UWI lecturer warns Caribbean fisheries highly vulnerable to climate change

A senior lecturer at the Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies at the University of the West Indies is predicting severe negative impacts, including loss and alteration of habitats, smaller and less-diverse fish stocks, and coral bleaching, and urged prompt action to help the region’s fishers prepare. These views are contained in a recent analysis in the Stockholm Environment Journal by Leonard Nurse, PhD, senior lecturer at the Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies at the University of the West Indies and a member of the scientific team…

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U.S. immigration reform

It must have come as a relief that the U.S. authorities will be flexing their muscles regarding the deportation of law-abiding illegal immigrants. After many decades of constant bad news about deportation of illegal Caribbean and other immigrants from the “Land of Many Opportunities”, President Barack Obama, a few months ago, announced that there would be a suspension of deportation proceedings against illegal but law-abiding immigrants. In a major policy shift, announced in August of this year, the White House said it would instead focus federal resources on booting out…

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Jagdeo warns ‘cyber provocateurs’

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) on Wednesday announced that it has withdrawn its request for a recount of ballots, the party’s presidential candidate Donald Ramotar told a news conference later that day. He said the withdrawal was influenced by GECOM’s utterances that the recount would cause further delays in the declaration of the results. “I know some people were quite wrongly saying that our challenges to the ballots were an attempt to hold up the elections process. I want to assure you that that is not so, because the…

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Ramotar wins presidency in 2011 Guyana polls

After some delay and anxiety by the Guyanese populace, the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has announced that Donald Ramotar, a trained economist of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) has been declared the next president of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Official results released by Gecom shows that the incumbent People’s Progressive Party/Civic has won the 2011 General and Regional elections for the fifth consecutive time. Chief Election Officer Gocool Boodoo made the revelation during a press conference on Thursday afternoon, three days after ballots were cast countrywide. According to…

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Election results have not been compromised – Surujbally

Guyana Elections Commission Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally has told the media that the election results that are presented to the nation have not been compromised. He noted that GECOM’s A team of seasoned and battle-tested professionals have carried out an extremely successful elections. “If there were minor glitches, such developments were created by others, we have followed and continued to comply with the legal requirements and all other statements to the contrary are false and provocative. Accordingly, I call on all concerned to accept the official results of the elections…

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AFC concedes defeat, but upbeat about holding balance of power

By Samuel Sukhnandan The Alliance For Change (AFC) on Wednesday stated that their party is not likely to win the general elections, given the preliminary reports of the ballots counted, but the party is optimistic about holding the balance of power in the 65-seat National Assembly when it convenes. Party leader Raphael Trotman said despite this, the AFC will continue to make strides in winning the hearts of Guyanese, who are ready to accept change and development. Trotman said, “As we speak the AFC can confirm that our party would…

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CARICOM observers say Guyanese elected government ‘under good conditions’

A PRELIMINARY statement issued on Wednesday by the CARICOM Electoral Observer Mission said that Guyanese on November 28were given the opportunity, ‘under good conditions’ to elect a government. The 19 persons comprising the team were deployed in eight teams of two each and one of three to cover Election Day activities. On Election Day, one team was deployed in Regions 3, 5 and 10 respectively; two teams to Region 4 and four teams to Region 6. In addition to the “Scope of Services” provided by the CARICOM Secretariat, the teams…

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Major parties call for peace ahead of polls

The two Major political parties contesting Monday’s general and regional elections – the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic and the A Partnership For National Unity – are calling for peace. In a statement issued on Wednesday, APNU’s presidential candidate David Granger denounced any form of incitement and violence, and urged his members, supporters, friends, and the general public to work towards the peaceful conduct of general and regional elections on Monday. Granger said APNU, together with other contesting parties, freely signed the Code of Conduct for Political Parties Contesting the 2011…

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Sheila Holder hailed as ‘tireless fighter for a better and unified Guyana’

The Alliance For Change on Monday opened a book of condolences for its late vice chair, Sheila Holder who died Sunday night while being treated in the U. S. for throat cancer. The leaders of the party – Khemraj Ramjatttan and Raphael Trotman – were the first to sign the book, which was opened around 15:00h. Thereafter several top-ranking members, including recent addition Moses Nagamootoo, signed the book. Prime Minister Samuel Hinds was also present at the party’s Fourth Street, Campbellville headquarters. In a brief comment, Hinds said that the…

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GPHC commissions new in-patient facility

BY DANIELLE CAMPBELL  Describing the new inpatient facility as another milestone in the modernisation of the health-care sector, Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy on Monday joined others in the medical fraternity in applauding the transformation of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). President Bharrat Jagdeo briefly stopped by to unveil the plaque and officially commission the facility. He urged the healthcare providers to adopt patient-friendly attitudes, since the pride is not only held in the physical structure but in the service. The president urged GPHC employees to maintain accountability for…

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