Challenges of the GPF

At an awards ceremony held at the Tactical Services Unit tarmac at Eve Leary last week, Police Commissioner Henry Greene disclosed that criminals’ access to high-powered weapons was “giving police a headache”. For this year, so far, the force has managed to seize 105 illegal firearms, as against more than 112 in 2008 and 96 in 2009. The commissioner remarked that, with the smuggling of guns from countries such as Venezuela, Brazil and the United States, through Guyana’s expansive waterways, more people were getting access to illegal firearms, which are…

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Jagdeo notes spending power of citizens during walkabout

President Bharrat Jagdeo, in a walk about around busy Georgetown on the eve of Christmas Day, said Guyanese seem to have greater spending power this year as the country’s economy grows. He, however, acknowledged that many are not able to enjoy the festivities because of their circumstances. “There are still many families who have to make do with very little around Christmas time,” he said. “So my heart goes out to those, and I hope that they, too will try as much as possible to enjoy the season.”  Jagdeo, who…

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North America has market for coconut water

Dear Editor, I applaud the efforts of those seeking to market Guyana’s coconut water overseas, according to your news story (Guyana Times, Dec 21). Coconut water has been consumed for centuries. We use it as a popular beverage in Guyana to quench thirst or in mixing drinks. But, in North America, coconut water is rapidly becoming a booming business, with packages and cans of coconut water being sold not only in ethnic stores, but also in all mainstream grocery stores. It is also sold in major cities in ethnic stores…

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Guyana has never said it will stop gold mining and exploration

Dear Editor, Christopher Ram, the accountant/lawyer who fancies himself a TV talk show host and columnist, and who recently declined to be considered as a presidential candidate for the People’s National Congress Reform, is at it again, and is getting it wrong – again.   This political advisor to an opposition party is so eager to deride the Guyana government and President Bharrat Jagdeo that he fails to do even basic homework.  I read his latest attack on the president and the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) in the Sunday Stabroek…

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Diane McTurk deserves greater recognition

Dear Editor, Diane McTurk is a marvellous woman; she truly deserves a higher award for her persistence, her commitment to, and love for, Guyana and for the protection of loveable otters. There has never been a woman who so profoundly dedicated her time, resources and energies towards animal preservation and care like Diane. What a humble and unpretentious woman she is.  I am glad that she has received the Tourism Pioneer Award, but I do think that this woman deserves much more recognition than that. When she first started her…

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Guyanese should think of their country in the New Year

Dear Editor, As the year 2010 comes to an end, there are lots of good things citizens are expecting, wishing for, and planning for themselves in the New Year. Some are planning to tie the knot; some, to further their studies; some, to find a new job, or work harder for a promotion; some, to migrate; and some, to own their own homes, among other things.  Let us also spare a thought for our country, and wish for good things for it in the New Year. We could start by…

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Govt to build Demerara Slave Revolt monument

– sets aside Gy$32.6M to observe ‘International Year of People of African Descent’ Government has set aside some Gy$32.6 million as it prepares to join the rest of the world in observing ‘International Year of People of African Descent’, as designated by the United Nations. Culture Minister Dr Frank Anthony told the National Assembly on December 23 that the funds will ensure that the multiple activities planned for the year are successfully executed. These activities will start off with an official launch in January 2011, Dr Anthony disclosed. He added…

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Ramkarran ad does not fit into party norms – Ramotar

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Donald Ramotar, said that a full page advertisement by presidential candidate-hopeful Ralph Ramkarran does not fit into the norm of the party. At a news conference on Wednesday, December 22, he expressed surprise at the move, saying that it was not how the party operates. In a full page advertisement appearing in the Stabroek News on Wednesday, December 22, Ramkarran, a central executive member of the PPP and also Speaker of the National Assembly, reprinted a letter he had submitted to Ramotar…

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New York City’s snow removal efforts unsatisfactory

By: Natasha Waldron Anthony Several residents, primarily Guyanese, of Richmond Hill, Ozone Park and South Ozone Park have aired their dissatisfaction on Tuesday at the limited removal, and in some instances non-removal, of snow in their community following a snowstorm which hit the New York area last Sunday, December 26.  Even though the main roadways, including Liberty and Jamaica Avenues, have been cleared, several cross and side streets in the community have not been plowed, and this makes it difficult for residents to commute.  President of the Richmond Hill Economic…

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Interagency committee to address report on trawler fire

An interagency committee is to be set up soon with representatives of the Guyana Association of Trawler Owners, Agriculture Ministry, Coastguard and Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) to deliberate on findings and recommendations of the report on the fire aboard trawler Captain Lloyd 97 in June this year. The trawler was registered to Pritipaul Singh Investments Inc (PSI), and injured in the incident were Keith Adams, George Fitzpatrick, and Elvis Todd.  Orlon Munroe, who was also hospitalised, later succumbed to his injuries while Captain Delbert Williams went missing and is presumed…

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