2 electrocuted while erecting poles for CCTV cameras

The scene after the incident on Tuesday

The families of two men were plunged into a state of mourning after they were electrocuted on Tuesday while erecting metal poles to carry CCTV cameras at the Guyana National Stadium, Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD). Two others were also injured after they received burns.
Dead are 17-year-old Krishna Chand, a technician attached to Smart Teck Solutions, of Lot 98 Lusignan Pasture, East Coast Demerara (ECD) while the second person was only identified as Anthon of Buxton, ECD.
The two injured men are Altaf Amroa, 24, of Lot 96 West Half, Lusignan, ECD, who is also a technician of Smart Teck Solutions and Brian Culley, 53, a porter of Lot 9 Vigilance, ECD. Up to late Tuesday afternoon, they were being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital for minor burns.
Based on reports received, the men were part of two separate teams that were contracted by the Public Security Ministry to erect poles to facilitate CCTV cameras.
However, about 13:20h, the men were erecting one of the poles when tragedy struck. Information reaching Guyana Times International revealed that Chand had the wire to do the job wrapped around his neck, while Anthon and Culley were holding the metal pole which was attached to a lift on the canter.

Dead: Krishna Chand

The top of the pole reportedly came into contact with the high voltage GPL wire, causing Krishna and Anthon to be electrocuted while Umrao received minor injuries and Culley received burnt injuries to the palm of his left hand.
Chan received severe burns to the torso, arms and face damaging them beyond recognition while Anthon showed no sign of visible injuries. They were pronounced dead on the spot by paramedics who turned up at the scene.
Their bodies were later transferred to the Lyken Funeral Home to await a post-mortem.
At the scene, the subcontractors explained that Anthon was operating the lift to position the pole on its base when one-part metal pole came into contact with the high-tension wire that serves the National Stadium with electricity.
As a result, the electricity travelled down the pole and into Chand and Anthon, who was holding onto the pole, causing severe damage to their safety gloves and helmets.

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