16 graduate from forestry training programme

The Board of Industrial Training in collaboration with the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) has completed yet another programme for young men and women from across the country.
The ceremony held at the GFC Multiplex Building in Kingston, was not only for the graduation of this batch but also for the launch of another programme with a new batch of young Guyanese men and women.

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud speaking at the Guyana Forestry Commission at the launch of the BIT training programme
Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud speaking at the Guyana
Forestry Commission at the launch of the BIT training programme

BIT/ GFC Board of Directors Chairman Clinton Williams said it is vital for young persons who drop out of school to be given the opportunities to contribute to the national development.
“Guyana’s economic development and growth is linked to its productivity, which in turn is dependent on the country’s capacity to build and sustain a competent and efficient workforce,” he stated.
Williams noted that there is a gap between labour needs and present capabilities and this “mismatch” needs to be addressed. He acknowledged that the forestry sector is in dire need of skilled labour because of competition from other sectors, while disclosing that 300 persons are being trained annually through this programme in various skilled areas.
The BIT/ GFC director pointed out that the programme provides competency-based training to address the needs of the manufacturing and industrial sectors. “There is a dire need to increase the range of reputable and competent companies and agencies,” he stated, adding that young people should utilise the training opportunities available and equip themselves with the necessary skills to thrive in this sector.
Labour Minister Nanda Gopaul said he was pleased with the collaboration of the two entities to provide training in various sectors, particularly in areas which are suffering because of the lack of skilled labour.
Training programme
The minister pointed out that this training programme was the initiative of former President Bharrat Jagdeo, and the government has since pledged its commitment to the programme by making budgetary allocations every year. “The whole idea behind this is that we do not want school drop-outs to be left without a skill and to be left in an area where they cannot gain employment,” the minister said.
Gopaul challenged the graduands to take full advantage of the programme, noting that Guyana has the capacity to provide employment for all the youths in the country. He noted that construction is another booming sector, which needs skilled labour.
Delivering the feature address, Environment and Natural Resources Minister Robert Persaud pointed out that if the forestry sector does not have the requisite skills and adequately trained individuals, then the mismatch will always be there, as such the government has implemented the training programme.

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