EU provides Gy$4B sea defence equipment

The Works Services Group (WSG) within the Public Works Ministry was, on Friday, January 21st, the recipient of Gy$4.8 billion worth of river and sea defence equipment to enhance its reconstruction, maintenance and strengthening programme. EU Ambassador to Guyana, Geert Heikens, presented the equipment to Transport and Hydraulics Ministry Robeson Benn in the ministry’s compound. Among the donated items were scientific calculators, GPS systems, motorcycles, tractor/trailers, geo-tubes, survey level computer systems, tidal gauges, wave and current meters, steel sheet piles, gabion baskets, Reno mattress and GIS software. “This is so…

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Linden advancement paramount for Linden Fund USA

By Natasha Waldron Anthony The Linden Fund USA (LFU), which is a hometown association in the United States, continues to focus on the economic sustainability of the Linden community through its continued educational and empowerment programs, which total in excess of Gy$6 million dollars annually. Chairman of the fund, Dr Vincent Adams, says his hope for Linden in another five years lies in the completion of the Lethem-Linden Highway. He told Guyana Times International that this and other strategies were included in the Linden Strategic Plan that LFU, in collaboration…

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Children of the Joshua House and Convalescent Home to be guests of OSHAG/C

By Natasha Waldron Anthony  Carol Bagot, President of the Organization for Social and Health Advancement in Guyana/Caribbean (OSHAG/C), and a medical mission will be heading to Guyana in April, and would take time out from their usual medical procedures at the New Amsterdam Hospital in Berbice to bring smiles to the faces of the children of the Joshua House orphanage and the Convalescent Home. Bagot told Guyana Times International that OSHAG/C will be hosting a party for the children of the two homes. “We have a lot of toys and…

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The 2011 Budget is for the people

Dear Editor, Government must be commended for the numerous initiatives laid out in the 2011 National Budget. These will, no doubt, improve the lives of all Guyanese, including the working class, senior citizens, and the private sector. These initiatives include raising of the income tax threshold, increasing public assistance and old age pension payments, and lowering the rate of corporation tax. These should see an increase in disposable income among Guyanese, and a greater ability to invest and expand employment in the private sector. These benefits come against the backdrop…

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Corbin’s absence from launch of International Year for the African People ill-advised

Dear Editor, Once again, the main opposition, PNC/R, has opted to act in a manner that is inconsistent with the national sentiment and the interest of a significant section of our society. PNC/R leader Robert Corbin’s decision to boycott the official launch of the International Year for People of African Descent speaks volumes of the party’s position on this very important observance. Despite being unhappy with government’s handling of the planning and organizing of this event, Corbin and the PNC/R cabal should have been sufficiently mature and farsighted to understand…

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Budgets do not decide elections

Dear Editor, The voices of the critics, inclusive of the opposition political parties, have labelled the recently read 2011 budget an election budget. This term of description as applied is about a financial package that contains dollar and other incentives specifically tailored for vote catching. This accusation commenced soon after the date for the budget presentation had been announced. But first, let’s view some previous budgets. Budgets are outlays, and in themselves do not decide elections. Instead, it is the capacity to deliver on what they promise that determines their…

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Very disappointed at Christopher Ram – Labour Minister Manzoor Nadir, MP

Dear Editor, For a few years, I have been reading the annual diatribe by attorney Christopher Ram, on the budgets which the government has been tabling. This year, I find that Ram’s comments have not changed from usual; the lack of objectivity and professionalism, political attacks and political pandering. His comments have, however — especially since he had joined a political slate of candidates — spewed more vileness and venom. Also, since the ascent of Dr Ashni Singh to the post of finance minister, Christopher Ram seems to have personally…

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An industry with great potential

Last year, Guyana’s tourism industry undoubtedly made tremendous strides, capturing the attention of the world with its truly unique ecological nature and adventure tourism. The tourism sector holds great potential. It can contribute, and has been contributing, to our development by helping to generate income, investments, foreign exchange, and employment for the benefit of every Guyanese. The administration, having recognised the true potential of the sector, has been investing wisely in its continued growth and expansion, which is quite evident in the 2011 National Budget, wherein Gy$150M has been allocated…

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REDjet eyes the skies for March take-off

The newest air carrier in the Caribbean, Barbadian-based REDjet is aiming to start commercial operations in another two months, top aviation officials have said. The airline’s initial destinations are Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Jamaica. Officially introduced last October, REDjet promises regional air travellers low fares starting at US$9.99 excluding government taxes and other charges. A privately owned company, REDjet was founded in 2006 by Robbie Burns and is incorporated in St Lucia. The airline’s corporate office is situated at the Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados. The Guyana Civil Aviation…

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Education is key in climate change fight – British high commissioner

  More face-to-face programmes educating ordinary people about climate change are necessary worldwide, since it is believed that the phenomenon is not appreciated by the majority of people in the world, officials say. “Changes are happening and will continue to happen in the future, so it is better if people understand the reasons behind it and (amend) their behaviour so that they can make a contribution to what we all need to do,” British High Commissioner (ag) Simon Bond said, giving his input as to how organisations and other bodies…

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