Corbin dubs 2011 ‘Year of Redemption’

The People’s National Congress leader, Robert Corbin, has said in a New Year’s message that, like 2010, 2011 is a year when Guyanese must break the chains that have hindered the country’s progress towards genuine human, economic, and social development.  “It is a year that must be for Guyanese ‘The Year of Redemption’.” Despite being spared the wrath of natural disasters, Guyanese have, nevertheless, experienced the disaster of poor governance, he said.  Corbin said the government’s action towards the workers at RUSAL in Kwakwani was disrespectful, and the Labour Ministry…

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PPP promises to work harder in 2011 to transform Guyana

The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has extended best wishes to all Guyanese for a peaceful, prosperous, and happy 2011. In a message to mark the occasion, the party said 2010 had been marked by more achievements in Guyana.  “The economy grew despite the difficult international economic situation, social services were expanded, and democracy further consolidated. More of our people have moved into their own homes in the past year. Our country has been building at a very rapid rate.” According to the party, internationally, Guyana has received a lot of…

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U.S. Army & Marines team up with GABPC for toy drive

By Natasha Waldron Anthony  Once again, the Guyanese and American Business and Professional Council (GABPC) was little old St. Nick to hundreds of unfortunate children in New York this holiday season.  GABPC, a not-for-profit organization registered in the United States, hosted its annual Toys For Tots drive in partnership with the U.S. Army and Marines and Ena’s Driving School to bring Christmas cheer to the children.  GABPC’s Executive Director Shanie Persaud said that, despite the current economic downturn, the kindness and compassion of those who assist in the toy drive…

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PSC predicts growth in productive sectors

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) has termed the year 2010 as very successful in various aspects of its intervention and programme; and has, further, predicted growth in all the productive sectors: business investments, employment creation, and profits, due to a stable economy. A 2.9 per cent growth of the Gross Domestic Product had been predicted for 2010. However, this has been affected by the fluctuation of sugar production for the year, and the PSC has warned that there will be need for continued work in the sugar sector to build…

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Let 2011 be a year of greater development

Dear Editor, Let me take this opportunity to, first of all, wish you and your entire staff at Guyana Times International   a Happy New Year. May the new year bring each and every one of you great happiness, lots of prosperity and good health. Secondly, I wish to say thank you to you for publishing my letters over the year. It is good to know that Guyanese are given full freedom to express themselves and be voices of dissent. When newspapers allow us to do this, it brings much needed…

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May the hard work and perseverance of Guyanese bear fruit

Dear Editor, As Guyanese look forward to the New Year, here’s hoping that every joy, happiness, peace and prosperity come their way. These wishes are intended to my fellow Guyanese because they are a lovely people who deserve the best. Every time a new year comes around, it is a reminder that, as a people, they have come this far, have survived many challenges, and have worked hard in developing their country. As they look back at 2010, the challenges and troubles should teach them lessons, so that in the…

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What is the ACB doing about the vulgarity shown on TV?

Dear Editor, A few months ago, the ACB banned the playing of “rum songs” from the air, citing that it was harmful to society. The committee, which is the so-called television watchdog, is a toothless poodle; and it befuddles the mind as to what purpose it really serves.  Many decent-minded citizens are against the airing of the “rum songs”, so that move by the ACB is a good one. But is the ACB seeing and hearing only these kinds of songs? Are they watching enough television, and all the television…

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All-day education channel for March launch – Baksh

The Education Ministry Multi-Media Centre, from which a 24-hour educational channel will operate, has already been established and staffed, Education Minister Shaik Baksh said on Friday.      He said that the channel will become operational by March this year. The Multi-Media Centre was set up in the compound of the National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) located at Kingston. The centre aims to promote distance learning in the education system. Its main activity is the channel, which will cover the entire country.”It will be using satellite communication technology so all…

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Continuing on the path to progress

We have just ushered in 2011 and it is important that we reflect on the significant achievements as well as challenges of the past year.   Guyana’s economy has performed well in 2010, experiencing positive economic growth despite the global financial meltdown, and can also boast a foreign exchange reserve of around US$800 million. But crime and the security situation have proven challenging in the last year, despite notable successes.  There have been numerous investment opportunities throughout the country; but, on the other hand, the sugar industry, one of our main…

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Greenidge accepts nomination to be PNCR presidential candidate

By Janelle Persaud Former Finance Minister Carl Greenidge has accepted the nomination to be the presidential candidate of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) in the 2011 general elections. He handed over his letter of acceptance to the party’s general secretary, Oscar Clarke, late Monday at Clarke’s Congress Place office.  Speaking to the media just before handing over his acceptance letter, Greenidge said his decision has been influenced by approaches from several persons, and ultimately learning that his contract with his employer, Caricom, would not be renewed at the end…

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