UG strategic plan to be implemented this year – Baksh

Massive improvements are expected to begin at the University of Guyana (UG) this year, as government will be working with the institution’s administration to accomplish the goals set out in its strategic plan. Education Minister Shaik Baksh said that several suggestions have already been made regarding the improvements government wishes to see implemented this year at the university.  Baksh explained that one such improvement that is likely to be accomplished is the rebalancing of current programmes, with greater focus being placed on improving subjects offered in the science and technology…

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Computer training centre commissioned at Albion

Last week, government commissioned a computer training centre at Albion, Corentyne, Berbice, as it forges ahead with its information communication technology programme. The facility was commissioned last Wednesday, January 5th, by Agriculture Minister Robert Persaud and People’s Progressive Party parliamentarian Donald Ramotar. The new facility houses 20 fully operational computer systems, and is staffed to cater to the sugar workers and their children, providing training in the area of information technology.   Ramotar told a gathering of sugar workers and residents of the Albion community that the future belongs to technology,…

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A sitting president is not an ordinary member of the public

Dear Editor,   Permit me to quote from a Stabroek News report on January 11, captioned ‘(Jagdeo)…paid $5M per acre for land at Pradoville 2’. The report said that questions have been raised about whether the land was advertised publicly and how it was allocated and valued. It further stated that, “Observers say this is crucial as ordinary members of the public are subjected to rigorous guidelines and procedures for the apportioning of land.”  First of all, a sitting president is not an ‘ordinary member of the public’, and as such,…

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The computer training centre established in Berbice will benefit sugar workers

Dear Editor,   The computer training centre commissioned at Albion, Berbice recently is a worthwhile move. This facility is a timely and necessary one.  The facility consists of 20 fully operational computer systems and caters to the sugar workers and their children in providing training in the area of information technology. Whenever we hear about sugar workers, it always has to do with unsatisfactory wages and strikes. It is refreshing to see that the government is making efforts to provide this sort of facility for them.  Mr Donald Ramotar was correct…

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A call for the authorities to address noise nuisances

Dear Editor, A lot of persons have made complaints about noise nuisance in the society, and it is clear that the same thing continues, even though several warnings were issued by the authorities. Almost every weekend, there is a live show or concert. The rum shops and beer gardens operate as if they do not care about anyone in the society. Some of these businesses carry on with their activities way after hours, and they breach the conditions of their licence to operate without anyone taking the necessary action.   Even…

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The police are doing a very commendable job in finally clearing up the Stabroek Market area

Dear Editor,   I must say that the actions of the police to clean up the Stabroek Market Square are very timely and appropriate. For too long, that place has existed in a manner of filth and cluster generated by the vendors and many stall holders who occupy the area. Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee quite justifiably fears that the area is a haven for criminal activity that places large numbers of innocent, unsuspecting Guyanese in harm’s way, and threatens their lives.  It is about time that the authorities get rid…

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Chinese envoy urges nationals to abide by Guyana’s laws

Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Yu Wenzhe, says he is impressed with the relationship between Guyana and China, but he implored his countrymen who have migrated to Guyana to respect the country’s laws and regulations.  He made the comments during a tour of the Guyana Times/TVG Inc office on Camp and Quamina Streets, and the Queens Atlantic Industrial Investments (QAII), at Ruimveldt Industrial Site. The ambassador, in response to questions about his reaction to the Chinese businesses that have been established in and around Georgetown, said he was happy with the…

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A new wave of development

In his New Year’s Message to the nation, President Bharrat Jagdeo said that a new wave of development has begun to sweep Guyana. He expressed confidence that, “over the next decade, we can create a new Guyana with high quality infrastructure, and catalyse new economic sectors while providing global leadership.” On the international scene, President Jagdeo said that Guyanese are no longer passive followers in big global issues. “Nowhere is this more obvious than in the leadership on climate change. Guyana is leading changes to the global multilateral institutions, where…

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PNCR town hall meetings to kick off January 14

A total of 17 town hall meetings have been planned across the country for the five nominees vying for the People’s National Congress Reform presidential candidacy to interact and address party supporters and other members of society.      The public meetings will be held between January 15-Februaury 14 this year at venues in all ten administrative regions, the party announced on Wednesday. The first meeting will be held on Friday at the Queenstown Community Centre, Essequibo Coast and then on Saturday at Hopetown Primary School, West Coast Berbice. There are two…

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President challenges Corbin on elections claim

President Bharrat Jagdeo, whilst reiterating an intention to hold general elections this year, has challenged People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) leader Robert Corbin to produce proof of his allegations that there are plans to defer those elections. Last week, Corbin claimed the president is trying to find a way to remain in office beyond his constitutional two-term mandate, and had sought three legal opinions on how this could be done.  But, last Saturday, the president challenged Corbin to prove that he had sought legal opinions on the matter by naming…

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