20 years more!

Satiricus has been around the block and then again. He knows that the PPPEE has done good; but he’s wondering whether after 20 years, they shouldn’t be stepping aside to let the other guys have a chance. Ok, he knows politics isn’t cricket. Errr… well not so different from the new cricket, he realised.
Couldn’t imagine Kevin Pietersen stepping aside for anybody!   Anyhow, he decided to float the suggestion to the brain trust. They were quaffing a few in honour of October 5.
“Step aside? Step aside?” shrieked Hari in rising indignation. “Why the arse they should step aside?”
“Well, you know?” replied Satiricus feebly, “Shake up things a little? Is 20 years and counting. Young blood?”
“Young blood?” jumped in Cappo. “Ah wha wrang wid yuh? Grain Ja 10-year-old fuh Pressie and Roop Na Rain gat even mo year pan am!”
“Sato me friend, you don’t change for the sake a changing,” advised Suresh patiently. “You ask if the change gon be better. Okay?”
“Nah tek yuh mattie eye fuh see,” said Bungi, “tek yuh own eye. When PNCEE bin a run thing, remember dat time deh jail you uncle because he sell he own rice?”
“Well, they now for free enterprise,” pointed out Satiricus. “We could own and sell anything. Just like the PPPEE.”
“Budday, people does seh anything when deh want fuh get in,” chimed in Cappo. “The PNCEE bin tek all abee sugar money – ‘levy’ dem call am – and seh dem guh gie abee hydro. Whe de hydro deh?”
“Well, they gave the whole country hydro !!!” chuckled Kuldeep. “Everybody get so poor nobody could walk!”
“Let me tell you the difference between the PPPEE and PNCEE,” confided Hari. “If the PPP get two cows, they gon sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows. The PNCEE, now, you give them two cows, they’ll never know where they are. But they will break for lunch,” Everyone chuckled.
“But Sato, there’s another thing you should think about,” suggested Teacher Samad, as the laughter died down. “PNCEE people think they can stay in office and produce things. They will always look to control people. That will never change!”
“What about a national government with all the parties, then?” Satiricus pressed on. “Everybody can help build the country.”
“Bai, yuh must pick sense from nonsense,” suggested Bungi. “Wha happen to all dem fat talk about ‘unity government?’”
“The moment they think they could win,” snorted Suresh, “is a new talk they talking!”
“Is power they want,” concluded Kuldeep sombrely. “You can’t trust people who can’t keep their word.”
“So what if they bring back Ram Jhaat Tan and Naga Man?” asked Satiricus with his back against the wall. “They might shake up things.”
“Sato, ole buddy, leh me give yuh some advise,” said Cappo, throwing his arm over Satiricus’ shoulder. “Cuss when yuh ah guh back, nah wheh yuh ah come out. Dem men cuss too stinking when them leave! Too ambitious!” “Every fowl feed pon he own craw,” concluded Bungi.
“Guyanese got sense. Twenty more years for the PPPEE!!!” Everyone drank to that.

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