Indentured Memorial inaugurated at Kolkata

Dear Editor, The long-awaited inauguration of the Kolkata Memorial dedicated to Indian indentured servants occurred on Tuesday afternoon. The Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs, Vyalar Ravi, revealed the monument, dedicated to over a million Indians who served in the indentured labour system from 1834 to 1920 in plantations of former colonies of colonial empires England, France and Holland to rescue their sugarcane plantations. Some 300 foreign guests and hundreds of locals graced the solemn ceremony.  The monument is an emotional and physical connection for the descendants of the indentured workers,…

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Response to David Hinds’s call for boycott

Dear Editor, I reject and condemn unequivocally the call of Dr David Hinds, a representative of the African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) and a political activist, to boycott the launch of the government’s programme celebrating the proclamation by the United Nations (by virtue of UN Resolution N Res 64/169) that 2011 be designated the “International Year for People of African Descent”.  Context is always important. In August, 2010, David Hinds had called for Buxtonians to refuse an invitation to the reception in honour of Buxtonians held by President Jagdeo…

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An incredible story waiting to unfold

Last year, Guyana’s tourism industry undoubtedly made tremendous strides, capturing the attention of the world with its truly unique ecological nature and adventure tourism. The tourism sector holds great potential, and can contribute to Guyana’s development by helping to generate income, facilitate investments, earn foreign exchange, and create employment for the benefit of every Guyanese.  According to subject Minster Manniram Prashad, it is the industry of the future; and we must concede that the future of our tourism industry holds a lot of promise for our country as a whole.…

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Guyana Govt unveils Gy$161.4B budget

By Janelle Persaud  On the afternoon of Monday, January 17th, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh unveiled the 2011 National Budget in the National Assembly. The budget costs Gy$161.4 billion and contains measures such as the lifting of the tax threshold from Gy$35,000 to Gy$40,000 and the lowering of corporation tax. These measures are all aimed at lifting the national standard of living and allowing companies to retain and reinvest a significant share of their profits.   This year’s budget represents a 13.1 per cent increase over last year’s, and is reflective…

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Republic Bank has what it takes to propel Guyana’s growth

– Jagdeo tells commissioning ceremony for bank’s branch at Diamond President Bharrat Jagdeo said Republic Bank (Guyana) has what it takes to support the government’s vision for a prosperous Guyana. He made this remark as the bank’s branch at Diamond, East Bank Demerara was being officially commissioned. “The bank will have a special place in Guyana and the future of Guyana,” he declared.  “It’s a bank that has tremendous knowledge of another market we are trying to break into.” This market, Jagdeo explained to the audience seated on the lawns…

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Man beaten to death trying to defend girlfriend

A 46-year-old taxi driver was beaten to death, on Sunday, December 16, allegedly by his lover’s neighbour, who had been verbally abusing the woman over money owed to him.  Dhanpaul Ramharakh, a father of two and of Block X Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara, reportedly died after sustaining multiple head injuries and broken limbs about his body. His alleged attacker turned himself in to police custody late Sunday night.  Reports indicate that, at around 19:30h, Ramharakh’s girlfriend, Shanta Bharat, called him when he was about to take his wife for…

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Private sector upbeat about lowering of corporate tax

The Private Sector Commission has described government’s reduction of the corporate taxes as a “leap of faith” for the local private sector, one day after the 2011 National Budget was presented in the National Assembly.  Speaking at a news conference at the PSC’s Waterloo St office on Tuesday, PSC Chairman Ramesh Dookhoo said reduced corporate taxes translate to a more competitive private sector. “Our companies now have the opportunity to compete with the best in the Caribbean,” the PSC head pointed out.  It is his opinion that the sector will…

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Basil Williams meets with U.S-based Guyanese

By Natasha Waldron Anthony Attorney-at-law Basil Williams has started the United States leg of his “Meet and Greet the Presidential Candidate” campaign in Orlando, Florida.  This is part of his efforts to gain support for his bid to be nominated as the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) presidential candidate for the August 2011 general elections.  Williams was the guest at a fund-raising reception hosted by the Rotary Club on Tuesday, January 18. There he spoke on his vision for Guyana, which is to invest in the Guyanese people “to ensure…

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