Gy$40M spent on land demarcation in 2010 – Sukhai

Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai said three more areas have been demarcated under the government’s land demarcation exercise in the hinterland. The cost to undertake the exercise is pegged at Gy$40 million. These areas include Shulinab, Toka, and Three Brothers.  Speaking at a news conference on Thursday December 30 at that ministry, Sukhai pointed out that there were no complaints, as suggested by some sections of the media, with the demarcation done by the government so far, and noted that the certificates of title were accepted by residents. She stated…

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Jagdeo pushes for commercial bank on East Coast corridor

President Bharrat Jagdeo has hailed the enthusiasm commercial banks in Guyana have shown in extending services to other parts of the country, but has called for consideration to be given to the East Coast of Demerara, which for years has not benefited from the presence of such a facility. Speaking at the commissioning of the Gy$700 million branch of the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) at Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara on Wednesday, President  Jagdeo said: “I wonder why, for so many years, from Georgetown to…

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Three Guyanese doctors to commence ophthalmology training

With the establishment of four diagnostic centres and the National Ophthalmology Hospital in Port Mourant, Berbice, it has become necessary that Guyanese doctors have the required skills to provide specialised eye care services alongside the Cuban doctors. As such, the Health Ministry was able to secure several scholarships, with assistance from Eye Care Guyana, a non-governmental organisation, to allow Guyanese doctors to receive specialised training.    This is part of the ministry’s thrust to continuously upgrade health professionals’ capacities while providing training opportunities for non-professionals who desire to enter the health…

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Lusignan mason is first road fatality for 2011

Two days into the New Year, Guyana recorded its first road fatality when a man who was on his way home with his spouse, early Sunday morning, was struck down by a taxi on the Lusignan Public Road, East Coast Demerara.  Dead is 30-year-old Mark Seebarran, a mason, formerly of Lot 301 Lusignan West. According to a police press release, at about 03:10hrs on Sunday, the driver of HB 7825 was proceeding along the Lusignan public road when Seebarran, who was towing his reputed wife Melissa Robinson, 22, rode out…

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Russia to write-off Guyana’s remaining debt

The Russian government has agreed to write-off Guyana’s remaining debt under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) agreement.  This was disclosed by Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett during an interview with Guyana Times International on Thursday December 29. She revealed  that Guyana had previously been granted some debt relief from the Russian government, but it has now decided to write-off the entire stock of Guyana’s debt. It is unclear how much the write-off is valued. Minister Rodrigues stated that Russia and Guyana have enjoyed diplomatic relations for the past 40…

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Overseas-based Guyanese hope 2011 will be an economically better year

The global economic downturn, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, investment bank failures, falling home prices, and tight credit pushed the United States into a recession during mid-2008; and many felt the effects of that recession in 2010. Many Guyanese who live in the U.S. were not spared the effects of the slump. Guyana Times International spoke with some Guyanese in New York about the economic challenges they faced in 2010, and their expectations for 2011.  By Natasha Waldron Anthony Marcia Chandler – Brooklyn, NY: As a teacher at a private school,…

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Guyana to get tough on child prostitution and porn

As of this year, Guyana will be taking a serious stance on curbing child pornography, prostitution, and situations regarding children involved in armed conflict.  This was revealed by Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett during an interview with Guyana Times International last Thursday. “We take our responsibilities very seriously when we sign on to conventions and protocols. This year, we have actually acceded to the Optional Protocol on the Convention of the Rights of the Child – of children involved in armed conflict,” Minister Rodrigues-Birkett said.  There is a serious concern…

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Bartica resident charged with attempted murder

Kevin Bennett of Sixth Avenue, Bartica was on Monday remanded to prison by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry when he appeared before her at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court One, charged with attempted murder.  Bennett was not required to plead to the indictment, which stated that on December 26, at Kumaka Landing, North West District, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded Delon Jones with the intention of committing murder.  According to police prosecutor Stephen Telford, Jones operates a shop in the Kumaka area, and on the day in question, the defendant approached…

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Ramjattan says fate of Guyana in hands of citizens

Chairman of the Alliance For Change, Khemraj Ramjattan, said 2011 must “see us being the masters of our individual destinies, doing that which is right and just and befitting our human dignity and morality.” In a New Year’s Day message, Ramjattan said previous years have seen this clichéd wish not being truly fulfilled for whatever reasons. “However, let us together make it happen this time around, notwithstanding the severe constraints and challenging hurdles we will face, and which oftentimes we self-impose.” He said that, when Guyanese jointly and individually pursue…

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