15-year-old commits suicide

…following tragic death of 12-year-old “girlfriend”

Following the tragic death of 12-year-old Amber Richards, who was crushed to death by a fallen house at La Bonne Intention on Friday last, her reported “boyfriend” took his own life upon receiving the news.

Dead is Ricardo Niranjan of Lot 410 Block 12, Non Pariel, East Coast Demerara. The duo reportedly met through a cousin of the 12-year-old more than six months ago and started a relationship.
However, information reaching this newspaper revealed that the young man’s mother and two sisters travelled to Suriname to visit a relative and he was left at home alone.
His body was discovered on Monday evening by another sister who went to check up on him after he was not seen since Sunday evening.
His body was discovered hanging from one of the rafters in the living room of the house. The Police were contacted and the body removed and taken to the Lyken’s Funeral Home where it awaits a post-mortem examination. Rajni Niranjan, a sister of the dead teenager, told this newspaper that her brother and the now dead girl have been together for the past year.
“He come home and tell mommy that he like some girl and that they does normally talk and so… But meh mother warn he about getting too involved with she because she was only 11-years-old when they start see each other,” the sister noted.
The cousin, she added, sells greens at a bridge in the community. Nevertheless, she explained that ever since the tragic accident that claimed Richards’ life, her brother has been emotional.
The distraught sister related that there was a wedding in the area and on Saturday evening, he reportedly told friends that he was going to end his life claiming that he had no one to live for. This threat was not taken seriously.
On Sunday evening, he reportedly drank a few beers and got “high”.
She further explained that she was under the impression that her brother was staying at the wedding house but it was until his friends called on Monday afternoon to enquire about his whereabouts, she went to look for him at her mother’s house.
When she got there, she called out for him but there was no response. “The door de lock from inside and it had a little crease so I peep in… it was then I see he with the rope around he neck…,” the woman cried.
She immediately went home and related what she saw to her husband and they raised an alarm. The door had to be broken to gain access to the house. The teen leaves to mourn his mother and four siblings.

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