2 remanded over G$25M theft

The two men who were reportedly caught stealing from the Chicka D Restaurant located on Vlissengen Road were on Monday remanded to prison when they appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Forty-one-year-old Gary Grant and his alleged accomplice, Seon Clarke, 47, stood before Magistrate Judy Latchman to answer to the charges against them.
The duo denied that between September 20, 2017 and October 5, 2017, they broke into the Chicka D Restaurant and stole an ice maker along with other items valued in total G$25 million.
Clarke was also charged separately for assaulting a Police Officer and behaving disorderly.
Police Prosecutor Adoni Innis told the court that the men broke and entered the recently-closed business place owned by businessman Deonarine Singh.
Police, however, received a tip and swooped down on the location where they caught the men in the act.
In an attempt to escape lawmen, Clarke pulled out a knife and advanced towards a Policeman. He reportedly punched the officer in his eye and managed to escape, but was later subdued by public-spirited persons and handed over to the Police.
Grant, who managed to escape later, turned himself in to the Police.
Magistrate Latchman remanded both men to prison until October 30, 2017 when the case will be called again.

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