relation to how Guyana can realize its full potential. No doubt there are many possibilities in the agri sector…

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The Euro Zone

It would seem that the news of the euro’s demise has been greatly exaggerated; or at least deferred. The monetary union at the centre of the world’s largest trading bloc had been on life support in the wake of the massive pressures created by efforts to keep Greece and other weaker economies solvent. The latest missed deadline was on December 19 when the 150 billion Euros that were supposed to be collected from members to pass on to the IMF (to stabilise the eurozone) remained up in the air. In…

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Opposition reaches deadlock on selection of House Speaker

The combined opposition’s negotiations to choose a suitable candidate for the position of Speaker of the National Assembly when that august body reconvenes next year seems to have hit a snag, with both the Alliance For Change (AFC) and A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) insisting their respective candidates should occupy the position. The APNU, which had amassed 40 per cent of the votes at the just-concluded elections, has put forward Deborah Backer as its candidate while the AFC has nominated Moses Nagamootoo. However, though APNU is the major opposition…

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Parliament stronger with minority governments – UK think–tank

A United Kingdom-based think-tank believes that without a majority government in office, Parliament becomes more important and more powerful and this forces the opposition to act more responsibly. Pointing out that the Westminster system here preserves for the executive a range of important resources that would help to ensure an effective government, the think tank – UK’s Institute of Government Constitution Unit warned that where the government does not offer enough in the way of concessions, it risks losing bills altogether and when minority presidents seek to govern as if…

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Ramotar urges retraining of police ranks to deal with domestic violence

President Donald Ramotar has vowed not to sit idly by and allow Guyanese women to continue suffering at the hands of violent spouses. He is calling for a reorientation in the way the police approach and address the issue. He told staff of the Labour, Human Services and Social Security Ministry gathered for a conference at the Guyana International Conference Centre (GICC) on December 19 that his government will ensure the effective functioning of the systems that are put in place to provide a safe refuge for women in Guyana.…

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Main Big Lime achieved objective – President

President Donald Ramotar, during a tour of the annual Main Big Lime on Monday, said that the objective of the event was accomplished, as it has created a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere for patrons. The show is usually coordinated by the Tourism Ministry. “The atmosphere created is lovely with people relaxing and enjoying themselves together,” the Government Information Agency (GINA) quoted the president as saying. The head of state also said that the Main Big Lime is an extension of Christmas as the Christmas season is a time which brings…

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EU upbeat about future of Guyana’s sugar industry

European Ambassador to Guyana Robert Kopecky said that given the importance of sugar to the Guyanese economy, its future will result in an even more competitive and prosperous sugar industry. The ambassador made the comments after recently completing visits to the Guyana Sugar Corporation headquarters at Ogle and the Enmore Packaging Plant on the East Coast of Demerara. Kopecky was welcomed by GuySuCo Chief Executive, Paul Bhim at the company’s headquarters. Subsequently, he visited the Enmore factory and estate, where a modern packaging plant was commissioned on May 9. According…

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